Monday, July 26, 2021

O Glorious Days

 Oh glorious day! I learned of a farm produce stand mere minutes away from the house. Open seven days a week and maybe next year I will do a CSA with their farm. For those who might think that stands for something else, it means paying for a share, that helps with the funding of their farm and reaping the benefits of the hard farming work of veggies, flowers and fruit during the summer months. Since Roy should be here full time, we will put all that bountiful flavor to good use. Of course it is like any risk, some years great return, some years you only get beets. Some like beets, not this child. 

Yesterday was an early to rise day thus making it an early to bed night. My friends attending a conference at Ridgecrest had an early morning flight. So up at 4:00 am to get ready and feed the Feral Fam. Those that were awake and in the garage. Left for the "crest" around 5:00 am because the fog was like Foggy McFog yesterday morning. In these past few years, I have driven in some bad fog, but this was the worst ever. At least I was driving in a valley and not on the Blue Ridge Parkway or over a mountain. Vision was limited and had the thought of deer crossing the roads that took up every bit of attention I could muster. Sometimes, I knew where I was and other times...nothing looked familiar. Well, that was due to fog covering everything in existence. The fog was not so intense on the freeway but there were pockets that slowed us all down. Picked friends up and we made our way to the airport. Thankfully, the fog was not bad at all but one should always prepare for that here. Breakfast seemed in order and not missing the turn this time, I made it to Cracker Barrel only to see that they open at 8:00 am, not the usual 6:30. Off to Another Broken Egg, to enjoy the waffle breakfast. Once I began the drive back fog had lifted except for our area. Turned on Fletcher Martin, and engulfed with fog. 

War has been declared on Japanese Beetles! The traps arrived the other day and Neem oil has been used on roses, blackberries, ornamental cherry trees and such. All these beetles do is eat and have sex. The trap lures the female with food fragrance and male with sex's a win win trapping situation. 

This morning bears witness that cats do have a sense of humor, not playing around but a true sense. Breakfast was almost a full house this morning. Heard some growls and saw some swatting. These cats don't play when it comes to meal time, except today I witnessed something I've never seen. The more dominant and aggressive cats take over eating at the bowls with the younger ones and Boodos regulated to y'all get to eat the leftovers. Boodos climbed up on some storage containers to watch the frenzy of black and white fur with some orange fur thrown in. Boodos looked around and then made the growling noise associated with King Herod. Guess Herod needs trumpet like sounds to announce his arrival. The cats scattered and I have to admit I made my way quickly to the backdoor. With the bowls cleared and with food still left in them, Boodos calmly made his way down to the bowls for his quiet breakfast. He looked at me and did the half eye closed look. Seemed like he was saying, look huuuumannnn what I did.  

We have been discussing a new dishwasher for several weeks. This morning Roy went to Lowe's in Houston to hear what they had to recommend and I was going to Lowe's here to get a fan for our classroom and some more Japanese Beetle traps, not for our classroom but for the roses. Roy and I picked the same dishwasher and then when we talked learned this fact. Thankfully, it is one they have in stock, so bought it and will have it installed next month. I love the third rack thingy. 


Beginning on Sunday, it will be time to count the morning fogs for our snowfall prediction. It is not scientific but it is fun to keep count. The kiddos got a late breakfast this morning. Buddy once again is napping after we had our quiet time together. She's a non participant for the most part, unless she was in deep prayer with eyes closed but somehow I highly doubt this. 

Sunday was a fine day. Pastor is wrapping up our study on Mark and the new series will be Ephesians. We had our fellowship and prayer Sunday in class. Choir rehearsal last night was productive and fun. Sometime soon Debbie, new choir director, is offering a learn to read music class. I am going to take it. Know it will not help my singing but it will stretch me for sure, making my brain work in an area that seems very challenging. 

Last Friday upon returning home after breakfast, I decided to go to Burnsville. I also made a short trip to Johnson City. I just needed to get away. July has been a difficult month in so many ways and I felt like hitting the road. Driving around the countryside always helps me mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I found cute things at Vintage Lamp Post and had a delightful visit with the young freshman girl getting ready to head to App State in August. Really, it has been a week of delightful conversations. The checker at Ingles in Mars Hill and I talked about heart issues and we both gave each other some needful information. Her name is Ann and I will be looking for her upon any return trip. The Barnes and Noble in Johnson City have good stuff on the last chance sale table. Went to Hobby Lobby looking for a particular paper but didn't find what I was looking for. I didn't feel like going to Kroger or Troyer's so I just came on home. The drive and the time and even my singing in the car did a world of good and refreshed my soul. 

On Saturday, Roy sent an email from his Dr to me. Shocked the bejabbers out of me. Long story short, after discovering some health issues last July, Roy the overachiever changed doctors and began a year long process of getting back into a healthier range with his bloodwork. He is off most of the medications that were prescribed last summer but in this process, Roy lost a tremendous amount of weight. When I saw him for the first time after all his weight loss, I was shocked and thought he looks like he has cancer. He was struggling to get his weight back to around 170-175. He believed his weight loss was from one of the meds he was taking. To rule out anything else, the doctor had several tests prescribed for him. One was a stress test and what was so funny, he was on the treadmill longer than any other person in his age range and wasn't nearly tired. The nurse stopped the test saying, clearly his heart was not an issue. Bloodwork, which brings me back to the first sentence. The doctor writes, no markers were found in his blood for pancreatic cancer. What???!!!!  I called Roy and asked why he didn't tell me they were testing for this and he replied, he didn't know they were testing for this. He has gained weight and in his prescribed weight range. He still eats a lot to keep that happening but not like before. We are both so pleased that what was looking so dreadful last July hasn't been the case. We praise God for this news!

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