Wednesday, January 15, 2020

When Pets Rescue Us

A good friend is not far away from my thoughts and prayers today. She is saying goodbye to a fur friend whose health has declined in the past week or so. Last night as I crawled into bed at the ungodly hour of 1:30 am my thoughts were not on just watching LSU beat Clemson for the National Championship for football, although I was pretty happy about that, no my thoughts were about my friend and what she faces this afternoon.

This past August when Buddy gave us a good scare, there were afternoons when I just sat here and cried. Buddy has been apart of the family since 2005. Now, in 2005 when we first got her she fooled everyone including the vet because we all thought she was a boy...thus the boy name, but in surgery they discovered she had duped all of us. Buddy arrived right after recovery for hysterectomy surgery. My emotions were kind of raw and I was not in a good state of mind either. What was to be just a life convenience surgery became a possible cancer diagnosis because of a tumor they found on the ultrasound. They wouldn't know anything until the surgery was done. But Buddy, I don't know, she changed things and thoughts for me. She got so much attention from me and unlike Tiff our dog who bonded with Roy, Buddy bonded with me. Buddy rescued me. A change and marked difference in me can be charted upon Buddy's arrival into our lives.

These cats and dogs rescue us in a way, even if they aren't a rescued animal. They carry us through hard times and difficult seasons with their presence. Many will say cats don't do that, but oh my friends, they do. During the scariest days of heart issues, Buddy didn't leave my side except for the necessary trips she needed to make.

My friend's family rescued the streetwise, but affectionate cat from neighbors who neglected him. At first he just came into the garage and ate, then he would come into the house but want outside for his wandering ways. The funny thing about this cat, he wanted to come inside and use the litter box, then wanted back outside again. When the neighbors moved, my friend's family became the guardian of this sweet kitty and assured the neighbors if they wanted him back once they moved, they would return him. They never heard from the neighbors again. After a period of time and decisions, he came to live with my friend. He has been a good companion for her. He has seen her through those tough times and his presence has made good times even happier.

It felt strange not to be there in support for her because Roy and I were present for other fur babies of hers that went across the rainbow bridge. She is in that place of grief where if you begin to talk about an animal that you loved so much, you'll tear up... Even with Cali, the feral kitty that became such a huge part of life yet I never once petted her until I found her on the side of the road, hit by a car. It took several days to compose myself and I can still cry over Cali and Riley. Today the vet office sent an email reminder that it was time for shots for Riley. I would call them but since the vet we kind of liked there is on an extended leave of absence, we are trying a vet office that has come highly recommended and is closer to us. Buddy will see the new vet on Friday. It is time for a steroid shot and nail trim. We had her blood work done while back in Texas, so I am feeling good about this appointment coming up. 

Buddy, has grown friendlier over the years to friends and her temper doesn't show as much either. Last night, she was upset about something and she had the big eyes. I have not seen that in a long time so I got her off the couch and let her go cool off.

It is so difficult when we have to say goodbye to our pets. They bring such joy and companionship. Our hearts break but we can keep close to our hearts their memories.

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