Friday, December 23, 2022

This Christmas, Please the Lord...Results, Christmas Blessings

 A Christmas riddle. How does one get a bruised big toe when a rock is thrown in the direction of your hand and lands on your thumb? Here's a little Christmas story.... Yesterday, we covered the blackberry bushes in preparation for the coming cold blast of winter. Last year it was relatively easy because they were smaller. This year, the bushes have done really well. We bought flannel sheets for this purpose. Took a king and full set to do the job. The pillow cases came in handy for the lime tree, rosemary, lavender and small Japanese maple. While trying to anchor down the sheets, we picked up the rocks that are somewhat kind of , sorta used as flowerbed borders. Roy picked up a huge rock and threw it in the vicinity of where it needed to land, only my hand was in the way and that big rock hit my thumb with such a wallop and being fortunate to have a high pain tolerance...well, this rock was more painful than I could bear. I screamed with pain and I did something I hardly ever do, I threw a fit and kicked two plastic window boxes. Now I was in double pain because my big toe landed squarely with the boxes and my hiking boots did not protect me like I thought, only thing, I didn't think when kicking because of the throbbing thumb pain. Two combos that don't go well with one another, pain and anger. I was mad at Roy and the rock. Then I got mad at me cause I kicked the window boxes and doubled, maybe even tripled the pain. Once the throbbing stopped, I was able to help secure the sheets. Later in the evening, Roy brought me an orange drink, being so kind but accidently stepped on the big toe that I kicked the window boxes with. The painful toe woke me several times during the night and this morning the big bruise under the nail is brightly colored in hues of purple and blue. 

We opened the hotel up last night for The Feral Fam in anticipation of the cold temps. Those who previously enjoyed the garage were quick to come in and we also put out food to help those who might be wary. This time we made comfy quarters using a kiddie pool full of beds, blankets and old sweaters. We added a few additional places for them to feel like they were up high. As soon as this cold passes, they will be back to their heated cat houses. Beanie and Barney were thrilled to come back to their old stomping grounds. 

Willie went to the vet yesterday and he has doubled his weight. Excellent! Probably in March he will be neutered. The shots tired him out just a bit yesterday. He has too much energy for Mr Mo and GMoey, so they take a little of him along the way. They are with me right now enjoying the quiet of downstairs. 

This year I've  remembered Christmas in long ago years. Not the bad stuff that happened but the things that brought light and laughter. Being in Pageant, driving around looking at Christmas lights, the simple hot chocky nights with Roy, Christmas Eve services etc... 

The following excerpt is from Christmas 2011. My mom had just passed away in November. We had opted out on going to the Biltmore for Christmas and instead stayed home to try and help my dad with his first Christmas without his wife. I truly don't know if he was sad that Christmas or not but we shook up tradition. We took him to church with us, went out for Chinese food afterwards and then drove around the outskirts of Katy helping him remember his territory for selling to smaller stores when he worked for Staley's. We had dessert in our new home and then took him back home. We were exhausted because his presence could do that. That Christmas, no iced sugar cookies or gingerbread cookie and no peanut butter cookies. It had been a few years because of Alzheimer's since my mom made them but 2011, the door finally closed on that season. The finality of her passing and knowing the future held trouble with my father, we looked to be blessings to others. Pleasing and honoring God in this way held us together individually as well as together emotionally. 

I have traditions with friends and every year doesn't always look the same, but we at least try to do dinner and maybe a quick look at lights.  Some years it feels pretty special and we do it up right and some years we are happy to grab some time at Luby's to say Merry Christmas. 

If you don't have any friends, then start being to others the kind of friend you would like to have.  Don't roll out your tales of sadness that many have heard time and time again.  Rejoice and be glad.  Look for all kinds of ways to be a blessing. 

Don't worry about fitting into the box of real or imagined Christmas celebrations.  Make your own.  Be happy and joyous if year to year those traditions don't look at all alike.  Don't be envious of others that you imagine have the most wonderful times and traditions.  Don't be depressed if you and yours aren't included in any one's Christmas celebrations.  Be giving and do things for those you know and those you don't.  Have a generous heart and you won't have time or the inclination to be anxious over how Christmas may look this year.  Read Facebook and Twitter with a joyous attitude as others share their day.  Heck, add you own take on the day but don't you dare add that semi sounding misery element in there so that others will feel sorry for you.  Live above that.  Go to the movies while everyone else is eating their Christmas feast.  It won't be crowded and the popcorn will be fresh.  Some years we put up a tree, some years we don't.  This year we have some Christmas decorations out and maybe next year more will be placed in and around our home. 

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