Saturday, February 11, 2023

Just Catching Up With Stuff

The sun is out in all its brilliance. The Feral Fam checked out reluctantly last night from the Le Garage Hotel. This time around they were rather good guests with most of them using the three litter boxes provided. Progress!

After the vigorous thundering paws and spirited play, The Boys are napping in their respective places. Willie on Roy's chair, GMoey in the front window and Mr Mo trying to decided between downstairs with GMoey or upstairs in the front bedroom. Somebody in all the energy playing knocked over the lamp on Roy's nightstand. My bet would be Willie. Our bed is nothing more than a giant wresting mat at times. No tag team, just all out wrestling and every cat for themselves. 

John 8 turned out to be very interesting study. We are now onto John 9. Started reading the chapter this morning and will in earnest begin studying tomorrow. 

The Chinese balloon was all the talk and for those who got outside to capture it on their phones or with cameras, we thank you. When we went to bed it was over Missouri but Saturday morning, right over the Carolinas. 


Just like New Years Eve, I went to bed before it began or ended. Well, it had begun, but I was watching King of the Hill. So didn't see speech or rebuttal, nor commentary or arguments. It is a good morning. When I saw it went 73 minutes, I was even happier at having a good morning. Today is hair cut day...yay! Then errands. The past few days have held lots or research on John 9, which means a lot of reading. 

Until last week I had no clue what is out there on reelz. Mostly junk that you can roll right through, but all these cleaning tips, decluttering advice, Dollar Tree buys and uses, I sleep in my car, I live in my van, we live in an RV with 18 children...okay I made the last one up. As I have been going through things once again, getting stuff ready to give away or donate, I am feeling good about tackling the task. Accordingly, you can do this in about fifteen minutes a day. When one has ADD, one cannot get anything done, really of merit in fifteen minutes because there are so many distractions. After several fifteen minutes, one can get back to the original task, although now the tiredness sets in. 

Joy, joy, joy...Roy went with me to Tammy's and she had enough time to give him a trim, a great haircut after mine. He has rebooked. Yay! His last haircut at the barber shop left much to be desired. The barber made a big cut into his hair and left it that way, almost like an oops. Good thing his hair grows out quickly. Anyway, I was so happy for Roy to meet Tammy and vice versa. He looks so good with his new haircut. 

Bank, and two grocery stores later we were home. I had a slight headache all day and when we came home, after lunch, I went to take a nap. Mr Mo came in and slept with me a while and then he was up and moving, so nap was cut short. 


Expired Vicks still works. That is good to know. We might have lots of snow or we might not. The forecast changes hourly for the system that comes into the region tonight. I am hooked on the strawberry pecan salad from Publix. I bought some Skinny Girl dressing so that when the salad goes off sale, I can make it. Lot like the Amuse' salad but will make in individual portions. 

This Alex Murdaugh trial has grabbed my attention. So many layers of deceit, love, friendship and greed. Perfect southern gothic novel. It's gots it all! I had it on as background noise yesterday and soon it took my focus and not what I was working on. 

The Feral Fam will get an early check in for the hotel this afternoon. Always like to let them in the garage when there is a chance of snow. 

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