Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Repairs and Plans

 We were outdoors yesterday, in the front yard picking up all the small branches on the ground around the willow tree. This year seems to have an overabundance of little and some bigger sticks on the ground. While we worked, I watched a man with a post digger working around the fence, thinking he was shoring up the fence a bit. Oh how I wish it were so, but later while filling the bird feeders, I saw that it was a sign advertising the sale of the land divided into two parcels or in one lump acreage. I brought this sad news to Roy and we went to to check the listing. The back six acres is $299,000.00 but no listing on the thirteen and a half acreage. It should be combined a little over a million dollars to purchase, that is unless the land gets into a bidding war. The barn lights were off last night and he might have moved the cows already. If Roy hadn't recently retired and we are new to all of this lifestyle, we would probably make a run at buying it, but alas, even if we did, there are homes being built on the hillside off in the distance and it would be just putting off the inevitable. With our back porch, we find ourselves spending the most time there as opposed to the front. This will help us make the choice of building a fence in the front yard, not to cover the homes to be built, but to draw the eye more so to our own property. The last time they had the land perked, not many places that could draw water via a well and with interest rates going up, maybe that will hold it off for a bit. Or maybe a person will buy it and build one house. Originally, we had heard the man who owns the land was going to do just that. The rumor too is that he has land in TN and is moving there full time. The cows showed up and I will enjoy them, from a distance, until they move on. 


A beautiful morning. Lots of sun. We will probably go back outside to do clean up yard work a little later. 

I mentioned our trip to the grocery store in the last post and our puzzling conversation about an outdoor cleaner the other day. I don't want to leave the impression that Roy isn't still sharp. Words have never been his strong suite, numbers oh yes. He is so sensitive to fragrances and we try to avoid the ones that set off sneezing and a runny nose. Roy's new job around here is research on the stock market and learning how to play Rummy. He used to play bridge and loved the challenges bridge brings and he said rummy is just as challenging. I like to play UNO. Not too much to think about or Nertz for the fast action. 


A rainy Wednesday morning. We are easing into the day. The bike repairman has to order parts for the recumbent bike, so he will have to use his spinning bike for the next two weeks. We got our gate repaired yesterday and we were so happy for that fix. The guys who originally installed it, had to come back and fix their mistakes, only there were still a lot of mistakes that never got resolved. So, we got on the waiting list for Asheville Fence and once the parts came in, they were out here. The gate closes all the way now and the creaking like a screen door is gone as well. My brother gave us an initial for the gate and now we can put in on. 

We are making our plans for the next few days. Then next week we begin a round of appointments of the various and sundry kind. In between we hope to get a couple more chores accomplished in the front yard. Roy made a huge dent in the process yesterday. It seems we both are affected by heat these days and that slows us down just a bit. Sometimes we have difficulty in processing that at times, mainly in our bodies, that we are older and have to adjust accordingly. We have decided we will let those chores and things go that came so easily to us. Not diminishing our abilities for giving into fear, but in order to live long, healthy lives and go and enjoy every place I have scouted out for Roy's photography in the last seven years. I just went back and read a couple of posts from that time. One thing that I realized last year, the moving truck was here on April 1st 2015. Some of the posts from back then are about dealing with the lies my father told to Adult Protective Services. In those last few years in Houston, there are days that count as liberation days from all his narcissist ways but April 1st 2015 was the most important and April 1st, 2017 the day he died, a finality.  

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