Monday, October 10, 2022

You Might Remember...

 Let me introduce myself...well, it has been a long time since writing a blog post. Partly due to first Roy having the crud, then I got it, then we had a few days where we both had it, I am still recovering and then that fire inside me to sit and write just wasn't sparking, thus the lull. Getting Mr Mo and G Mo acclimated to freedom in the house took some of the fire out for sure. This is all a work in progress. These boys play so hard and have FOMO to the inth degree. We almost have to put them in time out for them to rest. They are sweet and loving that's for sure but still young and not looking to be lap cats just yet. They wear me out but thankfully, Roy has the stamina for their antics. Right now, their favorite toy to play with inside is a little pine cone.  They get along really well and share, well for the most part. 

I think the appointment with the gastro office really did me in. Right after the appointment to even this morning, that whole thing has not set well with me. For the most part yes, the patients are mostly of our ilk, older, some elderly and some well, just some. It seemed like some of the questions with the PA were questions to trip one up. I do not believe in doing rote things and I had filled out paperwork two times online and had paperwork to bring in. Thus, I attach a list of meds to the paperwork but either the reception clerk mistyped in the info or this is standard practice, but too many of the dosages were wrong and as we went through the medications, a lot of corrections were made. Did she think I didn't know? Of course the question of what brought you in today? I explained about the symptoms and pain I had at the first of the year but hadn't experienced since March when all things related to the robbery and such were resolved, thus the stress conclusion by two of my other doctors. She assumed it was still going on and wrote thusly in the report. When I went to the scheduler the feeling of being railroaded into two different times didn't sit well. So, I chose one of the dates, only to change it once I got home. The phone call scheduler is much nicer. This week the scheduler called and wanted to know if I was willing for the appointment to be bumped out an hour and I was nice and pleasant with my response of, yes that will be fine...she was kind of surprised to tell you the truth. They must get lots of push back on any changes.  Hope that got written into the permanent record. Of course I realize that complaining about their attitude at the office is a typical old person kind of thing...but y'all this was almost oppressive in nature.

The Feral Fam is doing well for the most part. Mama Cat has launched her two kittens into cat world and they seem to be holding their own. Fluff Mo takes an active part in keeping watch and helping them. This week our neighbor helped a baby squirrel and then took it to a wildlife refuge place. 

Yesterday, third time was a charm in getting over to Little Switzerland. Roy had never been there. The drive is beautiful but Little Switz is a bump in the road. The little café there has delicious food. I was so hoping for orange cake but they didn't have any. The bookstore is a lot of fun to look through. Used books and saw a Gail Godwin first edition of one of her earlier novels but dang, didn't want to pay the first edition price. I had it in paperback but it went the way of Goodwill in the 2011 purge before moving to Rancho De Five. After browsing the store we headed over to an apple orchard that grows vintage apples that were popular long ago. We weren't interested in getting apples cause we have honey crisp and candy crisp apples from Barbers Orchard. Fun looking around and I found a Save the Monarchs sweatshirt. It will be cool enough to wear this weekend. We opted out of Mt Mitchell because my stamina was ebbing but I had enough energy to make a quick walk through at Lamp Post Vintage Market. There is a woodworking vendor and I love his little Christmas trees. He also had snowmen that were rustic and cute. May have to go back for a couple of those. 


A lazy Saturday morning. The Boys are full of energy and we've tried all the tricks to get the yips out but it just one of those cool mornings that energizes. We are getting ready for probably what will be the first frost of the season. Got to get the lime tree in as well as several other plants like lavender and rosemary. We pulled up zinnias yesterday afternoon. Need to dead head roses but we shall much energy Roy has. 

We conclude Jonah tomorrow. This four chapter book is really complex and layered with all kinds of disobedience, obedience, anger, joy...its gots it all! We only have this window of time in Jonah's life, we don't know anything other than where he lived, his father's name and his prophecy in II Kings 14. He seems to be grouchy that's for sure. Next week we start Hosea. We covered that book in The Gospel Project a couple of years ago, daunting no less for this simple minded teacher. 

The dreaded day has come for the pasture across the way. Trucks and heavy equipment are digging and leveling away toward the top of the rise. For now trees hide whatever is happening but we had this wonderful view for almost eight years and reluctantly I accepted that progress continues out here in the country. 


Guess I will close this post and try to begin again. A bit of that fire is back, well maybe more like a spark. Off for an exciting Monday. 


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