Saturday, February 20, 2021

Easy Saturdays Are Always Welcomed

 There are days when the thought occurs to just get off of Twitter. Many times it is just a place to argue. It's just a place to disagree and then there are those days where the dots connect, people help one another and I think, well, Twitter isn't that bad after all. Twitter was a huge help in keeping Roy up to date with weather and news. So, it is with a languished move, that I resist the temptation to let deactivation take place. As for Instagram, I couldn't care less. I don't care that people post pics and tell stories there. Of all the years with Instagram I believe I posted twice and then the hack took place and boom, it was gone in a heartbeat. No regrets. 

The regret this morning is that I didn't go outside when the sun was shinning to feed the birds. Now, with overcast skies and a bit of a breeze, it will feel rather cold. The kitties have assembled on the front deck because it is a warm spot with the sun. Even with all the flannel, blankets and sweaters making up the padding for them in the garage, there is a coolness that hangs in the air. Inside the house, I made a spring/summer change and put out decorative lemons, limes and oranges. It brightens up the family room a bit. The daffodils and tulip stems are coming up in the backyard and they announce spring is nearly here. As much as I love cold weather, I am just about done but we will have dogwood and blackberry winter before the arrival of truly warm temps for the duration until late fall. There was an ad on FB for Strawberry Hill as they begin the process of hiring for spring and summer. Oh yes, that means it won't be long at all until strawberries. The local plant nursery is getting fruit trees on Saturday so I will make a trip there at the first of the week to buy another peach tree and see if Mike or Nathan will plant it for me. Nathan and crew will be here soon to put down mulch in the side flowerbed. 

Oh Ted Cruz, you got caught leaving the storm, the cold winter storm of the century. I can barely listen to him even when the weather is good, so I'm not listening to him now. Roy said each time he tells his story to different news organizations, Ted is getting deeper into untruths and not sticking to his story.  

When Roy and I were tourists here, we came many times in cold to colder weather. We stayed at the Inn on the Biltmore Estate and didn't miss a beat with power outages. I remember reading a story about a woman who told her husband, this is ridiculous riding out this short term storm at home and they made reservations at the Inn cause they felt there would be water and power. 


With the temps at 21 this morning, there was a full house for breakfast. I brought HP in for a bit but that didn't last long, because of Buddy. At least HP got warmed up before breakfast. The forecast calls for the high of 40, so with the sun, that won't be too bad. Got most of the bird feeders filled in the winter chill yesterday afternoon. 

I began a new fiction book last night. Debut novel for the author. She has pulled me in already with the story and I can see this is not the kind of book to read before going to bed because it gets my brain working, so I thought about the story so far last night and didn't fall right to sleep. 

The new Cecily Tyson book was just delivered. I read the introduction and I'm hooked. The mail also contained two new pairs of jeans, a size smaller thank you very much. But, if I keep winter eating diet, my old jeans will be fitting just fine in a matter of weeks. 

I am trying so hard for Buddy and HP to like each other. Just had a big fuss between the three of us. HP is definitely a girl, a late bloomer. I am trying to do the slow introduction but the wild spirit of a cat that runs free is not cooperating with the cat who doesn't even like Roy to sit close by. 

The sun was welcomed and the day was an easy day. Somewhat productive but most of the time spent reading. Trying to finish up the book I began last night before starting Cecily Tyson's book.  

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