Monday, July 27, 2020

A Week or Weak Retrospective

I think I have developed a Pandemic know another personality added to the bunch. Pandemic Nancy is a little more organized, a little more domestically leaning, oddly creative and much more germ aware. My brother Doug and I came up with our theory in a three and a half hour phone call this week. He is all about spraying Lysol and I am all about using Clorox wipes.

In the midst of being more organized, before Christmas last year, I desperately searched for the Christmas gift I had bought Doug in May. I felt I had put it in the sideboard in the dinning room, but it twernt there.  I was semi cleaning out the closet in the front bedroom when low and behold, I found a white box taped shut. Didn't give it a thought for several days, then decided to open it cause I hadn't a clue what it was Doug's Christmas gift. I called him to let him know that the last part of last year's Christmas would be on the way to him. Doug and I cover all kinds of ground when we talk. Gardens, cooking, COVID-19 and at some point we visit for a little bit of time, our childhood. We are not making excuses for our weaknesses or even being bitter, but trying to understand, which we will not probably understand on this side of heaven and on the other side, we won't care. Doug got two good years with our father and it is hard to reconcile two years out of so many horrible ones. I am coming to terms with how much he hated me and his actions or no actions that came from all that hatred. Doug confirmed what I had thought all along the other night and in all our conversations he hadn't ever told me. Many with the beginnings of dementia have those thoughts of people stealing or taking things, but my father's actions did not have that dementia quality to it. He was such a good liar and so believable. Long story short, he initiated the actions against us, first time letting the story get away from him and being influenced by his posse and the second time, he initiated because he wanted to, it was funny to him, thinking we would be investigated again. Thankfully, my brother was able to stop that second investigation before it even started.

Just finished freezing twelve ears of corn. TJ's has local corn from Mills River and so many have said that it is great corn. So, I've been dreading husking it that is until I Googled a You Tube video that showed the easiest way. Basically, microwave, cut off the end and push the ear out of the rest of the husk...very few strings, not a lot of mess. Got it cut off the ear and put into the freezer.

There is a distant rumble of thunder but so far no rain here. Earlier the thunder was much closer yet the end result was no rain. I keep looking at the dahlias, thinking they need water but after watching some rambunctious cats, I now know the lack of rain look is merely flowers being beaten down by the playfulness in the evenings.

This seemed to be a week to take it easy. Partly, I needed to keep an eye on Buddy. She stopped eating and was lethargic. In the middle of the week she began to eat a few treats and some food I feed the ferals. She is not at full speed but is a little more active in between her naps. She still isn't eating much but giving her a variety of treats has perked her interest. Many times I catch her just staring off into space. It is odd seeing that and I pet her or talk to her to try and bring her out of that state. She has tried to get behind the corner unit but putting large books around the edge has held off her success. 
Ah, Sunday afternoon. Long nap after lunch because very little sleep last night. Buddy could not settle. We even did the bonus room sleep which usually lulls her but didn't work last night. This morning, I overslept but still got to church early. Pastor Bradley resumed his preaching through Mark and we finished up Mark 5 yesterday. He preached on the woman with the issue of blood, Jarius and his daughter. All three of them in the midst of the crowd had one thing in common, their desperate need for Jesus. It didn't matter if you are a high ranking synagogue official, an unnamed woman with a horrible problem that left her in the state of being ritually unclean for twelve years and then when it came to the daughter, Jesus spoke in such a compassionate voice to her. The little girl get up story has special meaning to me...for many reasons but I clung to that story while going through bilateral knee replacement rehab. Get up, walk around, people are astonished and Jesus says give her something to eat. It is not there but I think the little girl had fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fried okra, creamed corn, yeast rolls and coconut cake. Can you tell I haven't been to Blue Rooster lately? 

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