Thursday, September 21, 2023

Attitude With Catitude

 A cool morning in the mountains. Mount Mitchell has a feels like temp of 32. Glad we are not up that high. 

This weekend we have made some adjustments with The Boys. Three kitties with strong personalities and they need to get co-exist peaceably. We eliminated the dining room draperies due to the use of them for fighting and attacking purposes. For now, we will not hang any curtains or window treatments up. Besides the ones that were there covering for hiding and fighting were looking bad. With those windows facing south and covered up by the porch we should be okay throughout the fall and winter but come spring, we will need to act like this is something we care about and get window treatments post haste. 

It is always a difficult thing to accept when one cannot find cute footwear just because one wears a larger size. Did someone think, well those tall and big girls don't want fashion, they want function. So, no cute boots for you! Yesterday, we needed to kill about twenty minutes so we stopped at this huge discount shoe store. I have been thinking for years that I have missed out on something good but because of timing could never stop. I know now, I have not missed out on anything. It was a tad disappointing. Not too much in my big ol' shoe size and the prices were not all that discounted. 

On our way to Flat Rock, we made a first stop to pick up my new glasses. They are so lightweight that I had to double check I had taken them off before falling asleep. 

Roy was fortunate to catch a kitty that has not gone to the ASPCA. I think it is a girl, but then my track record of identifying cats is rather poor. The ASPCA has contacted Roy to get appointments for more cats from the colony. We are slowly but surely bringing the number of, hmmm let's see, active cats. The ones who have had kittens seem a little depressed in not knowing what to do with all this open time of not being pursued or feeding the family. The ones who have gotten in before having kittens, seem to pick up with their former self and go back to being playful kittens. It is kind of fun to watch. The little kittens are getting bigger and since we are so close to Fall Festival Day, with three of the siblings being black kittens, we are thinking of their safety. If we can get them to five pounds, we can take them to get fixed. Well, my record is intact. Black and white kitty that went is a boy. Gee whiz! That still saves his life from being chases eternally by Radley. With no action for him, maybe Rad will move on to the other colony across the road or the one past Mary Joyce's house. 


Day two of recouping is a lot less painful than day one. Although, I ended up being on my feet a lot more than I was supposed to because of Mr Mo. He has been having a few issues that in my non professional opinion had nothing to do health wise but more to the relationships with Willie and GMoey. We were able to get him in to the vet at 2:00. Roy took him, but I answered all the questions via phone. Came home with some antibiotics for him. When Roy let him out of the carrier, he quickly went and hid. He finally found him after our supper, got him to come out from underneath the bed and then he quickly went back. So, we fixed up the front bedroom for him to have a quiet night. I stayed in there with him. He used the litter box, drank water and ate, so I felt good about leaving him in for the night. What is it with cats, that when you shut a door, they are no longer interested in anything but that door and what it opens to. Mr Mo cried a little before he fell asleep but I think he is well rested not contending with Willie. 

There is some drama with The Feral Fam too. Toupee has gone back to her earlier role of cranky cat. The kittens are coming to supper when I whistle and that upsets Toupee. We have to keep her from taking swipes at them. Radley's presence causes a lot of stress for the Fam, especially with the availability of females going down every week or so. I think only Cutie and maybe one other cat are the only remaining females that need to take their "spa" visit. Beanie and Fido are loving sitting in our laps. I think it is the best sleep they get. The other members of the Fam are getting friendlier, so we like that. Roy has been approved as a cat rescuer or feral cat field marshal or something cause now he can bring cats in, more than one at a time and more often than once every two weeks.  

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