Wednesday, September 27, 2023

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

 My summer vacation isn't really a vacation anymore, you know retired and all. But, if I had to write a paper for what I did this summer, I think the one thing that would take first place is, malignant melanoma. 

The end of June I went for my regular check up, botched the Medicare test by only remembering two out of three words and asked the doctor to look at this mole on my right leg. He did and said they would schedule an appointment for me in their office to have a biopsy done. That wouldn't happen until July 31st. Another doctor in the practice did it and all one can do is wait for the results. So, I got a copy of the results before the doctor or someone from the practice called with results. In the midst of medical jargon and medical word salad, the only two words I truly understood was malignant melanoma. So two days went by, no word of explanation. I texted a copy of the report to my Nurse Niece in Houston. She is so smart and working on her masters from...this is hard to write...Texas A&M. Whoops! She called me back and agreed a lot of medial words but basically she said, don't blow this off, you need to have it looked at. So, I went to the patient portal and asked the doctor what did this report mean? It was Friday night and wrote it truly thinking she would get back to me on Monday. Meanwhile, Dr Google scared the pee wadeling out of me. The doctor responded on Saturday morning and she put in a referral to a dermatologist office. The doctor explained that it was melanoma and the margins weren't clear. It needed to be examined more thoroughly and there were a few uncommon issues associated with it.  Long story boring...I got in to see the derma doctor, got another appointment to cut out the rest of the mole and send it off for testing. 

All I know is it looks like a round bullet hole from a musket during the Revolutionary War for independence from England. I felt like I should check to see if there were any reenactments going on around here. I could be wounded civilian number 3. Due to the fact I have to keep this covered for several weeks, I couldn't risk it.  Last Friday, the report was good news, they got all the melanoma and just continue doing what they told me to do. I go back in October for a follow up. Now, to keep watch over my moles by night so that suddenly a mole doesn't change because, usually after they find one another one develops in a few months. 

The recovery is tedious at times. Detailed instructions of how to clean and bandage the wound for the next few weeks. For the first time, I had a reaction to the latex or the adhesive they put over the wound. Rash and especially at night...I so wanted to scratch it. One night I got up late into the morning and rubbed Vicks all over the rash part. It worked and took away the itch that could not be scratched. Last night was the first night that the rash didn't bother me and it is beginning to disappear. 

I was thinking about the various health adventures throughout my life. Most of them I could do something, make muscles stronger, watch what I eat, exercise and all that good stuff. There have been several times though, there wasn't one thing I could do about the issue adventure. Like when I had surgery and they wouldn't know until after they removed the tumor if it was benign or malignant. It was benign. Whew! This past adventure was one of those experiences of not being able to do something while I waited. Well, there was something and that was to pray and honestly that is the best thing. Once the health issue was explained to me in simple terms, I had a peace about it all. Not anxious but ready to get on the road of it healing up. I was so happy to hear from friends of their experiences and it helped but I heard a few stories that tempted me to go back to Dr Google. So glad I resisted temptation. I have finished up the antibiotics tonight. One thing checked off the list.  

Another thing that I realize, I have had several comebacks health wise. I have lived past the opinion if I was lucky, I'd survive ten years after my heart virus but they gave me really five years. I am going on fifteen years, PTL! But one day, I will not have the recovery I would hope for but while I can still walk about and even with failing remembering all three Medicare words, My Sunday School class has been a huge encouragers and have prayed me through. Oh the joy of The Joy Class. 

There are so many going through so much more but I write to process my thoughts, emotions but most of my faith. Also to encourage, no matter what, God is with us and He loves us. 

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