Friday, March 11, 2022

Last Blast of Winter and Other Various and Sundry News

 A beautiful sunshiny morning but later this afternoon, we will have rain and maybe a few storms. Wind gust advisory has been issued. The Feral Fam fed and that is the beginnings of our day. Errands to come as we adjusted our plans for the week as we discussed everything last night. The little jaunt has been pushed down the road when we can combine several things in one trip due to gasoline prices. We filled up the truck at $3.89 on Thursday. Don't think we will see that low price again anytime soon. 

It was good to be teaching after a two week hiatus. We have started I Thessalonians. Seeing Paul experiencing joy over this very young church has been especially enlightening this read through and studying the back story made it come even more alive and real. Especially timely message for the days we are beginning to experience. This morning while having breakfast this week's lesson from the quarterly was my companion. Roy had retreated upstairs for his Bible reading, bike riding and beautifying for the day. Ah, alteration, such fun.  

These past few weeks of not feeling well have been strange to say the least. I cannot say that it has been just one thing but a series of things affecting different parts and innards. It has been a combo of heart, digestion, muscle aches, especially hamstrings, hip pain from the hip that was replaced, a brain fog and an allergic reaction to a hair product. So much of these have been experienced in the past and that is why in a nonprofessional opinion, this all feels very stress related. Well, except for the allergic reaction to a hair product. 


It's Thursday, so several days have gone by since writing these few paragraphs. Once again we are working on paperwork and being on hold but we are making progress. A re-visit with insurance on a few more things that fall under compensation for loss. Tedious work doesn't defer Roy and for this I am thankful. I think we have both have received all the cards for being officially a senior adult now and yes, for this I am thankful. 

Our vehicles are full and we are getting to a mindset of combining trips even more so. Yesterday, we took care of Roy's hair cut and while he was doing that I made a Publix run for strawberries and a few other things. He was next for the haircut, so I went back to Big Lots and got more cheap Kleenex and a new mesh sink drainer. Timed perfectly to go pick him up and head back home. A lot of the gas stations around here have stopped posting prices cause they go up so quickly. Our regular station still posts prices and yesterday it was $4.19 a gallon. 

Roy is beginning to see how slow process is here with appointments. He is waiting for our gate to be repaired as well as getting the bike guy here now that the correct parts have been delivered. He is waiting on a call back for a Dr appointment. He is finally believing me cause he laughed every time I told him about this. 


Friday morning, we will cover plants and pull in the patio citrus trees before the cold and snow come this evening into tomorrow. Hopefully, this is the last big winter blast although we will still have a couple of frosts and such. 

Talked with my brother last night. So fun catching up with him. He is thriving and that is so good! We were discussing the apple orchard behind my grandmother's home and when we came along it was over grown and unkept. We shared the stories that we had heard trying to put together some understanding if it had ever been an orchard that made them produce stand money or what. I do remember my grandmother telling me that during the depression their part of the neighbors who came together to share their produce or dairy were the apples and plums. They all had their own gardens but got milk from the neighbor down the road. That way they all survived and had a variety of food to choose from. Other than that I was told to stay out of the orchard and not to stand on the top of a covered abandoned well in the backyard. 

Hopefully, the Sunday lesson will come together today after spending the week studying and researching. 

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