Monday, August 2, 2021

Eyes and Feelings but Most of All, Kindness

 A rainy and overcast Friday morning. Think I will rearrange plans for today. We are having outside church on Sunday with just one Sunday School class at the picnic shelter. Love church on the ballfield! 

On Wednesday I had an eye exam at Carolina Ophthalmology. They are in the same building as my dentist and in April, went in and made an appointment. Very pleased with the staff and Dr Bryan. Came away with new info concerning my eye health and it was good new info. I did learn that my cornea has these, can't remember the name, in the back and possibly will have to have a partial cornea transplant after cataract surgery. He said I am not near that the yet. Told Roy this gives me time to pray about this and maybe God will be gracious that I would not need cataract surgery....ever, instead of yet. Sign of getting, took two days for my eyes to recover from the dilating drops. He even used the weakest grade because my eyes looked so healthy. Thankful for that because it didn't burn as per usual. Yesterday, my eyes still hurt a bit and after going to look at glasses, I came home and took it easy for the rest of the day. Roy encouraged me to get glasses ordered ASAP because of a possible glitch with vison insurance. So did part one of that yesterday. 

This morning Biggio greeted me at the back door. He hasn't been around for about five days. He was a hungry boy. Some of the older cats are no shows at breakfast now but usually see them for supper. Today it was the younger set and they enjoyed eating to their heart's content or until the bowl was empty without being swatted at by Punky or Mama Cat. Yesterday marked three weeks of HP being gone. I still look out the window hoping to see her but now, not as often. Buddy seems to be making a turn in narrowing down her world. She spends most of her time downstairs but in the late afternoons we have spent time upstairs, with Buddy being close by or on my lap. She seems to be doing okay with her arthritis. She can't have steroid shots anymore and it is difficult to get any of her pain meds into her. 

Got all the errands ran and now I should be doing something more constructive than writing on my blog. At least I am doing something as opposed to yesterday the afternoon held napping and having on in the background, The Making of the Mob. The series on how Al Capone and the Chicago Outfit came into being and thrived for many years.  


Biggio greeted me once again and this morning breakfast was almost a full house. The kittens are growing up and have such cute personalities. The evening cooled off nicely and they were in the back playing with their toys instead of a piece of mulch. Junioretta's two are four weeks old today. Little and scrawny, just like Junioretta. Herod made an appearance last night but behaved. Since almost everything had been eaten in the bowls, I let him have the leftovers. Maybe he is just hangry a lot. Who knows. Reached out again to the cat man to see where we are on the waiting list. 

Read this tweet this morning and it so true.

You know what compels me to listen to others? Their kindness. You know what compels sinners to turn to Christ? God’s kindness. You know what’s missing from so many interactions? Our kindness.

When Roy gave me a month here in the mountains when I turned 60, the "theme" that resonated over and over; God's kindness. I saw more about kindness in that month that maybe during my whole life. I hadn't really ever thought of kindness much. I do think I noticed it the months prior to Roy and I getting married because at every corner where my father thwarted, discouraged and truly was just plain mean, God's kindness met me (us) at every corner in preparation for the ceremony and life. 


The fog counts, starting yesterday. Today, full on fog but yesterday seemed to be a 1/2 fog day. Must mark calendar because how many foggy mornings equals, according to local lore, how many snowfalls we will get this winter. Inexact science of course but it is fun to keep count of. 

We had church outdoors yesterday on the ball field. Beautiful views and good preaching. Our pastor is finishing up the Gospel according to Mark and then we will begin Ephesians. It did get hot out there and while I kept trying to arrange my chair in the shade for when the sun came out behind the clouds. Not even close to the shade. Heat affects me like nothing else, so when I got home, I cooled off on the couch for a greater part of the afternoon, just trying to get enough energy to take the trash down to the road. 

Over the weekend, for background noise which I usually don't want, but anyway...I had on the history channel on Pluto. One episode in particular of the documentaries they ran was about Charles Edward. He was part of royalty in England and Germany. He chose his Germanic ties in WWI and lost his English titles. His sister sided with England. After WWI, he lost his German royal titles. In his life he went from rich to okay, to prison as a WWII prisoner for his roll in the war and then penniless, dependent on relatives to support him until he passed away. Talk about a life of bad decisions. The epilogue of the show said, Queen Elizabeth has never visited the English village where he was born, distain for his decisions. I never knew about Charles Edward and it doesn't seem much has been written about him, just a reprint of a book published early on in the 20th century but he was behind some of the worst atrocities committed in the war. He was viewed as a weak man but he used that to mask what his role was all about.  

Saturday, I headed over to Burnsville and didn't come home disappointed. Found some cute gifts and a tin picture to hang somewhere in the house. Roy and I are beginning to make plans for what will come with him when he retires. I've heard there is a furniture shortage, guess due to lumber prices. Have a plan to move some things around and that means a loss of wall space to hang pictures. He kept the bookcases we had made by The Amish Craftsman, two wingbacks and a leather recliner that doesn't look like a recliner. Think that will all be able to be used here. Roy has given an end date to his employer, with the flexibility to retire before that date. It is all fluid, trying to get ready for all the scenarios, which really is impossible, but we like that feeling that we have a plan. 

Saturday evening I continued my war against the Japanese Beetle and did some damage to their population. Going to go back out there this evening and see if I can add to the casualties. Also need to trim back the roses they destroyed. 

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