Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Oh Happy Day, When Roy Called and Said Retirement Is Just a Few Days Away

 Last night one of the Feral Fam was sleeping underneath Jesus in the nativity on the front porch. That is a good place to be, but not actually under the plastic Baby Jesus in the manger on the front porch. The light from Jesus, Mary and Joseph must have been keeping him warm. The thrill of hope, a weary world rejoices and a feral has to do what a feral has to do to exist. As long as they don't tear them up, it's okay. Slowly but surely the newer members of The Fam have discovered the warmth of the corner in the garage. This week will end up on the warmish side and then I can get the rest of the Christmas decorations out without disturbing any cat sleeping and keeping warm. 

Getting back into the swing of studying for a lesson on Sundays. Jumping in with both feet as we begin the book of Ezekiel. He begins his book with a sentence that grabs your attention

On July 31 of my thirtieth year, while I was with the Judean exiles beside the Kebar River in Babylon, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.

His calling is a difficult one and he spends his life and his ministry in captivity, warning the people. Of course God knows the hardness of their hearts but He still gives opportunity for repentance. Kind of like Isaiah 6, the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, Isiah tells of this grand experience and he ties it to a happening in his life. He and King Uz were good friends. Way down on the comparison level, I can remember when Roy was sworn in as a lawyer in the State of Texas...I cannot tell you the date we drove to Austin for the ceremony but I can tell you it was the day that the Oilers announced hiring Jeff Fisher as their football coach. Today, the rumors on social media might be confirmed that LSU has hired a coach, Brian Kelly from Notre Dame. I will not need the Brian Kelly hire to connect me to November 30th in the coming years because this day might just be etched in my heart, Roy will announce today he is retiring. Rather, his boss will make the announcement but the message is still the same. Now some might be in shock and truthfully, when Roy told me his official decision, briefly I had the vapors, because Roy has pushed this date back several times but pure joy replaced those few seconds of swooning at the news. I cannot tell you how excited I am. Over the past six months I could hear the weariness in his voice that just maybe he might not be having as much fun as he once had in his job. That just might be the reason he finished up a project quicker than was anticipated. With another project in the wings next year and projects sometimes last longer than the time budgeted for implementation, it seemed like the right time.to say farewell to Houston and hello to the mountains.  

I've been thinking about when I met Roy. He was an auditor and I worked in treasury at Pennzoil. His career has held almost a jack of all trades feeling. When I met him, he already had his CPA license and I thought that might be it. No, he got a MBA in Finance, CIA (certified internal audit designation) the year he took the exam his score was one of the top five in the world, APA (Accredited Petroleum Accountant) first person in Houston to pass it on the first time, and he went to law school and earned a law degree. I thought to myself when we were dating, I was so happy he already had his CPA cause I didn't know if I could be married to someone who studied all the time. Well, apparently, I can be. 

This past week we were wrapping up paperwork and making decisions for the immediate. This I know, even with Roy arriving for the coldest part of the year, he will stay busy and keep active. He hasn't said anything but he will probably reorganize everything, because that is what overachievers do and as being a chiever, I am totally fine with that. We also have been going through what he moved to the condo when we sold our Katy house. He won't need as many dress shirts, a couple of pictures can go, lamps, and the like. Last night he was sending pics asking yeah or nay. 

For the past month I just felt like I should be going through things and keeping what is needed and passing on what isn't. I've moved furniture and while Roy was here, we moved more around, with more arrangements to come once our Houston stuff hits the mountains. I have teased Roy saying that like Jesus, I had gone to prepare a place for him, but now I need to make room for him. haha! Jesus always has room, by the way. 

In the past friends have asked, do you think it will be hard for y'all when Roy finally gets to NC? Oh sure, there is always adjustments, even when you spend 24/7 together. We have talked everyday, several times a day. We have great discussions. I told him the other day, I am looking forward to him being here because I get to fall in love with him all over again. (Let the record show I never fell out of love with him but shocked him a bit, I am not the romantic sweet one)

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