Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Winning and Prepping

 Sports weekend victories. All the teams we root for, Baylor, LSU and Astros won yesterday. 

Day three of low residue diet is going well. Tomorrow will be the difficult day or so it seems or so it has been said. While having an off week from teaching I was able to finish Empty Mansions last night. Non fiction that reads like fiction, except when all the accounting and math gets involved...so those chapters were mainly skimmed. The story of Huggett Clark is one of the more interesting stories of one of the richest women in the world with mansions she didn't live in, 5th Avenue apartments and lots of money and time, withdrew from the world, lived in a hospital for twenty years and then her mental state etc. called into question by greedy relatives toward the end of her life.  Relatives who didn't stay in touch much throughout life I might add. Reclusive, she liked phone calls and writing and receiving letters. Genuinely loyal throughout her life to friends and staff. Generous. Some thought she was slow or not mentally all there because she collected dolls, mainly Japanese and French antique dolls and loved, more than loved having precise and accurate little houses built for them. She loved studying animation, she was an artist and photographer. The author reminds us this is no different than coin collectors or vase collectors or any other hobbyist, she had the funds to go to the inth degree. Many believe her father was the richest man in the world having more money than John Rockefeller but not as much notoriety.  He also kept all his businesses as sole proprietor rather than corporations. Her father W A Clark was a Wyoming Senator as well as mine owner of copper, gold and such. One of the saddest and revealing stories in the book is the house he built in NYC. If he thought the marble and granite was priced too high for this monumental home to himself, he just bought the quarries. The aftermath of the home he took forever to build and then only lived in for fourteen years is a bleak story without a happy ending. That story is for another day. 

We would rate our tomato season as good. Our first and we made rookie mistakes but kind of got control upon learning what we did wrong and how to save the tomato season. The other day Roy harvested the last of the tomatoes and began breaking down the plants. We need to plant tulip bulbs and maybe we can get to that this afternoon or maybe later this week. 


And now to celebrate the Astros sweeping the Yankees and going to the World Series. Being on eastern time it is so difficult to stay up to watch. So happy to see this good news this morning. 

I pulled out an old hymnal this morning. I think I bought it at an antique store. Here is the poignant thing that happened...that old Baptist Hymnal evoked such a fragrance of flowers. Don't know if the pages held that all these years after not being open. Great reminder of singing and worshipping God, it is supposed to be like a sweet fragrance. Astros win and fragrant hymnal, all for a clear diet day of JELLO, broth, water and clear sodas. 

Roy soloed at church yesterday. Got the report from Inez that he behaved himself. That's good. 

Well, chicken noodle soup broth is okay. 


Today is the day. All the prep stuff stayed down with no throwing up. I am already thinking about my first meal afterwards and like a friend of mine, think I will lean toward a breakfasty late lunch. Yum!

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