Monday, September 4, 2023

Catching Up, Once Again

 With a rainy day forecast and me, with the attention span of a gnat, we decided that this morning we would endeavor to begin a reorganizing of the garage. We both have the propensity of piling things up or at least putting things on a shelf with no particular organization in mind. While going through one shelving unit we found multiple items that we needed over the summer. Well now those things have a place and hopefully we will remember that we put those things together, organized for quick finding. We opened the garage door while we worked and most of the regulars of years gone by had gone into deep hiding from the rain, so all the newbies were in wonder of this new thing. Of course this morning also held the traumatic collecting a cat to take to the ASPCA to be fixed. We caught two members of that trip and Roy nearly had the third, but he has not learned the knack of holding onto a mad, fussing cat. It is difficult but you just hang on for dear life. So none of these breakfast bunch cats were too keen in exploring the garage. Finally, a few came in, had a bite to eat and then went back to their outdoor hiding places. Fido came in but he was skittish for some reason. Maybe he was nervous about the organizing. After about two hours, we called it lunch time even though we didn't eat lunch until an hour later. 

We went to a funeral yesterday. A sister of a dear friend passed away. Once again, there is that feeling that you would have really liked to meet this person. But I know we shall meet in the sweet by and by. Roy cut in the line to talk with the family. He saw his friend with no one to talk to so he just went around everyone and started talking with his friend. I love Roy for so many reasons, but when he finds a buddy, he is loyal and fiercely concerned for them. 

I worked on the lesson for Sunday and still even though I loved studying Jeremiah, I am thrilled to be out of that long book and now into the shortest length book of the Gospels. We just cover the first thirteen verses but there is so much there to ponder, practice and apply. 


Since we had rain for most of the day, at least into the early afternoon, that helped me to pull up dead sunflowers in the side flowerbed. We still have a few blackberries every once in a while. The Feral Fam was ready to run and play after being holed up for most of the day. The houses across the way are going up really fast and I hope the allure doesn't draw any of the Fam across the road. 

Our original Wednesday plans were changed by a wreck and construction on the freeway. We sat for about an hour but during that time I called the doctor office to let them know what was happening and at best we would be late...but the second call confirmed I would need a reschedule. Happy that they had an opening next week. This appointment was for the second biopsy of the mole on my leg. While I was really disappointed not to go ahead and get this taken care of but I am also glad we didn't have to drive through a bunch of rain. I have been encouraged by several who had this same kind of situation but several of the several have added that this type of melanoma can spread in five weeks. Next week is five weeks but I have a peace that passes understanding with all of this. Next week's appointment is in the morning, which I like a lot. 


We went to bed at halftime and I think we made the right decision with the LSU vs FSU football game last night. It's going to be a long season or so it seems. Right now with the fight that Spectrum and Disney are having, I don't think we will miss ESPN all that much. Oh well. 

Saturday, we drove over to TN and made a stop in Burnsville before heading home. Christy's opened for the afternoon and we went to pick up the small table. It fits perfectly in the front bedroom. 

Getting over some allergies did not help teaching Sunday School yesterday. I took in a breath wrong and that triggered the tickle spot in my throat. Thus my thoughts were disrupted for the rest of the lesson. Who knows, I think I covered everything or at least made sense. I was telling a friend yesterday afternoon, many Sundays after church, in the car going home I tell Roy I am going to quit teaching. He just smiles at me and most Mondays you'll find me reading and researching for the lesson on the coming Sunday. 

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