Monday, October 17, 2022

A Little Bit of Winter, Early


It seems we are in for a bit of a drop in temperatures by this evening. We will do our preps for the water faucets outside and the water filter is due for a cleaning. Guess by Friday, our weather temps will return to autumn. This cold snap is earlier than usual. 

This week begins prep for the appointment I have been waiting on since June. Because of several situations from the first of the year, I have to do an additional four days of prep with the big prep day on Monday. Hoping for some answers to several symptoms. Then again it all ties into the afib situation and I need to be observant of keeping that to a minimum. Right now it takes a lot of energy that I feel like I don't have in abundance here of late. Told Roy the other day, I build up energy for studying and teaching on Sunday mornings. Most Sunday afternoons for me lately has been complete and total rest. This week also includes a cardiologist appointment and the timing is good for that to be happening. Well, the gastro office just called for reminders and questions. Got my questions answered on how to count the preparing days and what meds to take the morning of. I made the caller laugh after she said, "we look forward to taking care of you." I honestly answered with, "I can't say that I am looking forward to seeing y'all but I am looking forward to being taken care of." A dawdling old lady would not have said that. 

We started Hosea yesterday but the main focus of the lesson was, what is your raisin cake? That phrase stuck with me. What do I hold onto that keeps me living and worshipping God as I ought? The use of the term raisin cake caused some research to take place. I also discovered an online library where you can borrow a book for an hour at a time online. No cut and paste but it added a deeper level of learning being able to use this source. I love when the class adds comments while teaching. Karen S made the brilliant point that Baal is a religion of convivence. Didn't need to do any prep to worship Baal. No preparation of sacrifices whether it be lamb or doves. To start the lesson, we went back to Exodus 32, the golden calf and how quickly the Israelites began to murmur and want action as Moses seemed to be spending too much time on the mountain. Then onto Jeroboam II, put calves at Bethel and Dan, the worship of convivence. Appointed priests and made their own festivals. Now we tackle Hosea after Amos and Jonah. Minor Prophets are so interesting. 

I am posting a few pics from last week. Roy downloaded his pics on our computers. I just chose a few to include. 

The Boys are doing well. They are getting old enough to act like cats, you know, sleep 16 hours a day. They have spent a lot of time with Roy as well. That is so welcomed because Buddy was so partial to me. Mr Mo has a vet appointment on Wednesday. He has a little growth on the front part of his ear. 

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