Sunday, September 19, 2021

A Gathering of Reflections

 Yesterday, Roy encouraged me to get out of the house and go do something. It just didn't feel right to do so but today, I decided to venture out to purchase some decorative pumpkins for the fall display by the gate. I worked on that a bit yesterday putting out hay and such. Found reasonably priced gourds and pumpkins and the plus, shopping outdoors. Still wore a mask though. I kind of didn't count on it raining but most of the rain showers were light in nature. 

The morning began a little teary and it is strange even when I was driving or shopping for pumpkins, I would begin thinking about Buddy and I'd hold back tears. It felt like an instrumental kind of listening day, and it became more specific with hymns. Beautiful scenery, with life giving music.  


A foggy Saturday morning. The Feral Fam has been treated and fed. Toupee has been inching closer to me and I've been able to pet her, briefly, but this morning she ate her food right by me. I know its the food because she ate where I prepare their bowls but even with me moving around, she didn't move away. 

Wednesday holds the first of fall and we might actually receive temps that would be considered fallish. Most of the weather people here think that once Wednesday hits, the hold of heat will be broken. Even though I kind of vowed to myself not to buy any more flannel shirts, I have broken that vow. Dang, they are so cute. Thursday morning should be in the high 40s. Great back porch morning coffee weather. We bought a heater fan for the back and it works wonders when it is a little on the coolish side. I'm thinking with those kinds of days, being back out in the garden, getting it cleaned up and out for next spring just might be inviting. I have tulips and daffodils bulbs to plant but that will have to wait until November. 

With today's temps being coolish to warmish, I went to the Ingles in Mars Hill. Beautiful drive and saw the changes the trees and plants are making. Mars Hill University had a football game but the traffic wasn't too bad. 


Late in the afternoon, yesterday, I began cleaning out the area where we had Buddy's litter pan. Without having a laundry room, we have a laundry closet upstairs, and the half bath downstairs so little, we bought one of those hidden types that kind of look like furniture and put it behind the desk in the front room. Concealed and in the room most guests and friends wouldn't ever be in. That sucker is heavy. I just did enough to get the big box out onto the front porch. Got most of the litter granules removed. I'll do a good cleaning on it and it is going to a good home.  Today, I will work further on the process of moving around the furniture in that room. Now, I work at a pace that is much slower than from the long ago years. That would have already been done back in the day, but it's not back in the day, it's today. I also realize that once I get Buddy's things out, her presence in the house is truly gone but her presence in my heart remains. That little stinker left me a good bye gift behind a chair. Oh Buddy, you truly had the last word poop. 

Over Mary Joyce's home and through the trees complete with all the undergrowth and critters, is a church. Mountain View. I can see the top of the short steeple from the bonus room window. The church will be ringing its bell soon. I miss hearing it most Sundays cause they ring it after I have left for church. I miss being at my church but the decision to give a four week sabbatical to us'ns that fight illness with compromised immune systems or weakness gives us a fighting chance to stick around. Choices of where and when have gone back to last year's choices. Being careful but not fearful. Making this choice was not based on Covid numbers from the county or even from people having it at church (well maybe a little), it is based on how hard it is for me to fight viruses. Flu, Covid, colds...and the additional stress they place on my heart, yep the decisions are made on how it all affects my heart and circulatory system. Also, the sign for me that I am stressing my system with too much, whether it be good much or bad much is a sore throat. Now, whenever I get that, it gets my attention quickly. 

Several evenings ago I saw the black and white cat that my neighbor thinks is HP. I can see why, but as it turned and ran away, the markings on the back legs let me know, this was not HP.

I watched my first LSU game of the season last night, well until the third quarter when they put in the back up quarterback. Even though they were playing Central Michigan, they had a better look than from the highlights of last weeks game. The defense was fun to watch. Hope this trend continues.

Again, thank you friends for calls, texts, and FB messages. Your kind words and encouragement has been helpful traversing the sadness of losing my little Buddy. I had the thought this morning to prepare myself for the time when I get out Christmas decorations. My mom made a Buddy Christmas pillow...I shed tears every Christmas cause my mom gave me so many handmade or purchased ornaments and the joy of remembering her will now be enhanced by also remembering Buddy, who to her credit never tried to climb up the Christmas tree.  

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