Thursday, March 3, 2022

Sickness and Distraction...

We are watching along with the rest of the world the war happening in Ukraine. Truthfully, the news has never been on this much around here. Even Sunday morning, which usually consists of just music, we turned the news on to catch up as well as pray. Last night the news was on as background noise while studying the lesson for Sunday. With the majority of attention on the lesson, every time I heard the term oligarch, it sounded like Olive Garden. Looking up at the screen clearly they were not reporting on Olive Gardens in Russia.  

It has been about a week since posting on Monablog. One reason, distraction and the other the fire in my being to write, sadly the fire right now is more like embers. Most mornings I get up and feed the Fam and settle in at the desk to blog or work on other pieces or character develop a story while having a cup of coffee. The other distraction has been a few health issues. I was so fortunate for Roy to teach for me the past two weeks because that took some pressure off. Taking advantage of his willingness to study, I did what I thought I needed to do to get better. Other than afib which comes and goes, the occasions of a few bumps in the road didn't seem to warrant a doctor visit or a trip to the ER. It has felt like the December-February stresses exacted a toll. The stress as I have written about before held some similarities to the stress I felt in the last year of working at First Baptist. That stress took a toll, that is for sure. In previous blog posts I made the comment of late night tug of wars with the Lord. Giving Him the problems, then at peace and picking them up again later in the day. The timing of everything has worked out but the effects of everything slowly but surely is leveling off. Then I had a few side effects from the newest meds. It has happened once before but getting the timing right of when taking it seems to be the answer to the occasional flare up from it. So, that is the happenings and because of the happenings and the distractions, I've been somewhat noncommunicative with friends. That will be changing. It just has seemed so exhausting to do much of anything than what needed to be done. The last couple of days have almost felt normal and for that I am thankful. 

Our temperatures this week are springish and the temptation to begin gardening is strong, but alas, we have dogwood and blackberry winter still ahead. Mike the Mower Man was here this week getting the grass fertilized and with rain forecasted next week, that will be helpful. Andrew was here the other day trimming back shrubs and bushes in the backyard. Roy planted two more blackberry bushes and we nixed the idea of kiwi and muscadine grapes. We don't feel responsible enough for such detailed care. Think we might try our hand at tomatoes later when it is safe weather wise to plant them. 

I'm excited about beginning I Thessalonians this Sunday. This week of reading and studying has been healing to this weary soul. Viewing the first chapter in context with Acts has brought a lot of interesting conversations with Roy as we talk about Paul on his second missionary journey. When the context is compared to the first chapter, it is the Word alive and active. 

This is short but wanted to check in with readers. Hopefully the health issues are behind me and life with more activity will resume. 


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