Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Beetles, Bears, Bagworms and Battles

 The battle continues against the dreaded hun more commonly known as the Japanese beetle. Reinforcements for the fight arrived on Sunday but it wasn't until Monday till they could be deployed. Once setting up the battle bags filled with the aroma of food and s%x for them, I approached the rose bushes with a sprayer of water and Dawn. Sometimes I resorted to hand to hand combat cause the sheer numbers of those little pests just get to me. I broke up their orgies in the rose blooms and smushed them into the ground, on rocks or on my hands. Well, at least they died with smiles on their faces. 

I learned yesterday that Dr King's Carolina Bison land is on the market. I've suspected as much since the elk haven't been around and the drive a couple of weeks ago with empty pastures where the watusi grazed. The land just down the road is about $7 million for 126 acres, houses, barns and a stream. Hmmm...will they take a check? Ha! Still looking for the reason why all their operations have moved from the area. Think their offices are now in West Asheville. 

Studying Jeremiah this week is so much better than last week. It really hit hard how much Jeremiah endured and how hard and difficult it was for him at times. Yet in-between all the out of chronological order, Jeremiah remembered. This week we are in Jeremiah 29 which as most know includes verse 11. Statistically one of the most out of context verses ever. Right up there with the prayer of Jabez and the necklace verse. The necklace is in the shape of a heart, but it splits into two necklaces, half a heart each saying, may the Lord watch between you and me as we are apart. Ah, great friendship thought only in the Bible it was due to the fact that the two didn't trust each other. Oh well... 

Only being older would make me think that this was a great day, our trip to Sam's yesterday. Parked close, got what we needed and an empty checkout, now that makes shopping at Sam's a little more tolerable. The only negative was cat food. Only had one choice of Friskies, The Feral Fam's supper, so we stopped in at Tractor Supply and found two pink boxes of Friskies. Has all their favorite flavors. I also, much to my embarrassment did an old lady thing. A young man asked if he could help us find anything and I mentioned the organic pesticide for bag worms. I could tell by his face he had no idea what a bag worm is. So, being an old lady in relatively good standing, I began to describe to him what they looked like and get this, I took it a bit further...I told him how that was my first job picking bag worms for family and neighbors, five cents a coffee can full. Mercifully, I stopped myself there, realizing I had just turned into Grandma D. She told long stories to grocery clerks about living in Illinois but she lived in Texas presently. Back to Tractor Supply, I told him that's okay, we would look for ourselves. I had lost interest in finding any in my ramblings, really. He said well, I never have heard of bag worms, but I have now. I thanked him on the inside for his kindness, cause he could have really gone another direction. Now I wish I had on an old flannel shirt that didn't match anything I wore and wore my hiking boots. That young man would have such a story to tell. 

I have also been thinking about the term, we want to live a simple life. We want to simplified lives. Yes, I would say we live a simpler life here but dang it is more difficult to do. We try to support and do support several local businesses but we might drive farther for that privilege and the goods might be higher in price. Growing food and we are so limited in what we grow by experience and knowledge, it hard work. Yep, did a mighty battle against those beetles on our blackberries. Daily battle. It is simplifier to buy blackberries at the grocery store or produce stand. Yes, we are still outsource types but we are trying to learn more. Well, this all fits in with Jeremiah 29, grow gardens...settle down. Gee, I wish we had seventy more years here although technically, we are not in exile. More like living in the promised land. 

Roy had his fitness evaluation this morning. He has gained weight but lost an inch in his chest. He was pleased with the report overall. 

This is a picture of the bear that has been roaming the general area. We have not seen him around here but he is just over the ridge or hill from us. Not sure what what to call the other side over our rise. Over six feet tall and he looks like he has raided quite a few birdfeeders and berry bushes. Someone saw him on her front porch cameras this morning. Wake up sleepy head. Good thing I am wearing a Baylor Bear t-shirt today.  I am sure he is familiar with the university. 

I've enjoyed being more observant for details while watching I Love Lucy. Lucy has brilliant comedic timing and I love that she used her friends to be extras from the time when she was Queen of the B movies. When Super Man was on, she didn't want the actor's name announced during the ending credits. She wanted any kids watching to continue believing in Super Man. That is really a wonderful fact to learn. As for Vivian Vance, I thought her timing and reaction was so good when she learns from Mrs. Trumble that Lucy might be Madam X, neighborhood cat burglar. 

The ongoing saga of our neighborhood information on FB has been about a concrete dalmatian dog stolen from someone's property. The woman whose sentimental dog was taken put out pleas on all social media. People were on the watch if that statue turned up on another porch. It was sighted, people confronted, said they ditched the dog at a nearby exit. The search was on but anyone could have picked it up and wouldn't have a clue. But, the woman that picked it up, not on FB, but her son is and saw the plea for the statue's return. They worked out a meet up, the returner was that found the dog was so nice. That is always good there are good people around still. The first sighting, at a house we pass everyday if we go toward Weaverville. Hmm...

I am in from the scouting report. Less beetles but still some on the roses. Took care of them and then checked the bug bags. They are doing the job. 

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