Saturday, April 23, 2022

All the Adventure With Less Side Effects

 It was a raucous bunch out there for breakfast this morning. Always seems to happen if Mama Cat is around. She was laying down the law to all the youngins that she is the oldest and to be respected. Who knows what they think, but those kitties all do the slow walk as not to attract attention when she is around. She took a swipe at Benny and he ran for cover in his preferred napping place waiting her out. Once the food is out and distributed they all calm down. The three were in attendance, so that is always a good morning greeting. 

We decided to take a little spring drive yesterday that included a stop at Food City. Roy loves Dr Enuf and his supply was getting love. He discovered their herbal blend and loves that as well. The trees are blooming out and the drives around NC and TN were gorgeous. We stopped several times to take pictures. Roy is finally getting to see what I've talked about for the past few years how spring suddenly explodes and the very look from dormant to life is wonderous. The multi-use flowerbed saw the last few blooming tulips and with just a few, Mike weed eated the area so our next season can transform into container/raised bed gardening. Our experiment this year is using cheap plastic kiddie pools for annuals. I've been researching how we can utilize the pools and the space and it seems very do-able. We were at Lowe's earlier in the week and as rubberized mulch was loaded into the back of the truck, several ladies stopped and asked us where we found the pools. Not in Lowe's but at Dollar General. We still need to wait until after Mother's Day to plant a few things or a lot of things, but I think we've had dogwood and blackberry winter...had a freeze warning on Tuesday into Wednesday morning. 

Wednesday, it was Blue Rooster and Ducketts day. We shopped at Publix, brought stuff home and headed over for lunch at Blue Rooster. Fried chicky day and I debated that since I have a cardiologist appointment today. So to make it feel even Stephen in my mind, no coconut cake but the collards and homemade applesauce was good. Roy had country steak. We headed over to Tractor Supply since it is in the same general area, got dry cat food and looked at plants. Off to Ducketts for strawberries and to top it all off, the lady that does the canning and baked goods was there filling her empty shelves. I got to thank her for making such delicious green beans and greasy beans. On the way home yesterday, we stopped at TJs Produce Market in Mars Hill. Got a couple of heirloom tomatoes. While we were standing in line, I was telling Roy about a previous visit from several years ago when I asked about Mr. Stripy tomatoes. I asked if they were tomatoes grown by a local man, Mr. Stripy. Just like that long ago day, the ladies in line laughed at that story yesterday. They are heirloom tomatoes and I will add they are very tasty. 


Off a in a little bit for a Saturday adventure. The adventure yesterday? A visit to the cardiologist. This was a rescheduled visit since I was in the twixt of converting to Medicare in February. All in all it was a good visit. He tweaked the new med, well new since November because of some side effects. We discussed some of what I was experiencing and my nonprofessional opinion lined up with his opinion on the amount of stress I've experienced since the end of December and the effects of said stress. It is usually an entertaining time of people watching in a Dr office. Yesterday, was a good people observation day. The new protocol in their office is waiting for your appointment behind the golden door, that closed door between the waiting room and inner office. I think one of the cardiologists was in emergency surgery and so his patients were being worked in with my cardiologist. An older couple sat six feet away and their conversation while not entertaining but more irritating, kept me from reading my book. Dang, no paper to take notes on. Their conversation kept going in the same circles as they discussed the next day appointments at the VA and the appointment after seeing the cardiologist with the pacemaker guy. The circle ended with, well, thirty minutes before seeing the Dr. He would then say to her, watched time always goes slow. They made at least four circled conversation in the ten minutes I sat near them. When they called me to go into the inner, inner room, the wife exclaimed...what, she is seeing the Dr too? Then they assured her they were the next patient. There are some old people things that I am content with or maybe accepted but I do not want to be one of those patients that shows up an hour before the appointment. We are also working hard not to be couple Dr visits. We will cross that bridge when the time arrives. The idea was tempting yesterday because we could drive through the Biltmore Estate on such a beautiful spring day but we decided that Roy getting the new modem and router installed was a far better thing to do. We made the right decision.  

The Feral Fam got an early morning treat again but I will feed them a little later than usual this morning. 

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