Wednesday, November 10, 2021

It Always A Good Day To.....

 A colder morning than I expected but a very nice warm up for the day is forecasted. Today and tomorrow will be good days to get out and about with the expected temperature drop and rain forecast for the end of the week. This morning it is colder here than at Mt Mitchell because of the temperature inversion. With Mike the Mower Man out weed eating and mowing, I didn't get the roses dead headed as planned. So, guess that has fallen into today list of things to do, maybe. 

Yesterday, I met a friend at church to give boots, flannel and blankets to her for ABCCM and their work with the underserved and the homeless. Since I wear size 11 and 12 in shoes and boots, I try to donate new or slightly used boots and shoes in that size. Surely, there are women who need footwear in a larger size and can have a bit of a choice. Any sock collecting, like for the fair ministry, we buy extra large socks because not every man wears size 9-12 socks. The best part of meeting Velda was getting to visit with each other, for almost an hour. I heard some great stories from her. Such fun and she gave me a compliment that will carry me to my home everlasting, "you act like you were born here in the mountains." I was telling Roy about this and that I felt like this could be true because of my Grandma B and the summers I spent with her. Then he said, "you are your Grandma B." He went on to describe why he felt that way from his observations over the years. Too good things said to me in one day, hallelujah!

I decided to try Publix again to see if they had the creamer I like and it is on sale. I try to stock up when they run the discounted price. They had two of my favorite flavors, now that Bailey's Irish Creamer isn't made anymore and I added the vanilla flavor to round out the three for price. Got a couple of meals for the week and a small honey glazed ham. It is always a good day when they have their street tacos kit. Yum!

The Feral Fam got a treat last night. I added the dairy crème to milk and even put out two bowls. Those kitties lapped up that dessert with gusto. Fun to watch cause KH was in the area and I stayed outside to make sure he didn't get any of the treat. The dynamics of the Fam are so different when he is hanging around. 

With the stop at Publix, I got the sliced sweet onions for a topping on the FM $5.00 pizza. The onions as well as sliced jalapeño stuffed olives are a perfect  compliment to top off the veggie pizza. Got that fixed for late lunch and leftovers for today. It is delicious! 


With all the decorative posts on FB from Lamp Post Vintage, I decided it would be time for a Burnsville run. Before going to the shop I drove around and looked at all the colors of the fall season. There are still some brilliant trees displaying the beauty of the season but a lot of trees have played out and shriveled leaves hanging on. No matter, it is beautiful in its own way. After driving around for a bit, I headed over to downtown Burnsville. Found a little Christmas tree for the season that will soon be here. Much to Roy's delight, I am not putting up the big tree this year. Also found some cute handmade items for the tree and a jingle bell wreath in the shape of a heart. Duel seasons. The bells can stay around through Valentines Day. I stopped at Hobby Lobby on the way home and found the gift bags I've been looking for. Also a plain light blue tshirt to go under a flannel shirt. $3.49 with the discount. That's a good day all around. 

Tomorrow will be a good day to get an echocardiogram and stress test. Well, that's what I keep telling myself. Hopefully it will go without a hitch. Well, they just called and gave me the details of what and what not to do. The person I talked to was very friendly and has a sense of humor. She said she will be one of those assisting me tomorrow. So, that is helpful for a better attitude and having a good day. 

Sadly, it is a good day to clean house and not write on the blog. So with that, off to a good day. 

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