Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Here, There and Everywhere

 This is about the foggiest morning in our little valley during the whole month of August. It is not burning off as of yet due to the lack of sun breaking through. It will break through and bring some more hot August days. Think I am ready for fall. 

I started reading If Trees Could Testify last night before going to bed. Let's just say it is not the kind of book you should read right before falling asleep. Novelized account of a true crime that happened in Madison County in 1983. For background noise I had on one of those shows like Dateline but it wasn't Dateline. The name is not coming to me, but as I kind of listened to it, I looked at the TV and thought, that exit sure looks familiar to me. It should be cause it is off I-40 around Haywood County. 

Once again, Roy and I talked about our decision seven years ago to buy a house or at least begin that process here in NC. It felt like learning important things all over again because after living in the Houston area since I was four, you kind of go by rote because not too much changes. You know when not to go on certain freeways, you know the roads that flood when it rains hard, which traffic lights go out of sync easily, the backway into the Galleria that most tourists don't know....all that kind of stuff. All at once we were learning a rural, slow paced life. We knew the direction of weather in Houston, winter from the north, summer from the south, sometimes a little west action and very little from the east, in normal circumstances. Here, it can be raining on a far away mountain or a close one and it never comes your way. Learning that most directions or traffic reports involve exits and I really don't know them very well. I am learning though. 


Monday morning. The dishwasher is being installed and Roy is supervising...yay! This gives me some time to get upstairs and do a little blogging. Roy brought work with him so getting into the bonus room is sometimes difficult but I don't mind a bit. We have gotten a lot done and yet had a lot of fun since Thursday. Roy's flight was delayed several hours but he arrived around 8:30 pm. He helped me on Friday afternoon in the Sunday School room changing out the bulletin boards, not a particular gifting for us. Thanks be to Amazon for ideas and believe me I have gone with the simplest decorations that can be used all year long just with a few changes here and there. 

We headed out Saturday for lunch at The Farmers Market.  Delicious as always. Went next door to Mountain View and picked up a few things. Took the scenic route to the Kroger in Johnson City and stocked up on some deals. Academy and Barnes and Noble were next. Then we headed toward home. We had a blast running all around east TN. Sunday, church. First Fifth Sunday and Roy made his biscuits and fried up some bacon for the class. 


The new dishwasher is rather spiffy. I love the third rack and half cycle for nothing messy. Before the installation I took Mustang Sam for a fill up due to Colonial closing in a couple of pipelines until Ida passed through the area of operation. After the install guy left, we went and filled up the truck. Then we made an Ingles run for a couple of items. Our day planning was to spend most of our time in Haywood County. We began at Blue Rooster and then headed over to Christopher Farms. A successful shopping stop and then we made our way to Barbers Orchard. When there is rain in the forecast like today, it is always good to have donuts in the house. I hadn't been to a Mast store in over a year and with a few open parking spaces, we took advantage of less tourists. Also made a quick stop at Hazelwood Soap to pick up some mask spray that my niece had discovered when we visited there a couple of weeks ago. We headed toward home only to detour to The Fresh Market to find some ready made meals, only we didn't really find anything, so off to Publix. By this time we had used up some gas and with the Colonial Pipeline thing going on, we thought if we see an open station, we will fill up again. Our tried and true Exxon station had gasoline and really not too much of a line. We filled up. I am telling you we were both tired last night. People say I am on the go all the time and I really don't feel like I am, but yesterday...I would agree. We were here, there and everywhere. 

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