Monday, October 31, 2022

The Boys Disputing

 The Boys are busy chasing a toy or a decorative pine cone but they are behaving after a raucous morning of fighting with some play involved. We changed our plans yesterday and headed out Waynesville way. We'd considered going over to Costco, but that will happen in the next few weeks before the busy time of holidays. I mentioned yesterday we had gone to Publix and witnessed the shout off in the parking lot. For Southern Gospel music fans one could say it was Shouting Time, but not in heaven...right here on earth. Before the Publix, we went over to Big Lots with a 25% coupon. We needed to pick up a few necessities. Like a spatula.  We have tiny ones but not regular size. Somehow, this news is not shocking to those who know me. A new sink strainer, cause you know we live the exciting on the edge. 


Overcast and rainy on a Monday morning. Love it! I am easing into the day and delighted with the promise of no plans. 

We had quite the domestic dispute yesterday afternoon and long into the night. No, not Roy and me, but The Boys. Someone, G Mo, got a little rough and caused one of those pitiful cat screams, Mr Mo. We went to investigate, no visible marks but certainly an emotional one. Mr Mo hid under the kitchen table not even tempted by the rattling of a treat package to come out. I Googled it up and read about when cats have disputes and what we can do to make it move along and back to a peaceful coexistence. They kept separate for the afternoon and into the evening. Finally, they were in the same room together, did the nose touch thing, so that is good and did play a little. The domestic dispute put the cabash on trying out the sleep in a room together at night or share a playpen at night. This morning The Boys have reconciled. Eating together, both food and treats, as well playing and chasing one another. The sound of the thundering paws are back and we are so thankful for that. 

Although we are looking at Haggai, we spent most of our study time in Ezra, reading the background and the reason why work stopped for fourteen years on the temple. When we got to the part where the young rejoiced over the altar and foundation being repaired and rebuilt, the older set were crying because it wasn't as beautiful as Solomon's temple. I so to speak, really went off script talking about us older ones squashing the joy of younger ones in the church work or Lord's work. The example I gave was this; in high school pizza got us to youth group events...or there were other reasons we attended but you know pizza. Back then in the olden days of the early 70's pizza was kind of new on the scene of deliciousness. When growing up, my parents never ordered or brought pizza home from a restaurant. We didn't even know it existed outside of Chef Boyardee pizza in a box. wasn't every good. Compared to now, pizza isn't the big draw. You can get pizza everywhere, including gas stations. Guess now, charcuterie boards might be the thing to bring 'em in. Nostalgia hurts one if one lives in the nostalgic world all the time that the good old days were the best days. It robs you of the here and now. Where I got off? Well, I kept saying pizza party? Nobody cares. It was the nobody cares part I should have stayed away from. The Lord keeps teaching me about off the cuff remarks and sometimes I am a fast learner but here of late, it is more like being a slow learner. I began thinking yesterday afternoon, oh my, I hope no one thinks I was talking about Fall Festivals cause it didn't enter my mind. Those weren't even a part of life for me until adulthood and our church had big Fall Festivals each year. Somehow though, along the way they stopped having them and joined the campaign of be the light in your neighborhood thing for All Hallows Eve. 

Since I finally joined the I had an oscophy group, my attention is now returned to the normal aches and pains of getting older. Since I was determined to think my hip pain was somehow related to all the digestive news of the last ten months, I endured. Have no choice anyway because the cardiologist has banned me from taking OTC pain meds like Tylenol and Advil. So the banality of arthritis returns with sprays and creams and such to dull the pain. The damp weather has made it flare up thus no comfort in sitting, standing or walking. Just put Bio Freeze on the spot and hoping for a good result. 

Even with on and off cool temps, we officially went with flannel sheets till spring. We had some cute fall type motif sheets on the bed, blue trucks with pumpkins, but I hated the feel of those sheets. I'm a flannel or crisp percale sheet type. Making the bed yesterday helped in the Mr and G Mo reconciliation cause they had never before discovered the joy of helping make the bed. 

Last year around this time I got into the journals, notebooks and paper accessories available for purchase on the internet. This around this time I am unsubscribing from those websites. Like I need to order anymore journals or pens or books. Hey! Let's keep books out of this...and pens...yes, let's keep pens out of it as well. 

The newest Christmas decoration? It seems to be a Christmas tree collar. Never known about them till this year. 

Since I just finished up a book, it is time to begin another. What? I don't know. I started the Book Woman's Daughter but there are passages that are difficult to get through. Just a little at a time. 

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