Friday, June 8, 2018

Living and Lists and Growth and Gratitude

Yesterday must have really worn me out because I slept till a little after 8:00 am. We got up, got Buddy some treats, at least three times and went outside to feed the Feral Fam without MJ. Cali is not here usually in the mornings, but Camo and Mama Cat have been regulars of late. I noticed last night that MJ was kind of walking about with a limp and got a closer inspection of a wound on his leg and on his tail. He was a bit subdued last night and was easily intimidated by Mama Cat. He has had the upper paw here of late. I think Mama Cat if she arrives first for food many times tries to eat as much as possible, leaving little for others. Camo tried to eat out of the same bowl this morning with her Mama and Mama slapped her right across the mouth. Camo withdrew a bit and Mama chowed on. Cali was over at the other bowl. Camo was just out there looking for any scraps leftover from this morning, which there is a little bit out there but decided to get her a bowl of milk for this warm afternoon. Put it in the shade but Camo will finish off a bowl in nothing flat.
Friday evening and the brother and sisters are relaxing in the backyard after their supper. I need to go out and water plants because it looks like Waynesville got the majority of the rain today. About an inch.

I ventured out to the post office and grocery stores today. Other than that, it has been a laid back afternoon. Been working on the lesson for June 17th in Sunday School. While going through a bookcase today there on the shelf was The Net Bible. So happy to find it here cause it seemed like after searching high and low it was in Texas. After reading through The Net Bible notes on our chapter, the ending of the lesson fell right in with the quarterly and a few other things that I have studied.

It looks like this years SBC convention is going to memorable. Yes, I know I have said that before but now Paige Patterson is not going to preach the convention sermon. That sure helps out and now it might just be controlled panic in the discussions of the future of our denomination. Gee, I can't use my answer from long ago, which kind of Baptist church will you go to and I answered the one with a gym. Now, I attend a church that doesn't have a gym...and that isn't important to me anymore. Well, good health is and I am a member at a gym or workout place...I don't know what to call it, but I like it.

This afternoon while looking through a bookcase upstairs where favorite books are housed, I picked up a book I was reading in 2012-2013 on Sacred Spaces. Building those in our lives and in the book I had written several lists and thoughts on the happenings of 2012 which remarkably was mainly about my father serving us papers to sever any relationship with us. This was in the midst of APS, Police and Constables calling to follow through with a complaint he had filed, false ones I might add. We were investigated thoroughly every time it happened and every time the same result, we hadn't touched any of his stuff or accounts or stocks or whatever. We had done what the court requested, no relationship whatsoever! Besides that would be morally against how we believe and act. I had done years of therapy so I was in a good place, but in hindsight, today looking at these lists and thoughts really showed me how far along I have come mentally and emotionally from such life long abuse, more so as a child and less and less as an adult...thank you Cheryl! I am also glad I took the time this winter when there weren't demands on my time or schedules to keep, to sort through and pray over the last few years. It was quite revealing what I learned and part of that learning was, I never ever want to put myself in any position to manipulated or on my behalf being spoken for...cause usually it has been my experience it's not what I would say or how I would respond. It seemed  after his death that I came across articles on narcissists and toxic people. Where I had made mistakes was ever thinking that the problems we encountered with him really had to do anything with either one of us, no toxic people are concerned about themselves and you're merely a possession or you have value to them to extract whatever thing they are trying to possess or acquire or they want you to "worship" them by building them up. No wonder I was tired so often as a kid. What a serendipity to pick up that book this afternoon and what an opportunity to be grateful for God's faithfulness and love.

Just as I had finished watering the flowers and plants it began to rain while rolling up the hose. It didn't rain much but I did my part trying to coax the rain over this way. Think I'll get cleaned up and then settle in and watch a few shows on TV. 

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