Saturday, February 25, 2023

Who'll Start The Rain?

 GMoey is purring contentedly on my lap. A great cup of coffee and Roy is upstairs finishing up the CBS Online Bible Study that he participates in. Mr Mo and Willie are quiet, someplace and that usually means they have laid down for their second morning nap. GMoey is an early morning and early evening lap sitter. Mr Mo likes to sit on laps in the afternoons and Willie, well he has too much energy right now for lap naps. 

Like we are wont to do, we have changed plans that we had for today. We are still debating plan B or totally punt the plans. With the warmer temps in February, we have a few more options than usual. People around here say that when there is a warmer winter then March can hold some bad snowy weather. That plays havoc with crops. You want good weather for the strawberries and peaches. Thanks to Publix, pre-produce stand season starts in February with the influx of Florida strawberries. 

Lot of activity in the pasture soon to be turned into dwellings across the road. All the guys who have been out there over the past week begin at the knoll closest to the road and then look toward the southeast direction. It looks as if they are deciding where to put a house. The land didn't perk well so probably the house will need to be built in the lower section because there is a small water source there. After watching yesterday's activity, they might be plotting an entrance or driveway to where the house will be built. Once we see the direction of how this plays out might just determine if we go back to our plans of having a fence around part of our front yard.  

What an interesting day of trial watching. Defendant takes the stand, rambles and wanders throughout his explanation of things. Says he lied but he is not lying about killing two members of his family. On the beginning of the cross examination late in the afternoon, the sparring of two lawyers, one an assistant attorney general and one a disbarred attorney. Circling around the edge of the story both are trying to get to a point. It was so interesting watching it with Roy. He fills me in on the nuance of legal matters and I fill him in on watching the reactions and body language of the defendant. I might have it on as background noise today, but maybe I'll wait till the end of the day for re-caps. 

One person whose work led to the world discovering this small part of America, the lowcountry of South Carolina and this family dynasty, put a trigger warning on her recap of the day. If anyone has dealt with a narcissist closely or for any period of time, you certainly can see the patterns of lies displayed across the screen, which takes you back in your mind of dealing with the lies of the narcissist in your life. If one is not far removed from those days, I would think the difficulty of seeing the process would bog one down. Even after my father died, he had several lies that came from beyond the grave. Dang, didn't see that coming and the lies had to do with family. He was one of the best liars I ever knew. 

Today in Houston, it is Go Texan Day. All the trail riders are heading toward Memorial Park for their last campout of the trip before riding in the parade tomorrow morning. For several years living in our condo brought a close up view to several of the trail rides coming in. We lived near Memorial Park. So exciting when several friends participated in the rides cause you start looking for them and then do the frantic waving and calling out their names. When I was in elementary school, we had Go Texan Day. The only day of the school year girls could wear jeans to school. Our mom bought us Go Texan Bolo Ties and those blue ties made a white button up shirt a cowboy or cowgirl shirt. Think my brother still has his. Years ago, Roy worked for a man who had a BBQ cookoff team and we were given tickets to be a part of their blocked off area to eat and celebrate all things pre-rodeo. The food was good but usually the temps were the coldest of the year. One also came home reeking of smoke. That burnt wood fragrance ensconced in hair, clothes and probably boots. We went to several rodeo performances throughout the years but my dislike of crowds and country western music Later on Dena and I discovered shopping at the rodeo market and that was tons of fun. Go in and shop, leave before the huge crowds arrived for the carnival and rodeo.  


Our energetic morning is off to a start. Well, Roy is easing into the day, but The Boys are in full throttle play. Even GMoey is involved this morning. The downstairs is a total rumpus room. They are so fun to watch. We are waiting for the forecasted rain this afternoon. Good for the new peach tree. 

Roy discovered blue cheese hamburgers at Publix. Only we have them made into quarter pound size cause the two big ones were way too much for us. We have rediscovered sloppy joes as well. The transition from winter food to springish food is in the works. 

I've decided I am in the Vicks Vapo Rub season of life. There was a time that wearing some Vicks during the day would have me undone, now...hey, now I'd rather breathe. Nothing like Ginger Essence and Vicks to make one feel so sexy, attractive,  no old but alive.  

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