Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Those Little Things

 Roy has his tomatoes and peppers planted. Most of the dirt is distributed but not out of the bags, just where it will eventually be. I waited till Roy got his "crops" in before working on the flowerbeds that will mainly have sunflowers. There were a lot of seeds to be harvested last year. 

We had some rain and a little bit of thunder passing through the other night. The thunder, well let's just say Mr Mo is not a fan. He sat near me most of the evening and didn't want to go to bed but Roy stayed in the bonus room a bit with him and got him settled down. 

We are 3/4 done with the flowerbeds that will be all sunflowers. We prepared three of the beds with half of the beds planted. I'll wait and add more seeds in a couple of weeks to keep the beauty of sunflowers going into the fall. The fourth flowerbed is the biggest one and only got top soil laid out in it. We took quite a few bags down last evening but our backs could only take so much, thus leaving one bed not competed. I still have zinnias to plant. We found a great deal on them at Tractor Supply. Reems Creek is usually my go to for zinnia plants but dang, they are really expensive this year. I know prices have gone up on everything. Hoping for TJs or a few other places to get in some in smaller packs. 

While we are out front whether it be trimming or weeding or planting, in the evenings we are usually joined by Spot and Fido. Fido follows Roy around like a little puppy. Spot isn't always out there but last night she was leaping and chasing and watching Fido and Spot do the showdowns like sumo wrestlers is highly entertaining. Good thing the irises are at the end of the bloom cycle because Toup Jr, Fido and Spot jump and playfully attack one another along that line of beauty. I tried getting a video but I think I heard Fido mention, no flash photography or videos. Toupee's little fam is just the cutest. She has been trying to get her babies to get closer to me without being afraid. This evening she did the mama call and they emptied out from under the grill cover. Then she moved toward me, right at my feet and mama called her babies once again. Several of them came over even knowing I was standing right there. They sat there for a good bit while Toupee got pets and some loving. Beanie sat by my left foot. It was all just wonderful.  


Roy has gone to workout and pick up a few things from the grocery store afterwards. It is a coolish morning and hopefully, I can get some of the remaining projects knocked out and completed. 

We came home yesterday, exhausted. Running tons of errands and the traffic was, well it was very Houston-ish. Wrecks and construction being the main theme of traveling. Upon arriving home, I dragged my weary self to the living room. So much to be done and so little energy to do it. Afterwhile, I did go outside and feed the little kittens and Toupee. Took some pics and reminded myself of the need to dead head roses. 


The Mama Cat post got priority as this one has taken well over a week just to detail life, the little things in life. I wish I could say that appreciating these little things are the proceeds of living a wisdom filled life, but alas, I think some of this appreciation comes from aging. I'll take it, that's for sure. I always want to see the little blessings, the little details, the little bit of timing, the little of a big God. What's that song, little is much if God is in it. Sometimes, we can't help but notice those little slights, little mean words, little backhanded compliments but if those become our focus, the Joy that comes through abundant life living will dwindle to a, dare I write it, yes, a little trickle. The pasture across the way was mowed yesterday and today they are fluffing the cuttings to bale up for hay. This morning as Roy and I worked outside, the fragrance that is sweet mixed in with the aroma of cut grass wafted with the wind in our yard. It was a pleasure to get a sunflower bed ready and get the red chairs in place. This will probably be the last time this pasture will be cut for hay. They will probably begin building the two homes they have marked out in the pasture. Sunday evening I saw about seven or eight deer in the pasture. From time to time we have seen a deer or two but a herd, no. So thankful to have seen them. 

We finish up John this Sunday and then we dive into Jeremiah. John 21 is one of my very favorite chapters of the Bible. Most like the ending where Jesus restores Peter as well as commissions him to feeding, teaching and leading the sheep. My favorite part of the chapter though are the verses about breakfast with Jesus. These verses helped me tremendously while navigating leaving the tennis and lunch world and wanting to do more with my life after our near miss of being in NYC on 9/11. Roy would have been in the World Trade Center that morning at a conference. In 2013 while on a trip to the Holy Land, I got to read these verses as we were there by the Sea of Galilee. The emotion as well as the deep truth that had so changed our course in life, well I had tears in my eyes appreciating it all. 

I was not exactly thrilled when I saw the schedule of Explore the Bible series, two quarters of time in John but this trip through the Word and Gospel of John has been one of my favorite studies.  

As we have been in the front yard more, working on planting and then maintenance of roses and such, one of those little blessings is watching Roy and Fido. Roy rolls out the hose to water new plantings and Fido is right there by his side. First Fido and Spot play with the hose, chase one another and get Beanie to join in as well, but Spot and Beanie tire of the game and go elsewhere. Fido sticks closely to Roy. I had come in the house being finished with my projects but happened to look outside as Roy completed his work. Fido is rolling all around his feet and Roy is petting him. Instead of a Roy and his dog, it is a Roy with his cat who acts like a dog.  

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