Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Flag Flies, Queen HP Is In Residence


The Queen is in residence this morning after an all day bender yesterday. She has been treated and is napping on the back porch and this is important because rain is supposed to start up in the next thirty minutes or so. When I came downstairs, the kiddos were playing and chasing. Bobbsey was staring into the window and so with so many in the back, I ventured to the porch to share treats. Taking a head count when who should run up to the stairs and then through the crowd to come inside when the backdoor opened. HP, her most royal highness. She ate a few treats and has selected her royal cat bed to nap upon. I believe she is sleeping off her day/night long bender. Just checked on HP and she was doing some morning grooming but she went back to napping after cleaning up a bit. 

Made the most happy trip to Penland's over in Marshall yesterday morning. Georgette has found a new potter while the other one is building a house and the new potter does beautiful work. I bought a few of her cheese serving dishes as gifts around Christmas but what got me back over to Penland's yesterday, was not the fried pies, although that was part of the equation, no it was the new pottery Marshall mugs. They are so pretty. As always, I found a few more items that needed to come home with me. Headed over to Weaverville and did some grocery shopping and came on home. After a quick lunch I headed over to The Fresh Market and got a few premade meals for the next few days.  

With the sun out for the past few days I have tried to be outdoors more. Nathan and Andrew came over Wednesday afternoon to put mulch in the side flower bed. Always good to visit with them. New mulch always looks so fresh and clean, ready for new beginnings. 

I am enjoying the book Just As I Am by Cecily Tyson. She pulls you into the story, her story from the get go. I am making myself take the book nice and slow although Tina Turner likes to do it nice and rough...but of course I have digressed. The book is hard to put down but I don't want to be finished with her story too soon. There is so much to learn from her.

HP has settled in for her second nap of the day. She got up to stretch. I fed her, she cleaned up and now she is back in her bed or throne as I continue to get things done around the house. I cleaned out a few more kitchen cabinets and have stuff I will take to Goodwill. Even though I know winter weather around here is not done by a longshot, I do know there are several shirts and sweaters I will probably not wear until the next winter roll around. Got some of those things put in storage containers and while I am feeling the mood, I am going through t-shirts cause Lawd knows I have a few too many of them and sorting them out to figure out what is going bye bye.  


Two days in a row for HRH HP to be in residence. She has eaten, towered over her subjects by sitting high up on the daybed and has now turned to her morning repose. Buddy has taken to the front bedroom with all the sunlight beaming in on her. She too, is on a daybed. 


Well, Saturday didn't get too much writing done. I did some work around here and went over to see Inez and Cuman for a bit. Then came home, let the Queen in residence again and finished up a project. The evening was spent in good company reading Just As I Am. What a life! What an approach to hard circumstances and the built in prejudices. I was thinking of the stories that Cuman was telling me about growing up in the mountains, what his parents did for them to survive. Both equally interesting stories worlds apart. Both stories of survival. 

Roy attended a Zoom conference yesterday on story telling. Beforehand he was to have a story ready with transition being the main theme. He based his story on our move from Loop Living to Katy. He told me his story after the conference was over. Wow, it was really well thought out and done well. Toastmasters has been such a good experience for him and although this was not a Toastmaster event, it will certainly help him in his future speeches and such. The conference was his birthday gift to himself and I think he picked a great present. After this semester of CBS ends, he is going to take the humorous story telling done by the same instructor but over a four week period of time. 

With the rain ending and warmer temps the Feral Fam was outside, as they should be, for most of the day and early evening. I had forgotten to put up the cardboard barriers to keep cold wind out and I went into an empty garage. As the temps warm and keeping an eye out for winter blasts still to come, I think they will be sleeping less in the garage and more in their little houses outside. Of course feeding them in the garage is a huge help cause I can go out there in my jammies. 

Boodos is looking a little better. He has some kind of back or hip injury that he is in the process of healing from. If I could get him a little closer I would take him to the Med Vet and see if it is possible to fix. It is an interesting view of his fellow feral cats how they treat him. Bobbsey and Baby treat him so well and will sit with him up by the fence. When all of them are chasing and playing, they all seem to know he is not 100% so they don't tackle as wildly as they do with each other. Punky is still in her very bad mood and totally understand why, but she takes her anger out on the kitties that look like Strawyer. None of the cats are too fond of her, but HP makes an effort. Mama Cat was on the back steps yesterday and saw HP on the daybed, sitting next to me. I should have grabbed a pic because her eyes told the story...what in the Sam Hill are you doing HP? She gave Cali the same look and bopped her on the head when she acted like she might come inside the house. HP came on the back porch for a little nap this morning but wanted out to play. Don't blame her. It is just good to see her three days in a row.  

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