Friday, September 15, 2023

Hit or Miss Blogging

 It has been hit and miss for morning blog posts or reflections. I started a post on the 9th but decided to punt on it and begin once again. I might cut and past a couple of paragraphs, but I haven't decided. It is cooler now than writing a week ago. We are beginning to feel that fall like temps and they are so welcomed. 

The Boys have calmed down a bit because of the calming treats we got from Chewy. Still a lot of chasing but in a playful way, not a determined to bully kind of way. The Feral Fam, they are pretty much the same except for a couple of developments. We haven't seen Toup Jr for over a week. I think she moved onto another feral colony because she was being shunned by her family. She abandoned kittens and they passed without, as much as we can tell, another look or touch by her after birthing them. We had the sad discovery of them. I think from all these years of feral watching, the fam was not too happy with her. They didn't let her eat with them or nap around them. She kept to herself. The good news is, Beanie after several years of being friendly toward me has started sitting and napping in my lap. Is it love or just the fact if he is there Fido can't be in my lap. I think I know but I will believe it is love. The biggest surprise is Chanel or as we've been calling her, Cha-nay-nay. She let me pet her on Monday night, well as long as Fido was around. She is the one that got a conduct cut from the ASPCA. Something got her a couple of weeks ago and I've wanted to get close enough to see how she is healing. She is healing nicely and I can confirm that because she sat close by and she let me pet her without Fido or Beanie last night. They say that cats can sense things, more than we pay attention to but Monday night I was concerned for a dear friend who had fallen on Sunday and was being prepped for hip replacement surgery. She wasn't out of my mind or prayers all evening. I went about the normal stuff outside, feed the kitties, pull weeds and stuff like that. When I sat for a moment to rest, that's when Beanie jumped into my lap and that is when Cha-Nay-Nay ventured close for pets, multiple times. I think they sensed my concern and lack of focus...okay my kind of lack of focus. Since the melanoma diagnosis, Mr Mo naps right on top of the mole, which is usually covered by compression socks, cute compression socks and jeans. I carried around a joy and happiness this week with the breakthrough in getting closer to The Feral Fam. Cutie is still keeping a watchful eye on me when around her kittens. One of them let me pick him up and take him to the dinner platter. He is the runt and since he has discovered wet cat food, he is gaining weight. One of the kittens is so adventuresome and has been eating with the big cats for almost two weeks. When Cutie calls her kittens after she has eaten, that adventuresome kitty defies the call but when he rejoins mom and sibling, she gives him such a swat on the head. 

Yesterday, we dropped Mustang Sam off at Jimmy's and good old Sam needs some repairs and new shoes. Oh boy! We are still waiting to see if they can get the parts to do the repair. We are waiting to hear this afternoon if any progress has been made. Told Roy, with insurance payments, his dental work and the car, October expenditures will be up. 

Well, I'm officially a southerner, an old lady southerner. I had orange chicken and rice for lunch. I thought I had dropped a small piece on my pants, so I picked it up and put it in my mouth. It was dirt. It was dirt from an outside chore, not realizing a small piece of dirt had temporarily found a respite on my clothing. They say some southerners eat dirt, well I did but not by choice.    


Last week we had our first women's Bible study, the first in a long time. The before Covid thing. We are studying Galatians taught by David Jeremiah. We had good discussion afterwards and left the building to take in the wonder of lightning filling the sky. The clouds and purple hues are breathtaking. Last night we had our second meeting and it was so good. I have never been a huge fan of Galatians, more of a Philippians type girl. His preaching/teaching style is so enlightening giving us the back story of Paul and how he was answering his accusers.  

It's funny sometimes we don't even remember to miss something or an activity. Like the study last night as well as once a month fellowship lunches after church or if it is a month of a fifth Sunday, Sunday night fellowships which have started back up. The lunches especially are such fun. In our study last night David Jeremiah said, the gospel brings joy. Sometimes we miss the joy in what the Lord has given to us for life in Him. Been looking at legalism for the lesson on Sunday, how the leading priests and leaders brought down the excitement of a paraplegic being healed after his friends lowered him through the roof. Those leaders had a front row seat. It could have been a life changing experience for them but they chose otherwise due to the fact their comfortable way of life should not be disrupted or disturbed. Also they liked being holier than everyone else and ironically, took great pride in that accomplishment, which honestly is filthy rags.  It was interesting last week as we shared where legalism while growing up made us look at ourselves and the gospel in a different light. I remembered the offerings envelopes with the boxes to check, Bible read daily, contacts made, giving, lesson studied, present, worship attendance etc...  It all added up to 100%. I struggled with checking the boxes especially, contacts made. I also didn't understand if present meant attendance or if I had brought a present. After a bit I realized it didn't matter if I checked or didn't check boxes so it became a distant memory and for a short while part of a M&G script. 

We will pick up the Mustang today, with new shoes but will have to bring it back for the other work. They are waiting on parts from Ford, with no ETA on them. It is suggested we just use the car locally and not push it. Dang! With a great weekend for top down driving. Before retirement, this is when we would consider buying a new car but I think we will see this thing through. We have discussed getting a smaller truck. This is not a decision we have to make anytime soon, and for that I am thankful. 

Our plum trees have produced a ton of plums. They are American plums, which means they are about the size or a little larger than grapes. About the size of muscadines. I researched how to  freeze them and I think I will also make a compote to freeze for winter months. We didn't freeze any of the peaches we bought this year. Instead we enjoyed them all summer long. The Amish peaches were just so juicy and delicious. 

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