Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Japanese Beetles, Ferals and Stuff

 Mike the Mower Man made it here yesterday and what a world of difference in the yard. With all the rain he hadn't been able to get here and the grass took advantage. The temps have been so warm and with that, no desire at all to get out in the yard and do some much needed work. Truthfully, some of the work that needs to be done can't begin until early spring, pruning the peach trees that have taken over a lot of space in the front flowerbed. I blame the temps but it is also due to HP helping me garden. I miss that cat and it just doesn't seem the same without her sitting there and moving from plant to plant with me until she got bored and took up residence on the swing. Toupee is moving a bit closer to me and watches my every move when it comes to dishing up meals for them. She has taken Juniors spot that gets special attention. She has brought a couple of her cousins up there with her and Sweetie unknowingly let me pet her while she was eating. Toupee is one of the most expressive cats, her facial features give her away and while I don't find her a particularly pretty cat, she knows how to get attention. The young set of kittens has discovered the comfort of the garage and most mornings they scamper out the door when they hear, then see me coming. But sheepishly, they return cause my presence most probably means food is involved. That stupid King Herod has been hanging around at meal time and because I am so mature, I move meal times around just to throw him off. 

Got most of the errands that needed to be taken care of done yesterday. I will finish up the last few maybe this afternoon. Since it is the fifth Sunday this week, I don't have to prepare and study for a lesson. Love teaching but like the breaks I get. Trying to get caught up on some reading. Reading time has been seriously affected and then to learn last night, there is a Andy Griffith Show channel now on Pluto. Oh my, help me. Their documentaries have taken me in and then to have the familiar on the TV as background, well in some ways it is bad news but in many ways it is good news. 

I had lunch with a friend today at The Baked Pie Company in Woodfin. We both ordered tomato pie and oh my goodness, it was so good. She helped with suggestions for a project I have in mind to do this winter. I took down notes and even looked at a couple of sites online this afternoon. After lunch since being so close to The Fresh Market, I stopped in to pick up a few things. Tuna salad, peeled orange slices, fall flavored coffee but not pumpkin spice, eggs and a twice baked potato. It is almost the same line up but I go on different days of the week. 


The ever trustful and faithful companion, Buddy is at my side this morning. She would rather be in my lap but that makes writing difficult. Thankful for a better night with her last night. She is a mess but she's our mess and we love her, even when she is whiny. A huge improvement though in her social skills. She has had it backwards being socially distant for the first fourteen years of her life and these last two she is much friendlier to friends and family. She would rub her head and lie at Doug's feet and she has never done that. 

I have been contemplating buying the biography of Eugene Peterson and when reading this quote, it sealed the deal.

 “Forget about being relevant, about being effective. Friends, you are living in exile – get used to it… The less people notice you the better.” - Eugene Peterson (p. 270) 

I struggle sometimes with having the experience of being on staff of a large church back in the day, bells and whistles, smoke machines, visuals projected on the walls making the feels of being in the country, along a road or in a sanctuary complete with projected stained glass. all the marketing, all the effective quotes on being relative or introducing the new branding of said ministry with buzz words and statements, no introduction just a thing. If we say it enough people will pick up on the vernacular.  It has been a long time since that experience but it has had a pronounced effect on me. Of course now, my experience is at the complete opposite of the spectrum. A semi rural church, reaching out in ministry to the community and to its members, with a young pastor who has his head and heart in the right place... He isn't building a platform, he doesn't promote himself on Twitter, he doesn't use gimmicks to imitate and begin an emotional response. I like this end of the spectrum better. 

Dang, it is already too hot to work outside. I did a quick check on the roses out back and only found a few Japanese Beetles, so the war is being won. Tonight, I'll check on the roses out front. 

Put more Dr Enuf in the refrigerator cause it is getting close to that time. Yahoo!

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