Monday, August 9, 2021

Thoughts on War with Japanese Beetles, Kittens, Lack of Sleep and Other Subjects

 The weirdest thoughts cross my mind from time to have been wondering lately how do we know that salmon cat food tastes like salmon or tuna or beef or chicken. I mean who tastes the stuff to sell flavors to cats? Maybe it is all the same but the forms therein is different, shreds, meaty gravy and pate'. Why I think about this, no idea but the thought has crossed my mind more times than I would like to admit to. This I do know, I ain't going to be the one to taste the stuff so that I know. 

My war with the Japanese beetle is taking a turn for the good. The traps are doing their job especially in the front yard. I went out with some new spray from Ace Hardware last night and did a little mopping up as they say in killing any beetles resting on the petals of roses. Got all the rose bushes in the back sprayed and will need to do that in the front yard later today, if the rain holds off and it seems like the rain has been holding off for our area. If it doesn't arrive today, that means a trek through the front yard to water this evening. 

After not seeing or hearing the two little five week old kittens today, the thought of the rambunctious sound of a cat fight might have been a hawk grabbing those two little ones but this afternoon, they were under the Mustang with Junioretta. The past week and a half I have been working on their eyes and keeping them clean and not crusty. The calico has a more difficult time. I was feeling a bit discouraged because it seemed like nothing was long working but today, the orange kitten had eyes open and following mom around. The calico got to a spot where I could get it and I worked with it again and late this afternoon, the eyes were still open and seemed to be tracking correctly. Today, this is a victory and a lift to my spirits. Along with the return of Biggio who spent most of the day in the garage sleeping but met me every time I went out there for something or another. Worked on the back porch, picking up HP things and putting them away. 


2:30 am

Buddy is having a rough night with her arthritis so we are both up since one of us can't sleep. She has been doing okay. She has finally settled nearby but for how long? The answer to the question is not long, but I was able to get some of that soothing spray for hot spots on her and that quieted her down for the rest of the night. 

We finished up with Mostly Martha today in Sunday School and Mary will be next Sunday. She will be harder to study for because I'm more drawn to Martha. I do look forward to studying this week.  


With a three hour interruption from sleep last night and with a foggy morning, errands are being rethought and rescheduled. I am sleepy this morning. 

I think a church in Woodfin has closed. The lot always held too few cars for the size of the building. This church is on the way to The Fresh Market and one morning while passing by it, I watched the slow methodical steps of an elderly woman going toward the doors. She is the only person I had ever seen near the church. The sign is gone and the lot empty. 

Yesterday was National Cat Day and today is National Book Day. I celebrate both days but will not be posting any pictures. I went through a stack of books this weekend and weeded out the ones I will never read and then the others went to the most probably will read, someday, maybe. 

With the celebration of apple cider donuts, I hope to keep wearing the smaller sized pants I've ordered. I'm trying to keep the love of those apple cider donuts in check with healthy meals and exercise. The wasp nest near the outside stairs to the front yard is still there and keeps my visits to a minimum. Of course I can come around the back way to the front yard. I was so thankful for the rain on Saturday. 

I am so proud of Roy. Although, he became a DTM, Distinguished Toast Master, last year, the official presentation is coming up. Saturday night we searched through tons of photos on my phone to see if we could find one where Roy is wearing a suit. We narrowed it down to two photos we found from back in the day and went with the Baylor in the background photo and cropped me out of the picture. I worked with him on his presentation blurb and he worked on his speech. He did this in less than five years although not surprising to me because, he is an overachiever. Meanwhile today, I am trying to get dressed before 10:00 am. Hey, we all have our own hurdles to jump and I am just a chiever, not over or under...just balanced. 

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