Monday, February 1, 2021


 There is nothing like watching snow fall and taking a bite of summer. I opened a container of peaches. Those peaches we sliced and froze were so delicious last night. I ate them partially still frozen reminding me of the peaches that were severed at Wyatt's Cafeteria back in the day. We still have snow on the ground but as temps rise and as the sun is trying to break through clouds, the snow is fading away into slush and water. Gone are the kitty paw prints on the driveway that were made earlier this morning in the snow. The comings and goings of kitties. Junior let me pet him this morning, a first, but probably because he was enamored with treats on the steps. I think Boodos has a little limp going but he is one of those cats that has never ventured close. It is a miracle that they come into the garage to eat. HP has started going to the opposite door on the porch, to be let in, eat some treats, maybe rest a bit and then wants an exit. It looks like HP likes to eat alone and doesn't care for the hustle and pushing the kitties do to eat morning treats on the back porch. 

Churches in the area have all cancelled services due to the snow and ice. Even our road, which is a rather busy one, is seemingly quiet. At both ends of the road, there are predictable patches of black ice. Our driveway looks a bit icy but now with temps above freezing, this afternoons hauling of garbage bins to the road shouldn't be too treacherous. The sound of snow sliding off the roof catches me by surprise now and then. Yesterday, I was very tempted to go to Burnsville and then onto Johnson City, but in hindsight, I am glad I talked myself out of going. With the snow beginning just a little before 4:00, I probably wouldn't have been home yet. 

Since today is Sunday, I noticed I am wearing holy clothes, a Baylor sweatshirt and a long sleeve Montreat shirt underneath it. Wearing warm sweatpants to complete the outfit. Funny, during this pandemic time at home I have rarely worn sweatpants. Sometimes workout pants, but I didn't work out in them. 

I discovered a FB group last night that is from where I was born, a then and now kind of site. Lots of old pictures that seem vaguely familiar. The question to join the group, I couldn't answer specifically but I was able to give enough details for them to know I knew the area. Interesting to look at pictures from the early 1900s and beyond. Reading people's memories of places there resonates with the few places that I remember. Sometimes I have to go to Google Maps to remember street names but I somewhat remember how to get from grandparent to grandparent homes. 


I woke up to no snow, so the forecast for snow in the night didn't pan out. It is snowing now, light snow and it is accumulating but not like Saturday. Roy is still trying to predict mountain weather with Houston knowledge and it just doesn't translate. 

Since I have been going to online church for the month of January, I have noticed one trait with most of the younger, trying to act younger, and a few of the older preachers, they all wave their arms and make way too many gestures. It is probably done to emphasize their point but when it is almost an exclusive thing...for every sentence and point, with ADD I get to watching the waving, pointing and arm spread instead of listening to their points. I understand arm and hand gestures usually mean you are a good communicator but it seems like every online preacher has taken the same communication course. Just one of my January observations. 

Saturday evening The Music Man was on TCM, so even though I was so tired I stayed up and watched most of the movie. Last night as I was falling asleep, I was trying to remember the actress' name that played the librarian. I went through tons of names trying to get to hers but it didn't ever come to me that is until I woke up this morning and knew it was Shirley Jones. Weird how the brain works or doesn't work or finally shows up to work. 

Light snow is back after several hours absence. Made a quick walk to the delivery drop box and it was as if Christmas had come. Several envelopes and boxes. Didn't disturb the kitties by using the garage but I will be out there soon enough with their supper. I am almost finished with my second book of the year and I still had time to vacuum, fold laundry and pick up a few odds and ends. I love these days or even weeks where I have nothing planned and don't have to be anywhere at any time. I made lean pork chops in the slow cooker yesterday and had leftovers for lunch. Delicious as always. Never was much of a pork liking girl, with the exception for bacon, but since living here, more pork is on the menu. Buddy has settled once again in the window to keep an eye on the kitties, but the kitties are not playing on the driveway, too cold. Now Buddy has drifted into another nap. I worked putting Gesso on some small boards so I can paint them but directions say 24 hours is best to let it rest. So now, even with some new metallic colors I will option the rest of the afternoon to reading, sitting by Buddy, in the window with a cup of hot tea. It is a most delightful afternoon. 

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