Wednesday, September 22, 2021

LAB Work and Autumn


First day of autumn 2021. I am happy to say goodbye to the summer of 2021. It has been one of the most puzzling seasons. Hotter temps than normal and a tremendous sense of loss and this is before losing treasured pets, HP and Buddy. This entire summer has felt foggy, not only on the landscape but in my brain and surrounding my heart. I was talking with a friend yesterday, in person no less but socially distanced and masked up, and we both remarked we are just tired. Tired of Covid life or should that be wanting a lack of Covid life. Weary would be a good word. Making decisions about where or how or what and sometimes why. I think I will need to extend my sabbatical several weeks past the original deadline. I miss Sunday mornings with the Joy Class and church but due to circumstances the furlough will need to be extended. It is not a fear, but making wise decisions and choices. 

This morning Toupee cleared the garage when she jumped onto a cardboard box that couldn't support the weight and the jump. Since Junior has reclaimed his spot for his own dish of food, Toupee is trying out new places to get her own bowl of food. Only Biggio didn't scatter, he stayed and ate his breakfast in peace for about a minute, then the Fam returned while I picked up the mess that Toupee made. They certainly have made themselves at home in the garage. They finally found the cat bed on the shelf and several sit in lawn chairs just waiting for the next thing. They are so funny. They sleep on the standing tool box, on storage crates, on soft sided coolers...even in a box or two. When it gets cooler they will probably mosey on back to the corner I made last year. Too warm for them now. 

This season other than fall, is also for me a season of LAB Work. LAB? Life after Buddy. It is a quieter life although she had gone rather stealth in the past few months. When she was a kitten, we got a collar with a little bell on it so we could hear her. We continued that until she got in a garage fight with Riley and Riley ripped that collar right off of her. Buddy came out from under the Mustang with that look of, "for goodness sake, rescue me, NOW!" I did have a flea collar on her these past few weeks. Don't think it did a bit of good but I felt better when I let her out on the back porch. Entry and exit are easier without being on the constant guard or the stressful constant guard when guests were here, for Buddy to try and escape. There would be weeks that her attention was all on getting out to see her mortal enemies and then she would go months without her giving it one lick thought. Although, you never knew when the decision would be made to be interested again.  Haven't gotten used to running just enough water to pour into the coffee pot. We always did a little extra to top off Buddy's water dish until changing out the water a little later.  I've decided her water dish which has been lying in state, will be emptied tomorrow morning. That will be a difficult thing to do. Of all things, that blasted water dish. Sixteen years is a long time, three residences, gone from work to retiring, celebrated many occasions and went through multiple sadness'. Buddy was a great therapy pet. Like many of y'all have shared about your pets, they stick by when you don't know how you're going to make it through. As I mentioned the summer of 2021, it held those feelings of depression and no energy to do the simplest thing just like the summer before Buddy arrived in our home one lovely September day. 

Got a text from a friend about all the SBC mess in Nashville this week. I vaguely have an idea that it is about cover ups for pastors and the like who have sexually assaulted selected and gaslighted church members as well as other issues and concerns of the day, important racial issues. For one, it doesn't surprise me because the guy who is leading over all this, let's just say, by their fruit you shall know them. It only took once watching his TV ministry from his church to see what motivated him and how this guy operated. When our Houston church was looking for a pastor, there were several staff members who thought they might call this guy to be the pastor. Thank God, even if he was considered, he wasn't called. I don't know if my friend, who isn't SBC anymore, wanted to discuss or what. Yesterday, I was knee deep in paperwork and then shredding all the out of date stuff and getting a handle of the paperwork crisis of 2021. It is not that I don't care about the victims, I do, but I don't know that the text conversation would be edifying on any persons part. Most of these mega guys don't care for me anyway, it doesn't matter if they be senior, executive, children's etc... I speak my mind, share my opinions and if they are short men, my height bothers them a great deal. So again, for the majority of my Christian and partially non Christian life, do the mega men get enshrined on a pedestal. What has my attention and prayers are concerns in our Sunday School class. Loved ones with Covid, loved ones having surgery, loved ones waiting on test results...chaos and crisis in our everyday lives. Not power trips on a level of upper denominational leadership. Not covering their butts although there probably should be some kind of sweeping out of the mess. The survivors and victims do have my prayers and for the hope to turn to fact of what they went through and getting predators out of ministry all together. When you take a relationship you have with Christ and turn it into a brand, you're going to have problems. 

It's dark in the garage and we had a second night of red laser light chase. More participants this evening, even Boodos. Boodos, had several run ins with King Herod and has permanent damage to his legs, but even Boodos got involved tonight and it brought a tear to my eye. Biggio and Toupee are the best with Sweetie coming in third. Even Baby played a little this evening. When one is staying around the house, this is the blog posts that will be written. 

Autumn came in this afternoon with rain showers. It was 59 degrees dropping in an hour from 74. It feels wonderful outside and with the high in the 60s tomorrow, it feels like a ride in the country with the top down kind of day. They are forecasting a vibrant leaf season this year. I think in 2015 was one of the most vibrant color years ever. 

Yep, LAB work is happening this evening as I try not to think about last Wednesday night. What a sweetheart, what a kitty kitty, and I'm trying not to be a mess. 

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