Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Catch Up

 We have had rain at some point in the last few days and I am so thankful not to have to go out and water plants. Dead heading roses, really need to get that done but I just haven't had the will to. Need to, cause the roses are so beautiful throughout the summer but as of this morning just dried out blooms. 

We kind of finished up with Sarah and Hagar yesterday in Sunday School. Just saw a t-shirt being advertised on FB. The names of several biblical women are on the front to give you encouragement or is it to encourage others? Cause really, you don't look at the t-shirt when you are wearing it. The first Bible woman named on the shirt, Sarah. It said be like; In waiting be like - Sarah. Wait. Okay, yes, but Sarah was kind of snarky and manipulative and down right mean in her waiting for a child. If I was wearing this t-shirt, I would add Hagar to the list. So it might be, Know God like-Hagar. Saturday night I had a WWI documentary on for background noise. At first, it had my interest but the sound effects overtook the words being read from diaries or letters from that particular time. The words, the interesting part, could be understood cause of the sound distraction. I feel that way about Hagar. We get so wrapped up in Abraham and Sarah, and we should, but if we aren't distracted, we can learn so much from Hagar. Only woman in the Bible promised multiple descendants and only person to give God a name. She found herself in a drama she didn't create, she did have that short lived issue with pride that contributed to the drama but she ran right into God in her runaway to the wilderness, by a spring on the road to Shur. 

Last night I decided to wear a pair of capris that I had ordered early in the year and at a smaller size. The smaller size was too big. Nice problem yet I love these capris. I had to wear a belt to keep them pulled up and not falling down to my ankles. 


HP hasn't shown up and I don't know that she will. I do know that the right thing was to set her free from the back porch. She wasn't eating much and that lively look about her was fading. Her right legs were healing up but I know the last few days on the porch, she gave me signs she was ready to go. Tried one last time for she and Buddy, but no luck. I also know she feared King Herod and she wasn't going to stay around here to experience his wrath. Junior has come back and recovering nicely. While fixing food he meows so quietly to let me know he was under the car and that is where I took food to him. Yesterday, he was surprised by Herod and chased a bit. I try not to feed KH.  Even Mama Cat has withdrawn to the gravel road. Punky hasn't been around for a couple of days and that is unlike her although she is at the stage of ditching her last litter to be on their own. Biggio comes and goes as well as Baby. Baby has been around but haven't seen Biggio going on day two. I do think I saw HP on Saturday evening in the far reaches of Mary Joyce's yard, back among the shrubs and trees. She hung out a lot at the Mountain View Church by us, so maybe someone claimed her. Daily, it is finding the happy in the hard when it comes to HP. I miss her. I can hardly stand to garden because she was by my side on most days. I am not ruling anything out because these cats disappear and then show up, but I am also a realist and know she could have gotten in the woods and didn't pay attention to her surroundings. I cannot think about her much, although I do. If I give in to thoughts, even the good ones about her, I will break down. I am not ready to do that holding onto hope she will return. Meanwhile I am doing the most I can to persuade KH this might not be a good place for him and he needs to move on. He has been on the scene for a couple of years and wasn't a problem until recently. 

Mama Cat just went up on the list. Just saw her carry a little snake in her mouth up on the gravel road. Mama Cat you have earned extra food and treats for that little act of kindness. Now, if you could just do that to King Herod, I will set you up for life. 


Decided in the middle of the night to change plans for today and postpone those plans until tomorrow. I ran a bunch of errands yesterday. One was to stop in at Reems Creek and use the bonus bloom bucks accumulated over the past several months. I got some more zinnias even though the thought of gardening right now makes me sad because of HP and her absence. But the love of a deal and of zinnias overtook the sadness and those plants will be planted today or tomorrow. Had a Big Lots coupon so I got some more post lights to put in the back. Earlier in the day I made an Ingles run. Out more than I had anticipated but took care of those pesky things that occur weekly, like you know, buying food. At Reems Creek, finally found some Neem oil. Everyone has been out because the Japanese beetles are all over, on almost every tree and flower. 

This morning as Buddy and I eased into the day and as I read for the lesson on Sunday, all the bunny trails came together in a plan for Martha, Mary and Lazarus. Now to get those things written down and prayed over. Roy asked the other night who I liked best in the story, besides Jesus, cause you know that would be the correct Sunday School answer as well as the truth. First I teased with Lazarus cause he doesn't seem to have to do anything around the house but truthfully, Martha has been a favorite since I can remember and that would include back in the day as a kid learning these lessons. 

Tomorrow marks one week since HP has been around. Punky showed up last night but not looking too good. Biggio is still MIA. Right now the joy is gone cause HP is gone. Just going through the motions in getting them taken care of but here is a happy in the hard; for the first time in six days Junior came into the garage and ate at his usual place instead of wanting to be fed while hiding underneath the car. 

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