Monday, March 8, 2021

Spring Temps of Deception

 I just came in from feeding the Feral Fam along with the unwelcomed and as per usual hissing Frankie. I put out food for the relatively small gathering that happens when Frankie is around and will go out later and put out a couple of bowls when our "guest" leaves. 

Yesterday, a monumental day in that I returned to in person church after a two and a half month absence. I sure missed being with everyone. Every January and February I have to be a little more careful about flue and colds and with a pandemic a foot, Roy asked me to stay home until the temps warmed up. I've watched TV and Online Church but there is nothing like being in your home church. Our pastor has been given the month of March to work on his dissertation, so deacons, committee members and volunteers are helping out. Jesse, who is a student at Campbell University and our intern last summer, preached on Enoch. Wow! He preached the Word. After the service, we had a brief Sunday School teacher meeting to make sure we are all on the same page and ready for March 21st. We also learned that Rob is resigning from leading the music ministry and will be with us until the end of April. So sad to see him leave. 

Since yesterday was the first time back in a while, I woke up early to give extra time to get ready because it is so seldom now dressing up or wearing makeup or doing my hair...what little can be done with it. Anyway, I am glad I gave myself extra time because right off after getting dressed, I knocked over my Diet Coke and it sprayed everywhere. Cleanup on aisle six. After cleaning off Diet Coke, I noticed it had spewed onto my white blouse, so changed clothes and started the make up process. Ate breakfast, got the Feral Fam taken care of and began the process of moving the boxes that I use to block most of the partially opened garage door. Moved the car out, got security set and went out the gate. The gate didn't want to close all the way. Not today Satan! Got out and worked with the gate until it closed all the way and then it was off to church. Another theme for the day seemed to be, pull out in front of me day. Happened on the way to church and then after church going to and returning home from The Fresh Market, there must have been three pull outs with very little room to maneuver from crashing. One of those vehicles being a huge flatbed tow truck. With all the close encounters of the road kind, I decided it was best just to go home and leave all the cars and trucks to work it out among themselves.  

I read this quote the other day on Facebook and thought it was so appropriate for these winter/spring days. 

"...And every day the mountains changed in color or shadow, so that the whole year was a succession of tapestries, never twice the same."
~ Sharyn McCrumb
"The Songcatcher"

The dogwood trees are beginning to bud out as well as a few other trees. Glad I got the apple trees trimmed before they start to bud. I need to get the limbs I trimmed into a landscape trash bag and with the temps being in the low 60s this afternoon, it will be a pleasant day to work outdoors.

My hands were in the gutter Saturday, okay not really the gutter but more like gutter solar lights. I put a few on the fence, back toward the corner where the Ferals like to hang out. They look so pretty, I think I will get a few more to put on the back part of the fence. It will be lovely to look at throughout the spring and summer while being on the back porch.

I tried to watch the Harry, Meghan and Oprah interview last night. I had a difficult time paying attention although the subject matter was riveting. It has been more interesting reading the feedback this morning on Twitter. People are all over the place with their thoughts. I thought Oprah, from what I saw, did a great interview, not throwing softball type questions to them and then following through on their statements. After watching a few documentaries last year on the royal family and the business end of being royal, none of it was too surprising.

Last week, there was World Book Day. I was confused by this. Were we to celebrate World Book Encyclopedia or just books in general. Today is International Woman Day. All the email ads are about strong women. I would like some discounts from some of these manufacturers but I have read some of the articles too.

Funny, what you see when you don't expect it. I sat out on the front porch with Buddy and saw a huge piece of machinery delivered across the way. One guy drove the huge truck, unhitched, then unloaded the big scooper machine, walked back to the truck, hitched up the trailer and left. It will probably be this week when they start digging or tearing down the barn. I then went to the back porch to eat lunch and I heard a noise. The cats were on point and Punky made a mad dash under the porch. I saw that big brown dog looking into the gate. Dang! I left the garage door open after bringing in the garbage bin. The dog ate all the food in the bowls and made a dash when I came out the back door. I had cooked eggs for the kitties this morning as I had some eggs going out of date soon. Even mixed with crab and shrimp cat food, they were not interested. But doggie liked it, he'll eat anything. I think all the kitties are safe after checking about. I brought Buddy in from the front porch just to be safe.

More kitty chaos. The stray male cat who has always seemed kind of docile took out after Bobbsey this afternoon when I was feeding them. HP went to check on the Bobbsey and Biggio just observed from the back corner bed.

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