Saturday, January 18, 2020

Rest In Peace, Mr McBeavy

Image may contain: cat and indoorImage may contain: people sitting and catNo photo description available.Image may contain: cat and outdoorImage may contain: catImage may contain: catImage may contain: plant and outdoor

One of the sweetest cats that ever graced this earth came to his untimely end yesterday morning. Mr McBeavy was hit by a car. When Buddy and I were coming home from her new vet, I saw a dead animal in the road and I thought for that moment it might be him.It also looked like maybe a fox. This morning the fears of it being him were confirmed. My neighbor's husband stopped to look at his remains and from what he could see, he knew it was the Mr.   How to put this politely, he was too far gone to be able to bring him home and lay him to rest by an aunt he never knew and a half sibling that he loved. 
This means that none of Punky's first litter has survived. 
Mr McBeavy, he watched over his mom and this last batch of kittens. He would play with them and keep them from wandering too far. He helped Punky bring them down into the yard from where she had them hidden. When the kittens were small and would hide in the cleft of the rock, he sat at the top entrance and kept watch over them. When fixing the meals for the feral fam in the garage, he would come in, didn't get too close to me like Strawyer and Punky, but he loved climbing anything and everything. Too many times I had to shoo him off the Mustang, he loved sitting on that car. Well, he had good taste. Just this week I was able to capture a few pictures of him with Edee. She eventually took a nap with him just like he did with Strawyer on the front porch when he was that same age. He was Mr Meany's offspring but I didn't hold that against him at all. In fact, he was the total opposite of his dad. 
My last encounter with the Mr was this week and it was a good one. Like all these ferals they know when I whistle, food and treats are involved. He would run like the wind toward the whistle and was ready to chow down. The last time I was near him, he put is nose to my hand and purred. 
At first I named him Bevo, because of his burnt orange color of the University of Texas but then changed his name to Mr McBeavy cause that cat walked among the branches of the trees like no other feral cat before him. He loved flowers, his half siblings, his mom, he adored Strawyer, and I hope that he loved, which is relative for a feral cat, me. I sure loved him.

Rest in Peace Mr McBeavy.

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