Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Pandemic Personalities, Publix, Pressure and Plots

Since writing about Pandemic Personalities yesterday and it seems like an ongoing process, a trip to the Publix this morning might be adding to my Pandemic Personality.  With this ongoing crisis there seems to be a lot more men grocery shopping these days. Most are pleasant shoppers but there are always a few, in almost every trip to the store that need some grocery shopping etiquette lessons. Even if you don't agree with how the one way aisles are laid out, out of the kindness for others, will you follow directions. Of course I realize men do not ask for directions even with GPS in the car. So these guys just go through the store on their own terms. I watched the other day as a middle aged woman stood her ground at the end of an aisle to block the man and his cart from entering. He was a bit puzzled why she didn't move her cart over even when saying excuse me. She was like the tree planted by the water, she was not going to be moved. Finally he followed her hand as she pointed down to the floor clearly not enter...X wrong way. It worked, he moved on going up the next aisle so he could come down the one she had blocked. I laughed and she turned to me and said, I'm not getting COVID cause the guy won't follow directions. This morning I encountered a man with his granddaughter. Did not follow the one way aisles and he left his cart in the middle of the aisle while he and granddaughter looked at pasta. That time I was able to get by, even said excuse me, but don't think he heard that. Then and the importance of this aisle is not dimmed, he left his cart in the middle of the entrance of the aisle. Now, I wasn't going to touch the cart and since he wasn't anywhere around, I kind of played bumper cars with his, but gently not with a big shove. My real concern for this guy was not keeping a diligent eye on his granddaughter. Cute, probably around 5 years old and so instead of getting upset with his total lack of shopping etiquette, I was keeping an eye on her for her safety, so no one could just abscond with her.

Another happening at the Publix, I finally picked up some of their fried chicken. People have been telling me how good it is, but these are the same people that tell me how good their cakes are. I have not found their cakes to be all that good but, the fried chicken...yes! Delicious. I was able to get four legs so I would have lunch for two days. On Sunday I thought about going over to KFC or Bojangles but opted for a salad at home. So fried chicken has been on my mind.

The pressure washer guys are here. Our home was looking pretty bad. I think you are supposed to have this done every other year but last year with the back porch being built, we skipped a year. A plus is the windows are getting washed on the outside. Always something I am going to do and then never do it. I will not have to add this to my Pandemic Personality. They did a fabulous job. House looks great. Mike is here and he just cut up the fallen tree and is now mowing. He texted me that there is a wasp nest next to the driveway. Ugh!
In the midst of writing a small thunderstorm stirred, causing Mike to close up shop and we lost our WiFi for a good bit of time. Thus, nothing would be saved if I continued to write. Mike is back this afternoon finishing up weed eating and then he is going to kill the wasp nest.

TJ's announced yesterday they had butterfly bushes in stock for $10.00. So off to Mars Hill this morning to get the plants and they had local corn for sale. I had seen a thing about grilling veggies in the oven, so I picked up a few to give it a try. Then I ran over to Ingles and picked up a few more things.

Yesterday, was a fun package delivery day. A friend sent me a Texas Care Box and it made me so very, very happy. Note to self, forgot to buy sour cream...anyway, lots of fun getting that box. Roy ordered a heavy duty appliance surge protecting plug. We will be ready for when the freezer is ever delivered. Got that installed this morning which means finally I was out in the garage when the refrigerator motor wasn't running so I could unplug and re-plug. I began cleaning out the area where the freezer will be which means other parts of the garage had to be attended to. Lots of rearranging and cleaning. the plus, things that we thought were lost were found yesterday...After beginning and then ending that task when it got too hot, I ate leftovers for lunch and then picked up with the book I am reading, Big Lies in A Small Town. Great plot and it has hooked me from the very beginning.

Well, that's it for now.

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