Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Five Years Ago and Some Panhandling Stories

 On this foggy morning, with warm temps for the afternoon, November 17th, I will take the first pill of the new meds prescribed by the cardiologist. Oh boy! I had a couple of questions and heard back from the Dr yesterday and feel some assurance. I still believe that week long bout of afib was to get my attention. It has done the job. 

On Monday the five year mark of having bilateral knee replacements was quietly celebrated by me. Yesterday, I quietly celebrated failing at the first attempt at PT and the write up that went into my permanent record, bad attitude. Oh contraire! I stood for the first time that day and fainted. Then I had to have two units of blood that took the course of several days to be accomplished. Went for surgery on a Tuesday and moved to a rehab hospital on a Saturday. They assigned me to the therapist that worked with the nonmotivated. The writeup which I thought was for my bad was meant for my good. My progress in rehab was astounding due to Jasmine, who was pleasantly surprised by my attitude and desire to get strong. If that hospital PT person hadn't written the bad report, I would have been given to a therapist going through the motions. Jasmine spotted a huge obstacle to my recovery, everything was too short like the wheelchair, the bed, and a few other things. Once she rectified that issue, it was good going for those two weeks. I was going for the green. Well, the green star put on the door of people who were free to do everything without any assistance. Before surgery and therapy my prayer; for God to arrange people and situations like with Jonah. God answered that prayer. Even when I began PT on a twice weekly basis, the therapist said, wow, you got a bad report in the hospital but everything you've done since then has been outstanding progress. One of the therapists who also worked at the hospital as well as working outpatient therapy, heard the conversation and came over. She too said, the bad writeup wasn't true, she had worked with me the day I left there for rehab and found me to be all in. Gee, being down two pints of blood never got me such a good recovery. 

Yesterday, had the earliest hair appointment available and afterwards made a Target run and a quick stop in Barnes and Noble. I had planned to do a drive through the Biltmore Estate, but changed my mind since we will be there on Monday for the Van Gough experience. I'm thinking we might drop our passholder cards when they expire. The cost has gone up to $249.00 per person per year but they are running a special of $199.00 through the middle of December. As much as I love the Estate, I just don't go there enough anymore to justify the cost. When spring comes around, I might change my mind but for now...

If I had gone to the Estate, I would have missed hearing Merry Christmas Darling on the radio and I made the quick call to CourtneyS. Two years in a row after she had a several year run of hearing it first. I heard it the other day in the grocery store but did not claim that as a victory, because I could not in good conscience belt out MCD on aisle one by the tea and coffee. Oh there was a day that maybe I would but one thing I am learning as I get older and hopefully wiser, what someone might think is funny when your are in your 40s, looks like senility has come a calling when you are 67. I sang along, well I hummed along. That seems to be okay while shopping. 

Speaking of wise, I think Roy is one of the wisest men I know and he got to play a wise man in Pagcelebrastory. I don't know what it was called during the interim.  But, he is really wise and one of the smartest people I know. Peggy and I still laugh over her asking what the "fragrance" that was coming from a small oil pumping station nearby. He began explaining by using the chemical references, I guess from the periodic table...which for me I was thinking of that time of the month when I couldn't go swimming...I never want to swim, so that would be every day and month of the year, but I have digressed. Finally she stopped him and asked if he would explain the reason to just regular people. 

On Tuesday, I had to go through the drive through of the bank I supremely don't like. There were 9 cars ahead of me and two potential duels of car maneuvering as well. I got the girl in the truck attention that I was just going to go straight and not get in line. Good thing I was in the Mustang cause girl wasn't going to give an inch in surrender. Got through, went through the prescription drive through where there wasn't anyone and went to Big Lots to check out some outdoor Christmas lights. Did that, ran into Publix to grab a few items and then went back to the dreaded bank I dislike so much and only one car ahead of me. The teller there is super sweet so that makes a little difference but I think it is due to not having enough people working at the bank. Which brings me to the scene I saw right in front of Big Lots. A man got out of a sports car with custom rims with red lining and began to scruff himself up. Changed his sweater to a dirty sweatshirt, rolled up his pants, added a ratty looking scarf and then hoisted a backpack. Had a little cardboard sign too. Oh my, he was going to stand at the corner and ask for money. I have never seen something like this. Now for a while there was a girl that approached me three times, with the same story as she drove around the grocery store parking lots. I was just looking through my FB memories this morning and this from November 17, 2008 came up

Tuesday- I went to the Play Grocery store for a few sale items. I parked close to the front door. On the inside of me I heard the Lord say, put the bags in the trunk. It was only 2 bags and my plan was to put them in the car with me. Again I heard, put the bags in the trunk. So, I did and as I was doing so, a man and a woman came up to me with an unbelievable story asking for money. There were so many holes in the story I told them I can't give you any. The woman looked like she was on crystal meth and the man, he wasn't as rough looking. The woman stayed by the passenger door and he kept coming closer. I finally looked back to the store as to go in and they left me alone. I got in my car and decided to call the store from the road. As I was leaving they had a woman pinned in as she was putting things in her car...I saw why I heard that still small voice. I was talking to the manager and they were coming out to rescue the woman.

The man in the above also approached me several months later by Panera Bread in the Galleria and he recognized me...I said, hey, you were in the Rice Epicurean lot...he ran into one of the stores. Well, those are my panhandling stories for today. 

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