Saturday, March 5, 2022

Toastmaster, Ring of Fire and Supper

 The few hours hold Toastmasters, Toastmasters, Toastmasters. Roy is running an area district contest via Zoom for the Houston area he is over. This is one of his last things he has to do with the Houston clubs and we will both be so very happy when the contest is over tomorrow afternoon. So in the words of Elmer Fudd, be very very quiet, I'm hunting rabbits, but for me to move quietly around the house until about 1:00 pm. 

I got him away from Toastmasters and the computer for about ten minutes yesterday afternoon to help move two galvanized fire rings to a more level area in the yard. Light weight but one had a tall blaze azalea in it and needed to be lifted over it. Teasingly, I call Roy, Roy More Work Monarch, because he seems to add more steps to a project than needs to be done. He wanted to take the ring around the rosies, but it was less than three feet to roll it to him and only one rose bush would feel the brush of metal. He got himself in position to catch the ring, which he did, but he thought I will let it roll into place. Now this would work in Houston, but not here. That ring got away from him and he began to run with the ring almost like back in the olden days kids would use a stick and a hoop. He forgets there are holes in the grass and we are working on a decline. I'm yelling and laughing at the same time to let it roll, seems like a Mardi Gras theme here except it wasn't a good time to roll, and finally he slides like he is going into second base. He stops and the ring of fire went down, down down, that ring of fire, that ring of fire rested against the peach tree. I have never seen Roy laughing so hard as he stood up. I am laughing just as hard and for one brief second I thought, we both might wet our pants. Thankfully, it was a non-event and moving the second ring was easier. Roy said where do you want the second one? I pointed to an area in front of the tulip and daffodil patch and said, put a ring on it. 

Our neighbor brought us a dozen eggs from her chickens and one goose egg yesterday morning. Goose eggs are huge! Roy eats a ton of eggs every month. We stay on the search for eggs on sale all the time and now that her chickens are laying again, we just have to go up the hill or get mountain side service. Not a bad deal anyway you look at it. 

It has felt good to be back studying for a Sunday School lesson. We begin I Thessalonians tomorrow. What a timely study for the world today. Several commentaries have said that this is truly a "real" letter from Paul. Meaning that he isn't writing to them a theological treatise but from the situations Paul and the church found themselves in.  The theme of a heart felt letter is especially poignant while cleaning out or saving nostalgia from the boxes moved here in January. So many letters from my mom. We were great stick figure drawing people as we sent each other stick figure themes from our lives. She constantly moved her flowers from the backyard to the front yard and usually there was another diaspora or two during the season. I drew figures of tennis games and such or of Tiff the Wonder Dog. 

Roy's Zoom finally ended around 2:00 this afternoon. He worked hard on this contest and both are thrilled that it is over. I finished up the lesson and worked a little bit doing easy things outdoors. Such a nice day. We made beef fajitas for supper tonight. Not too bad although I am going to work harder on locating skirt steak here. Sometimes they have it and sometimes not. We had delicious strawberries for dessert. 

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