Monday, July 24, 2023

Recoup, Rest and Read

 We met a feral cat lady yesterday and she had such good stories and of course sad stories of helping feral cats. I have learned so much from helping The Feral Fam, many of the lessons are spiritual in nature. I was telling her about King Herod and how he tried to kill the baby male kittens and I felt for sure he had killed HP. This is the first year that July 7th rolled around and I forgot that this is the last time I saw HP in 2021 or 2020 I don't remember. The cat lady said most probably KH had killed HP because she was no longer interested in what he had to offer. She wasn't filled hormonal urges after being spayed and he could not deal with that. She said many male cats just go on and look for another fertile cat but some take the rejection personally. 

Now on Thursday we begin with the chance of rain today and ending by the afternoon. Except for VBS there isn't anywhere we need to be today and even Roy is rejoicing in some down time. He is working on his lesson and soon enough I will be doing the same thing. Got some of it written out yesterday and know the emphasis and direction of the lesson. 

It was chicken night at VBS and it was really good. Clean up went quickly and I was able to get home, pick some blackberries and get the Feral Fam fed. Chanel looks to be doing good and no hesitation of acceptance upon her return. She even came close to me which I thought might take several weeks to happen. The big surprise is Fido, he climbed onto my lap for about five minutes and purred so loudly. Took a pic to make Roy jealous. 

Just saw on FB that my faux cousin passed away yesterday, suddenly. I've always called her faux because we didn't even know she existed until 1978 or so. She was the daughter of my Uncle Bob who was my Great Aunt Amy's second husband. When Uncle Bob's wife died from cancer her request was their two daughters be raised by her sister and husband because they were unable to have children. So I think for a long time Karen didn't know about us nor we her. I don't know when she learned about who her biological parents were. I do know this, she was loved and beloved in her community. She retired from teaching and being a librarian at the high school she attended and graduated from. Reading so many condolences on FB, of former students thanking her for the investment she made in their lives. 

Once again and forever always to be thankful not driving I 10 through Louisiana to get here or back to Houston. If we were making that drive I think we might just be going on I 20 instead. Even the usual detour route is closed for bridge repair or in some cases rebuild.  


Friday and we are both VBS free. Haha! My food service and clean up duty done. I cannot participate for the Friday evening family night due to heat as well as being around a bunch of kiddos which wrecks havoc with my immune system. Roy doesn't need to take pics so he has been set free as well. We are both easing into the day. 

The other day coming home from getting our hair cut, a chicken crossed the road...really, in front of us and I swerved not to hit it. Most chickens around here don't usually get into the road but stay in yards. Definitely a first. 

Coming home from VBS the other night, a truck parked across the way was kind of on the new road for the pasture soon to be development. At first thought, maybe the guy in charge of the work checking things out but once I pulled into our driveway, the thought crossed my mind maybe he was looking for stuff to take. When last seeing him, he was on the way down the newly created road so I haven't a clue if for good or for evil intentions. With the rain and who knows what else has caused some delays. After the cinder block was delivered and one morning of cement trucks, not a creature has stirred over that way unless we think the truck guy was a creature of ill intent. 

We picked about a half of bucket of blackberries last night. Think we are even if not a little ahead of the birds, wasps and japanese beetles. The birds keep rather busy with the sunflowers, so that works. 


Back to Monday of a new week. Hit and miss posting because of VBS and keeping rested. The obituary for my faux cousin Karen is posted. She is older than me but I thought we were around the same age. Oops. Anyway, she has had a tremendous impact on the community. Well, since it is Monday that means there are things to do and I guess I'd better go and get started. 


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