Sunday, May 28, 2023

Once Twice, Three Times Crying

 The Boys are so rambunctious this morning. It could be all Willie because Willie is a force to contend with or he is asleep wherever and whenever he stops long enough. He thunders along the upstairs hallway making it a highway of fun and adventure for him. Sometimes Mr Mo and GMoey participate but of late these boys who are now a year old think napping is a much beloved activity. 

The Publix was our first stop of the morning. Then we went to Reems Creek to see the Cosmos and Zinnia situation...nothing. So, we headed to Mars Hill to stop at TJs and see their flower situation...nothing but we did find spring onions, strawberries and tomato. Oh, almost forgot, first peaches of the season. We headed home via the scenic route and stopped at The Farm Connection. I've bought several trees from them and decided to see if they had the flowers we were looking for. Cha-ching, we hit pay dirt on both. So, have a little bit of planting to do and Mike the Mower Man just finished up the mowing. 

Today the last whistle blew for the paper mill in Canton, NC. It is shutting down because the world uses less paper goods now. Think paper plates, napkins and such. The second house we looked at while searching for a home around here was in Canton. Brian, our agent, took us right by the mill with all the white smoke and steam coming out of smoke stacks or some kind of steam exhaust. Roy was immediately affected. His father was highly allergic to paper mill smoke and so carried onto Roy. The home we looked at was underpriced for the amount of upgrades and improvements. We really liked it, except for the weirdly placed dinning room but the smell of money, paper mill, couldn't be reconciled with Roy's allergies. I love Canton, the downtown was making a comeback, a weekly farmer's market thrives, and new restaurants. I watched live as that whistle blew for the last time, it blew for five minutes and tears came to my eyes. Livelihoods, generational employment now winding down as the plant begins to close down all the operations. This affects several friends but the heart of the townspeople stands strong right now. 

The second time to cry was the news that Tina Turner has passed away on Tuesday. Oh my goodness, I love Tina Turner and her comeback in the early 80s inspired me as we were making a comeback ourselves. Totally different from each other, huge success publicly for her and our success was way more quiet and hardly noticed. Listening and reading as people share now on Twitter, Facebook or TV there is a universal admiration for her struggles, her victories, her recoveries and fame.


Saturday morning and rain is forecasted this afternoon and evening. We have had sunny and warm temps all week and today and tomorrow, rain with cooler temps. The evenings have been so pleasant and last night I was able to get a bunch of roses dead headed without fighting off wasps and bees. The vine, not kudzu, that will take over every tree, shrub and plants and began working its magic in the roses. Dead heading and vine pulling. Added to the mix honeysuckle, which I love but not in the roses. Thursday evening we got most of the cosmos and zinnias planted. Roy got marigolds planted by his tomato plants. If the blooms and now budding berries hold, we might have a bumper crop of blackberries. The plums are coming along, as well as the apples. Peach trees aren't producing this year. This has been the farm to market report. Now back to you. 

Good dentist appointment, yay! Encouraging because good dental report usually means good heart report. On Thursday, my echocardiogram happened. Hardly anyone in the cattle call waiting room. Most of the doctors had taken time off. Got checked in, got height measured and I am down to 5'10". No comment will be made about my weight. Got echoed and left the building. All of which took about 45 minutes. A new record. My results were in my patient portal on Thursday evening. Some changes here and there but nothing troubling, well as I read it.  Friday, my doctor responded with his analysis and in nonmedical terms, I am hanging in there. The emphasis is still the less the stress is best. No long trips in the car, no air travel. 

It was sad to read one of the early day members of the church I grew up in has passed away. I read her obituary and learned so much about her that I never knew. Just memories of her being a VBS teacher and generally around Sunday School, choir and GA's. I shed a few tears at her memory from those long ago days. Shedding a few tears this week has been unusual. With different feelings in each instance. 

We finally figured out that Cutie, in and out of the yard now, has one kitten. Last year she lost every kitten and I am counting the ones we rescued and took to the humane society. Doesn't trust us but needs to eat. She keeps that little solid black kitten in hiding and it looks to be about the same age as Toupee's group. 

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