Saturday, February 13, 2021

Mom Jeans, Hair, Rain and Feral Fam

 Yesterday, I wore the most ever, in recent years, the most ever mom jeans. Everything about them from the color to the fit. The jeans had some kind of tummy control thing, which I guess, made my pants stay up better. The blue was some weird, non jean looking denim blue and I went ahead and wore them because the only people I would be seeing are at Goodwill drop off and the grocery store. When did I buy these jeans? Probably from Haute Look cause they are at a discount. Think they will become my work around the house jeans cause, really, since I am not a mom, I shouldn't even be wearing these jeans. I will call them the crazy aunt jeans and feel good about them.  

Back to a new painting project. I haven't finished the first one, the tree, because I didn't have the color of metallic paint I needed. It has arrived so once I finish experimenting with a smaller project I will get back to the tree. Last week I began painting and I hated how it looked so, I am going to gesso and spray paint a background. That project is discontinued but it is good practice for me. Maybe I will start it again. 


A dreary Friday morning and it is mind boggling to think that this weekend and into next week Houston will be colder with chances of snow and ice than here. Who would have thunk it? In 1973 parts of Texas received significant snow, well for Texas measurements. I was at SWTSU now known as Texas State. My dorm was at the bottom of the hill but we made it up the hill to the cafeteria. One of my friends knew about a window that didn't lock and went inside and got cafeteria trays that we would use as sleds. We weren't stealing, we were borrowing because we returned them to the cafeteria after all our sledding fun. In 1983, Houston got a blast of winter weather. The pipes in the garage going to the washer burst. 

Thinking about those crazy aunt jeans I wore the other day, I wonder if and when the pandemic portion of life is done with, if we will go back to the way we were? 🎵Memories in the corner of my mind, misty water colored memories of the way we were. 🎵 When you spend anytime in a hospital setting it comes to a point where you just don't many come in and look at you, treat you and it feels like we leave our dignity at the door. While rehabbing from bilateral knee replacements for two weeks in the rehab hospital the thought came to me, will I go back to normal once this is over? Thankfully, I didn't choose hospital gowns with open backs as a fashion choice upon returning home and then resuming life as I knew it, although with more mobility. So, will I stick with non-highlighted hair? Will I keep wearing stuff that doesn't match, usually just around here not out and about? Will I go back to wearing makeup everyday? On Tuesday at the hair salon, we talked a little about adding some blond back into my hair. Mainly as chunky streaks on the hair near my face, but I don't know. I think that if we keep it short enough and soon spring/summer will be here and it will be for most days visor hair, don't care. 

I am a hair product junkie. Since I am social distancing, see above reference, I am not caring too much about my hair. Jenn, stylist, thought she was introducing me to a new product line but oh contrare I have some of the products by that line. My search for the perfect styling products continue and maybe we have hit the one. The thickening shampoo and conditioner and the style product goes by the name Dallas. Now, being a Houstonian, I try not to have anything Dallas in the house. I told her it has to be called Dallas cause you can almost tell a woman from Dallas by her hairstyle...cause it's big, high and poufy. Jenn is from New York. 

This styling product I bought is pretty dang good. Best for second or third day hair or during a pandemic, week long hair. 

I'm trying to work through a book that came recommended and I am struggling with it. Seems like there is a lot of anger in it, especially toward her husband. Now, I totally get being mad at the hubs, why even one time I was mad at Roy. Wow, what was that huge flash? Lightning? Oh, nonfiction book by the way. Anyway she is telling her perspective of moving from the south to New York City, going from conservative to liberal. I don't care about that. I love reading from all different perspectives and it is how we learn. Being a fence sitter and all. I already know how to be angry and fight it constantly. After heart issues, you better make a change cause your heart cannot stand that stress of being mad or angry or bitter or whatever. Several reviewers said they couldn't put the book down, I am having trouble picking it back up. 


Another drizzly day with a little bit of rain. Meanwhile, friends in Houston prepare for one of the coldest weeks ever there. Lots of Lowe's shoppers and grocery shoppers preparing for the coming days. It could be a work from home week. 

Our fluid plan for starting back to Sunday School remains fluid. Love the leadership of our pastor. I had begun to work on the four lessons I am responsible for and that is never wasted time. The Luke 17 story of the ten lepers who are healed and only one returns to thank and praise Jesus. The despised Samaritan. I ran by church yesterday and afterwards headed to Shorties BBQ for a burger and a side of fried okra. That was my lunch and supper and it was good. 

The kitties are a little stir crazy hanging out in the garage. They were all there for breakfast and hardly gave me any room to move. Last night I did an old tradition that none of them other than Punky, who was not around last night, knew about. Sharing my tuna salad with them. It was a hit and this morning I was greeted on the steps by HP and Biggio along with a stuffed heart toy I gave them this week. So, I am taking that as a declaration of love, better than chewed up, not distinguishable animals that they have killed and then played with, where they leave them by the back door as a token of thankfulness. 

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