Monday, December 19, 2022

Christmas Week

 Roy is the best gift giver! We haven't exchanged Christmas gifts in years because we were able to get what we wanted all through the year, so the one gift we did give to each other was time together at Christmas. For many years it was to stand together and be strong as we battled those years when Christmas included my father. A true saboteur as he punished the family with his unrealistic expectations on us and for the holiday. Whew, glad those days are in the past. I have digressed, back to wonderful gift giver Roy. This morning he has gifted me with quiet. He has ALL the boys upstairs in the bonus room. Quiet mornings since the summer are few as we have acquired a few kittens that have become family. For the Christmas season, he also gave me two sweet gifts...he bought White Christmas and The Trouble With Angels for me on Amazon Prime. The best $10.00 gift I have ever received. White Christmas, I now watch the dance numbers only. My goodness they are spectacular in their presentation. Angels, well I mostly watch the whole movie, but there are a few parts I fast forward through.  

We had a wonderful Thursday as our friends Al and Mary Madeline were in town. We had lunch together before they went to The Cove. Mary Madeline and I have been friends for fifty years. I met her right before leaving for college. Her impact on my early life can still be seen in my daily walk. Such an encourager and friend. God has a sense of humor for sure as we truly are so opposite. I love that she uses the words dreamy and frufy. Since we haven't seen each other for several years, we both told each other there are a few changes in our appearance. So, there in Black Mountain the four of us had lunch and had great conversations. We were having such a great time, we forgot to take pictures. Soon it was time for them to head to The Cove. Roy and I headed toward Montreat before making our way home. We haven't been to Montreat since B.C...before C*v*d. One of the most beautiful places on God's earth. Although, I don't watch Hallmark Christmas movies, it seems the setting would be perfect for a Christmas movie. We went to the little shop/bookstore there. Because of being the type of person that loves t-shirts and rates t-shirts, that little shop never disappoints and the decision to narrow down choices for purchase is always deliberate and thoughtful. Once that choice was made, it was onto the book section. The selection is small but well thought through. Some of the best books for Bible subjects have been found there in the past. This time, two devotional type books were chosen. Ah, the best day old  I mean long time friends and the little shop in Montreat.  

Willie Tonka's days in the playpen will soon come to an end and he will be free to move about the house with his cuzbros. They turned a corner this week, with Mr Mo and Willie treating each other as friends, the transition is easier. The playfulness of three cats under the age of one is a delightful but sometimes frightful experience. 

This Christmas season, JOY, has jumped out on page and experience. JOY, might be the One Word for 2023. Haven't participated in the One Word thing for several years. We let our Sirrus XM subscription go in the Mustang. Roy listens to podcasts in the car and most of the time the radio is turned down when I am driving. We didn't cancel the subscription in the truck because we use it for longer distances. We were running errands in the truck yesterday and I was singing Christmas carols with Bing, Dean and Andy. Of course that is the optimal times to receive a ticket, so being mindful of speed limits was front and foremost. This morning while pondering JOY, I thought of those who won't be experiencing JOY because of circumstances or due to family dynamics or even not being joyful themselves. Then there are those experiencing JOY in spite of circumstance and find JOY in knowing and learning and experiencing that peace that passes understanding in JOY from the outcome or reason. I am not really explaining my thoughts but this will have to do for now. 


Today, the tree trimmer guys are supposed to come. Just in time for the big freeze/maybe a little snow and ice Christmas weekend that soon will be upon us. Hopefully, I will be able to get out and about before they arrive. Have several errands to run. This week holds lots of reading, hopefully, and knocking out a few projects, inside where it is warm. 

I received the most wonderful surprise. The Joy class generously donated to a cause I love, reading, with a Barnes and Noble gift card. I teared up and usually only sentimental football games and these feral cats cause tears. Also some wonderful potpourri and who couldn't use that especially with three cats and a cute Christmas tea towel. I am certainly blessed. Think they were surprised that I rather we, baked cookies for them but included peppermint white choc cookies from the fine folks at Publix. Christy's Crafts ornaments rounded everything out. 

After lunch we visited our friend Ann. Such a good visit with her and now I can totally picture her story of the bear at the back door. We left all three boys in the bonus room to try that little experiment while we were gone. Think the threesome is ready for more togetherness. Willie has a vet appointment this week, so our plans are to begin The Three Boys together at night after that appointment.  Will be thankful to have the playpen gone out of the entry way. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed our visit yesterday. I miss you, our Sunday school class and Newfound Baptist Church so much. Love you!