Wednesday, December 1, 2021

When the Bull Comes to Visit

 Yesterday, held those kinds of anxieties that can only be worked out through prayer and fasting...okay, prayer part good, fasting, not a practicing one but one who forgets to eat a meal kind of faster. Instead of fasting, I did projects around the house that I have been putting off until I got word from Roy that the announcement had officially been made at the office. Got lots done because they didn't announce his retirement until 4:00 pm. The front room, with the big window and daybed, rearranged. When the triple dresser arrives, it will go in our room and the repurposed chest of drawers or as I heard it , chester drawers, can move into the front bedroom. In all the moving about, hidden underneath the daybed, one of Buddy's sheep. Her signature move in all her sheepdom, the face ripped off. It caused me to stop a moment, maybe shed a tear or two in remembrance, and then placed that little face tore off lamb on the daybed. I also got some more Christmas items out which meant a trip to Lowe's for batteries and a few more Command Strip hooks for lights around the front porch. The work in progress is the delivery box. Moving it just a bit away from the gate post. If the lid on the box hits the gate post, the electric eye is off and has to be adjusted. Don't mind it in warmer months but when it is cold and the wind is blowing, I don't want to be out there trying to get the thing lined up again.

This morning Mr Biggio met me at the backdoor, in fact, he almost made it into the house. Tupac and Tippy were right there with him. Biggio always but this morning Tupac briefly took part of the petting of cats. Tippy is in it for the food. Well, they are all probably in it for the food but Biggio seems to really want to be petted. Sweetie and Cutie still run away but not as quickly. Progress! 

Last week as we began the journey of Roy retiring we talked a lot about all the changes we've faced in the past six years. We also talked about where we have grown in this season. I've become a little more patient, emphasis little. In the past this disruption of a move and not being able to get everything done in one day, unrealistic,  would be driving me up the wall and soon Sergeant Nancy would show up. The pace of life is slower here, but I think the little bit of patience has come about in this past year and a half, pandemic style. 

Dear Diary,

Today there was a bull in my front yard. He was a big one and he began walking toward me. I was on the porch, then picked up his pace a bit and heard some snorting. I moved rather quickly inside. The bull walked over to the neighbors, then ran back into our yard and tried to cross the road. Cars were slowing down, honking trying to get the bull out of the road. He crossed over and then ran back across the road and headed east. I would like to tell my story in the form of a biblical narrative

And there was a woman attending to the nativity scene on her porch when suddenly a big bull showed up in the yard, with snorting, the fear surrounded her, she was sore afraid. 

You know in these moments, who do I call? Just like when I saw a bear in the Cracker Barrel parking lot. Not 911, bull running the roads and bear in a parking lot are not emergencies. I can't think enough to look for the non emergency number to the sheriffs office. I posted the info and pic I took on our neighborhood group. Someone knows the person who owns the pasture across the way and called them. I don't know where that bull landed or if he found his way back into the pasture, but that was a pretty exciting thing. I texted Roy with the picture and he has yet to check on me to see if I have become mince meat from a bull trample. 

The only other encounter with a bull here was several years ago when Lisa P and I were driving down Newfound Road and a bull was loose. A man and a woman were trying to coerce the bull back in the pasture where he belonged. He was looking for love in all the wrong places. We found that out when the woman told us, a bull that has spittle all around and drooling from the mouth is looking for love. I did not know that. We told her we were from Texas but didn't know a thing about cows and bulls. 

Well, these are the thrills and chills and goings on of late. 

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