Thursday, July 8, 2021

Happy in the Hard, Cat Version

 Junioretta has brought her kitten(s) into the garage and I hope by her seeing that I noticed her, she will not move them or it. She has positioned herself in the tiniest of spaces. She was pregnant huge, so I wonder if something got to them under the porch or if she just had one or two. I am horrible at this, she probably has nine kiddos and just has them crammed into a little bity spot. This is the first cat to actually bring her litter inside instead of under the house or down the gravel road. Junioretta has never been a gravel road aficionado, so not surprised there. She has spent a lot of time in the recent weeks under the front porch. This I know about her kittens, she has one orange kitty. Boodos, is still hanging out in the back so that's a good sign that at least this morning and afternoon King Herod has been busy elsewhere. 

Walking on Water by Madeline L'Engle is just about one of my all time favorite books. I have marked my copy up in so many different colors that when I saw a copy in the bookstore several weeks ago, I purchased it with the thought of starting a new book or giving it away. Most probably it will be given away because I know in my markings and notations where certain quotes are. Think a quote or two will make it into this weeks lesson on Sunday. What an insight and profound way with words. She and Pat Conroy are two of my favorites, oh yes and late to the list Wilma Dykeman, an Asheville treasure and legacy. I have several books that I need to read, to learn and become better informed but I am having trouble not with the content but with the style of writing. Jan Karon and her Mitford series and anything written by Elizabeth Elliott, I have tried to read their books but their style and my brain do not mesh. So, this is not a new thing. I am hanging in there with these other books but it is a struggle. 


Haircut appointment changed till 10:00 instead of 9:00 am. Still not as crowded as later in the day. I went to Target after that. It has been a while since going in a Target store. I got what I needed...and then some other stuff I didn't need. That's the Target way. Ran to Ingles and Publix, then came on home. I couldn't find HP on the porch. She wasn't on the daybed as usual. I began looking and saw her hiding under one of the chairs. Most probably from the weedeating Mike did. I got her out and sat with her awhile, even bringing lunch out to keep her company. As for her lunch, she ate a bit but not too much. I have felt like she is feeling ready to get back to life with her siblings and cousins. I took a slight nap out there and she laid out on my arm up against the pillows on her back. 

An afternoon highlight was a quick phone conversation with Lisa P. 


This morning I made a "happy in my hard" decision. Last night, Baby came to the back porch and meowed and paced watching HP. HP paced, making circles of either the table or the daybed. I considered letting her out last night but each time I considered that, the neighbors on the road in the kind of trashed out house would set off one firecracker. They've been doing this since Monday and usually it is a total of four firecrackers set off at intermittent times. Makes me jump cause for one, it startles me and two, I think it is a gun shot. As the evening wore on, I sat in the living room keeping a watch until HP settled in on the daybed. I asked the Lord, kind of like Gideon, to confirm the feeling that HP was ready to be out with her Feral Fam, by having Biggio be around this morning. He has been absent for two days.  You know, he was front and center out in the back with Mama Cat, Junioretta, Punky and Boodos. Surrounded by a great crowd of witnesses, I went to the garage and put out a bowl of food where Biggio and HP usually start their meals, came back to the porch, hugged HP, told her I loved her, she is welcome back anytime but to go out and be happy with her Fam. I picked her up and carried her to the garage, where we were met by Biggio. He was one excited cat and she was a bit in shock. In fact, she sat there a bit looking at me like, really, for real? Yes. She came over to the now empty bowl and I filled it once again and she ate at bit. Did a brief meet and greet with the rest of the Fam. She went over to the corner by the garage door and introduced herself to two of Punky's kiddos and she went out under the door. The sound of meowing came from the driveway where she had just gone out. It wasn't her meow, so I checked and it was Junior who has been gone a week, greeting her. Him, with a definite limp but looks to be healing. They walked together and rubbed heads and moved around the stairs, so happy. HP looked at me and that meant a lot cause it is not an angry, you kept me holed up for a week look. I think she knows she needed help and this past week has been to get her back on stable legs. So far I have not gone out to look for her, cause I am sure she is out there making sure her places are still there. Happy, in my hard decision to let her go back to her life but I feel like she will come back in on the porch and not feel like she had been held captive, well yes, she was, but in luxury. Let's call it rehab. 

Junioretta has moved her kittens to another part of the garage. Hopefully, she chose more spacious accommodations.  Think this has given her a little bit of freedom, cause she needs a break. Little kittens are a whiny bunch. A noise in the garage got my attention a few moments ago. A broom and rake were knocked over. All the food is gone, so it must have been a full house this morning. 

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