Friday, March 12, 2021

HP, Mission Accomplished

 March 12, 2021 a historic day. The Feral Fam came into our lives around November of 2017. It was Mama Cat, Camo, Cali and MJ. I fell in love with Cali and worked so hard to get her into the house and the day she might have made the bold step, Mama Cat was there to give her a swat discouraging any further advances. Of the four only Mama Cat is still around. Cali had Riley and she came into the garage at night to sleep. I got her to the vet office for shots but on the day of surgery to be spayed, she fought tooth and nail not to go in the carrier and she won. She won that day but in just a few weeks, she lost. She made a trip down the gravel road and we never saw her again. Her death weighs heavy on me even today because I feel like I let that cat down. In between then and now there have been scads of kittens, some rescued and others most likely their demise came somewhere on the gravel road. Mr McBeavy was hit by a car on the real road last January. Strawyer succumbed to an injury that led to infection thus taking him to the Med Vet and putting him down, out of his pain. Then Mama Cat had a litter of kittens that had to be the most beautiful kittens I had ever seen. Long hair, black and white tuxedo cats. One kitten who I named Miss Priss, was white with black markings. Hector Protector is a part of that litter and while HP acted like a male cat early on, recently she had received attention from some male suitors. From the very beginning HP was not afraid of me and one day when I extended my hand, she came right to it and wanted to be petted. In these months, I think she is about eight months old, she sat at the backdoor or ran to greet me. She became even bolder by running through the maze of kittens to get inside the back porch. She made it her own, napping and playing out there for hours at a time. While doing any yard work, HP followed me and waited by the swing when she grew bored of my endeavors but she knew at some point I would make my way over to that swing where she would join me. 

This week I have been preparing HP the best way I knew how for today. She came in every afternoon, spent time in the front bedroom, Buddy and HP hissed at one another through the bottom of the door and then I would carry her out to the back porch, feed her and sit with her until she let me know she would like to go outside. It was all working as planned until yesterday, she pulled a get a way with Baby, the wild child of the younger set, and didn't come back until after 5: 30ish. In hindsight that was a blessing. Fed her, let her rest on the back porch and when it was dark, I brought her in and placed her in the front bedroom. I stayed with her, petted and assured her, this was a good thing. Buddy wasn't thrilled but she's fine, unless I am out of her sight. We all went to bed at 8:20 pm thinking the less noise Buddy and I made, the better off HP would be. It did work and only at 2:00 am, did I get up and go into where HP was to pet and assure her. She had some mournful cries. After about thirty minutes, I was able to get away only to return to bed smelling of another cat and Buddy rebuffed me. She left to sleep on the couch, 😁 and returned around 4:30 am. It was not a restful night for any of us. No sound sleeping because I wanted to make sure all was well with HP. Buddy didn't sleep well because she was keeping an eye on me and of course HP didn't being in a totally new situation. 

This morning when it came time to get HP, she was up in the window looking out. She ran over to me and I petted her, assured her this was going to be a great beginning to a new life and she would not like me for a bit. It was a struggle and yes I wore gloves, to get HP into the carrier. Finally, success! I took her down to the truck, strapped the carrier in and we took off for her appointment. I have to say even though she meowed most of the way and tried to bite her way through plastic, if she had time I think she could do it, she behaved better than Buddy. After having Buddy being so puny the past couple of years I had forgotten all about how strong cats are when they are young. 

The Dr should call around 2:00 and pick up is 4:00-4:30. She's coming home in the cone of shame. Everything they can possible do for that cat today, I said do it. They are throwing in a free mani/pedi. 

Other members of the Feral Fam are mad at me because I closed the garage door last night. The low in the mid 50s and they weren't even in the garage. I don't think they have slept there the past few nights and maybe the food is drawing possums or raccoons, so close the door. The orange cats snubbed me but all the Boos showed up for a late treat time. 

It has been a process with Hectorina, and it is not over by any means. I have to decide if she can become an indoor cat full time and if she and Buddy will certainly get along at some point down the road. 

When I got home, I sighed a sigh of relief. Now to get things ready for her return and oh, maybe a nap might be nice. 

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