Monday, June 28, 2021

Hector Protector Update and Story

 Hector Protector is taking a nap on the back porch. Buddy is asleep in the twin bedroom. I want to be asleep in the bonus room, but I have too much to do and to take care of. HP is napping from her visit to the vet and Buddy, well she is just napping like usual, but she was on an all point alert last night following me everywhere because of Hector Protector. The past few days have been an all in kind of deal with HP. Saturday, she was doing great. Having fun and helping me garden. Saturday evening she helped me deliver food up to the reluctant kittens. The last I saw her was HP grooming herself on one of the big rocks. Sunday morning, she did not show for breakfast, which is not unusual, but she wasn't around when I checked before going to church. She wasn't around when I came home. Around 4:30ish, I went to the gravel road and called for Hector. Nothing. I went back into the garage to move some gardening equipment when I heard the most horrible moan, in cat language. Out to the back once again and HP was lying at the top of the steps and she looked like she had died. I went up the stairs, she was conscious but didn't want to move, so I picked her up and took her to the garage. I noticed her right paw was balled up and she was having trouble with the right front and back leg. I took her to the back porch, retrieved the carrier and called Roy. Then I called Med Vet and I was on the way. At Brevard Road, HP fell over in a heap. Not moving, not responding, and she had stopped panting. When I pulled into the lot I expected her to be dead, but she wasn't. She looked at me and she looked scared. Truly a scardy cat. The tech came out and got her, the nurse called for particulars and symptoms, then the Dr called. I felt she was halfway accusing me of fakery just to get HP moved up on the eight hour waiting list. Med Vet is so good and I will cut her some slack because they were overwhelmed with patients. When I asked if it could be a snake bite, she cut me off and responded like, who is the professional here? I am just trying to help my cat. HP had a temp of 104 and they got that down. When they called for me to come pick up HP I missed the call because I was getting a litter box ready for her. I returned the call and went to pick up Hector. I think the vet office called Med Vet to get anything else more than what they had given me. I liked how today, the vet said, no you were not overreacting. We have seen everything you said was happening. 

When we got home, HP didn't seem any better. Still having trouble with fine motor movements. Right side still an issue. I gave her some food, but I don't think she ate any. I was also able to coax Junior, Junioretta and Boodos to join her in the garage. It wasn't too hot because I had fans running. This morning I found the three sitting with HP. I was happy to see HP alive and moving slowly. Got her back onto the back porch and returned to feed the fam. I got more sleep than I thought I would. Buddy didn't wake me up when she came to bed and she stayed right by my side all night long. The Lord has been answering prayers all along. When I called the Vet, they just happened to have an appointment at 9:00 am. It is a shame that a feral cat is better behaved at the doctor office than Buddy but it is the truth. 

The tech came for HP. The nurse came and took information. I showed her the pics from this morning. They came back, x-rays and bloodwork, yes? Yes, please. The good news came in little splurts of encouragement. X-rays were good, blood count, good, organs good. Most probably some neurological issues but hoping for a pinched nerve. She still favors and seems to have no strength in her right legs and balls up the right paw from time to time. With Roy here later this week, maybe we can get Buddy and HP to tolerate one another. The good news is, no hissing yesterday through the screen.  No hissing today either. 

Yesterday afternoon in the garage before finding HP, Baby came in and sat with me, in that position with all legs tucked under their bodies. Baby has never, ever done anything like that. He sat about five feet away and looked at me. I have seen this so many times...this is what these cats do when one of them is hurting or sick. I think Baby knew that HP was not doing well. She sat with me like I was one of them or I did think, does Baby know something health-wise about me that I don't know? They all know that HP gets her food first and the smart ones like Biggio and now Boodos, come around me while I prepare her bowl, cause she shares her food. So I think Baby knows HP is special to me or at least that is what I like to think she thought. That action of Baby is what made me go up to the gravel road and try to find her again. I am always talking about being observant in the ordinary things and I am so glad I noticed what Baby was doing. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

June 23rd

 June 23, 1971. I was sixteen years old and at church camp. It was held at Camp Palcious Texas. If memory serves, two churches from the San Antonio area were there as well. I had become a Christian in January 1971 after spending most of my childhood and early teens, loving Jesus, not so much loving His people and playing the game, but I do not believe I had been saved as a six year old. Throughout the years I would tell my father I didn't think I was saved and he would tell me to go read the book of John. When you are ADD and start that first chapter I was confused before getting to the last verse in the chapter, thus giving up until the next attempt. Also interesting was the fact my father was not saved. He had various salvation experiences throughout the years and we hope one of those experiences was valid. Back to the story on the coast of Texas. I don't remember a lot about that time at camp. I know that it was the summer between my junior and senior year, I was happy to be spending time with friends, and the excitement and emotions of January had waned. On June 23, 1971 a friend shared with me how I could live a spirit filled life and know Jesus not only as my Savior but also as Lord. Making that decision that night clearly made a huge difference in my life. Just that afternoon, I had sat on the sea wall, looking out at the gulf. I sat there praying, confessing, talking and listening to God. He answered those prayers on that night. Another friend was making a decision as well and for years we contacted each other on June 23rd until we didn't, until Facebook helped us to pick that practice up. After we returned home from camp, I volunteered to give my testimony on the Sunday night camp reflection service at Willow Meadows. My parents took notice of the change in me and they attributed it to camp, but camp is just the place where I met God in a powerful way.

Fast forward to June 23, 2021. Fifty years have passed since that day long ago in the summer of my sixteenth year. While getting ready for our Joy Class, Breakfast on the Porch party, I thought back to that back when day. Who knew that fifty years later, I would be living in WNC, teaching a Sunday School class and be the Sunday School Director of our church. Well, God knew, but my life now wasn't even on the radar in that extraordinary and marvelous day. In these fifty years, I have slipped away and returned, sinned and repented, cried and laughed. This is the assurance though, God loves me, even when slipping, He held my hand. He pulled me out of the pit and put my feet on the rock. 

We had such a good time at Lois' for Breakfast on the Porch. Delicious food and cherished friends. We missed those who could not attend but a good time was had by all. I brought creamy grits. I usually don't bring something I have prepared. The grits are made overnight in the crock pot and they need stirring at least two times during the night. I missed the 3:30 am stirring. Up at 6:00, I was a little worried the grits were not going to be as creamy as they need to be. With a few extra stirs, and when adding the cheese, they firmed right up. Yay! Delicious quiches, fruit, lemon blueberry french toast, muffins...have I said it was all good? We were also able to treat Judy W to a, not a goodbye, maybe a farewell, see you soon send off as they move closer to family. Dang, we are all going to really, really miss them.  Buddy had a rough night, Tuesday, so I took a little nap yesterday afternoon. 

Our weather isn't like June weather these past few days. Oh the heat is returning but yesterday and today have been fabulous with low humidity and highs in the 70s. This morning I spent it outside dead heading roses...lots and lots of roses. Pulled a few weeds too. Mike the Mower Man came back today to finish up the weed eating in the back. He told me that if I would leave leaf trimming and such from the front yard flowerbed in a garbage can or container, he would dispose of the debris and I wouldn't have to try and get it back up to the driveway to put in the trash or take to the landfill. That will be extremely helpful for me. 


It was a breakfast and lunch on the back porch kind of day yesterday. HP joined me twice while I worked on the lesson for the following Sunday. Not only a back porch kind of day but also got a lot of tree trimmings put into the landscape paper trash bags. The only roses that remain to be dead headed are over near the neighbor. The first gladiola are blooming now. Told Roy I think the freezes got to his apple trees because while there are some apples, the trees are not loaded with them like usual. I also discovered that in the front flowerbed one of the raised containers is full of dahlias and snap dragon from last year. Funny, those are annuals and they survived the three freezes. The hydrangeas are struggling this year as well. 

During one of the Buddy cannot settle times during the night, an example came to me for the lesson in a couple of weeks. It so made an impression that those dreams in the night kind of got wrapped up in it all. I do know this one of the first decisions I made in this situation set the tone for the showdown that was to come. 

Every once in awhile I look at the website for FBC Houston. I think I know about seven people or less on staff at the loop. So many young faces. Seen it before, the pressure is on for those who might be a little older to look younger. Nothing ages one faster than trying to capture that strived for look. Lately, there are a few acquaintances on FB that are posting tons of pictures of themselves when they were in their prime. These are people who I meet in real life but became FB "friends." That's about all the relationship we have. 


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Tuesday, After the Rain

 What a way to celebrate Father's Day, in the discovery of some more kittens. These little ones are Mama Cats. Three black and whites, one nearly all black and one white and black. Some very similar color lines are rolling here. So the male dominant cat, Kitty, and maybe Darth are the fathers, with no run of orange in her litter. Honestly, Mama Cat's kittens, no matter what generation, are the cutest things, with the long hair being a dominate characteristic. Most of the kittens in the past have not had Mama Cat's bad mood, grumpiness or her proclivity to hissing. HP being an example. She brought them down into the backyard as opposed to Punky keeping hers near the gravel road. Mama Cat has been on the back step to the porch for over a week which either meant, her kittens had not made it or she had come to stake out her territory, establish it and then bring her kiddos to the promise land. This morning those kittens have established their presence on the two cat houses I keep out back for them. Too hot on the inside for summer but the roofs provide optimal napping temps. They have also discovered the grill and cover being perfect for play and for hiding. The noise of them under the cover, so to speak, rattle the older cats who seem interested in the source of the noise. HP has been watching them, even looking out for one wayward kitten that got away from the fam and was hiding behind a planter in the bushes. She got it to come out and see that the coast was clear for it to get to mom and siblings. My love for HP has so increased in these past few days. She is one of the kindest cats not only to me but she is genuinely liked by all of them...except she does not like Kitty and he isn't here often but when he is, she is on guard and keeps watch over her flock by day and night. Biggio has been friendly toward me because of HP. At first he was a user, well technically they all are, being nice for food...totally the Eddie Haskell of the group but now he comes over to have his head rubbed and to be petted. Technically, could be a user situation but I choose to believe the best about ol' Biggio. He is not the cutest cat out there, not that cats or people should be judge by beauty, but his lanky walk and manner just gets to me. His fur is not very soft but he has the most beautiful eyes.  

The newest kittens are slowly being taught by Mama Cat to come into the garage for food. She did this by leading a kitten one at a time over to the bowls. She lets them sniff about and discover the food on their own. I was only able to watch two kittens learn this but I am sure with me inside, the process will go a little faster for MC. 

Those little ones have all that pent up kitten energy and it is always an enjoyable time watching them be rough and tumble and chase each other all across the yard, only to fall into a heap around Mama Cat for a little snack and then a nap. 


The rain came last night, finally. This isn't from the tropical system but a cool front moving through the state. The rain should be out of here by the afternoon. I need to make a quick trip to Lowe's for more fly strips. I finally found a brand that attracts the flies to its sticky surface. The one I put out in the garage on Sunday is nearly full. When you look at all those flies it reminds me of the scene from Gone With the Wind where all those injured and dead solders are lying on the ground by the train station. This will sound strange but it is so fulfilling to see that strip filled with flies, knowing the world is less that amount of pestilence. 

Doug called yesterday and we visited for almost two hours. Lots of catching up to do and both of us have elderly pets, so we were able to encourage one another. This morning I had the wonderful surprise of seeing the treats Buddy has turned up her nose to, had been eaten. She also ate some of her food. It is always a good day when the morning greets with that surprise. She has also been more awake in the mornings and we've had several good mornings of quiet time together. 

It looks as if the rain has moved out of our area and I can get out to run a few errands. Yep, got those errands taken care of. More fly strips to catch all the flies that I can. Also made a quick trip to the grocery store. 

More Feral Fam drama with a no show Punky this morning, nor all day. That is very, very much not like her. I saw one of her kittens this afternoon. I took some food out to the kitten and who shows her face through the fence, Punky. So maybe, they have found someplace they would rather be during the day with better food, but I highly doubt that on the food. As long as I see them at least once during the day, I am pretty good with that but that is for HP, Biggio, Boodos, Junior and Junioretta. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

Just A Few Things Here and There

 The new implant crown is feeling pretty good. I am still conscious of it but it seems to making itself at home. I learn something interesting about teeth and gums each time I visit Dr. Hodges office. So here is to a good checkup in a couple of months. 

I was able to get outside last evening to do some much needed watering. Didn't get it all done but hopefully, when the evening begins to cool, I'll be out there this evening. I also started deadheading roses out back. Lots of roses means lots of deadheading. Instead of concentrating on just one rose bush, I spent a little bit of time with each one getting the most obvious spent blooms that needed to be trimmed. There are still a lot of spent blossoms to take care of. 

When I got back in the house, I started jotting down notes for the lesson on Sunday. Truthfully, Sarah has never seemed that interesting to me but I found Hagar's story compelling. This time around, I am seeing Sarah in a different light and can appreciate her a bit more. I mean she gets shout outs in the NT and is in the Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith. I found myself immersed in the story and when it came time to go to sleep, my mind wouldn't settle down and I kept thinking about what I had read. I know better than to do this kind of thing before trying to fall asleep.

I am trying to scan a document and it is not working. It is frustrating that I am not more techie than I am but then it would take time and patience to learn all this, even with all the step by step directions, the task seems somewhat overwhelming. Finally gave up and I am mailing it. I am cautious about mailing stuff anymore because several packages have not made it to their destination or made it three weeks late. Almost everyone gives the reason as the mail hub in Greenville SC. No response on a package that should have been delivered several weeks ago. 


I dead headed roses until almost dark last night and have the mosquito bites on my arms to prove it. I wore my leather, long sleeve gloves to protect against the thorns but they came in handy to prevent mosquito bites below my elbow. Also got most of the watering done but the cycle starts back up tonight. Hopefully we get some rain from the system in the Gulf. Just rain, don't want the wind, lightning or thunder. Just looked at the latest forecast and we may be passed by cause it looks to be going farther south. 

Note to self, it is better to go to Publix on a weekday rather than a Saturday. It was InstaCart land this morning. I was able to get in line before all the IC, three and four order carts. Publix had one full lane open, express and then self checkout. One stupid lane and the carts were lining up. I know better than to go on Saturday so it is totally my fault that I got a little miffed. 

On Thursday, hand made pizzas are $5.00 at The Fresh Market. The pizza is pretty good. It has been so long since I've eaten pizza, it is a pure delight. 


This post is leaking into a Monday morning. Buddy has been especially active the past few mornings while welcomed, does make my wake up time earlier than I would like. Since she has been up and moving, we have spent some mornings together like usual, she sits on my lap while I drink coffee. 

Our journey into the lives of Sarah and Hagar got as far as, no Hagar on the scene yet and the travels of Abram and Sarai before they hit Egypt. We sang a wonderful version of Beautiful Savior in church. It is so special to be back in choir. And we had choir practice, well a called choir practice due to the next few Sundays being VBS décor on the stage. We worked on our music for the 4th of July Sunday as well as a few other pieces. 

I love this book, Women of the Smokies. The stories of these women right before and during the time when the Great Smoky Mountain National Park was being formed. Dora Cope made it into the lesson as an example of fierce and frequent travel in what seems should be longer but was a rather short period of time. Life was so hard and living wages was a problem back then as well.  

The promise of rain never showed, so off to water begonias, that I should have watered last night when I got home from choir but couldn't quite find the energy to do so. 

Oh and the new crown is fitting in nicely and feels like it has always been there in my lower jaw. 

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Oops, My Bad

 We are officially not home owners in Katy anymore. What a wild few months this has been. A random call from a realtor that began the process in April to finally getting the wire transfer late yesterday afternoon to be the official seal the deal ending. I know closings are not cut and dried, predictable and easy but this closing had to be the the roughest of all the closings we have experienced in real estate life. Roy felt like he was a "question" behind in the process. Meanwhile, I am upset in North Carolina over the timing of things, what is looking like a strange process and of course being raised by one of the best conspiracy theorists ever, I have amassed the details into a wild tale of intrigue. Roy and I have laughed at the thought of getting rid of half of our stuff and then the sobering thought, oh yeah, we still have half of our stuff in NC. 

Just read the Corner Kitchen in Biltmore Village is not going to serve breakfast anymore. They have not during the lockdowns and I was so hoping that breakfast would resume. In the past few months, I have made some of the earliest in the morning appointments before the parking is filled and almost unbearable since  Wink Salon is in the village. Guess I can continue that practice now.  

It felt like an escape to Johnson City kind of a day, yesterday. I kind of was iffy when I first woke up but realized with the humidity low and sunshine, it was a good day to go have fun. First stop Barnes and Noble. The one in Johnson City puts stuff on sale faster than the stores in Asheville. So I picked up a few bargains along with a couple more's an addiction, I tells ya. I tried to have lunch at Carraba's but the door was locked. People inside though...I decided just to keep moving on. Next stop Academy. Didn't find a thing, not even for Roy. Thought about trying one of the two restaurants just across the way via the roundabout, but the menus didn't appeal to me. Onto Kroger and then to Troyer's. I took the scenic route to Troyer's. With a detour here and there as TN is paving and improving these back roads, it took a little longer but I so enjoyed the drive. Made my Troyer's purchases, ate the pack of peanut butter crackers for lunch and munched on rosemary asiago cheese popcorn. Stopped off at TJs in Mars Hill. They had a few of those little sweet plums that are around this time of year and along with more strawberries and some SC nectarines it was a successful stop. Quick run in at the Ingles and the trip for home began. 

Along the way going and returning, the clouds made spectacular patterns on the mountains. Almost at times like a patchwork quilt. This year the different hues of green are brilliant. The colors so resplendent and one has to wonder will that carry over into the fall season when the leaves begin to change colors. I drove through the NC rest area and visitor center to see if the wildflowers are in bloom, not yet but it looks to be soon. 

Poor Punky, she has the attention of all, ALL the male cats. There are significantly more males than females in this generation of the Feral Fam. Love watching HP, cause she is above the fray but steps in when one of her siblings or cousins needs a presence with them. Biggio acted like a teenage boy, which in cat world, he is, but he finally gave up. He probably went 36 hours without sleep. Boodos has taken up the chase but he is fragile in health, so he is not as determined. I have been wondering about the kittens. Punky is too busy declining all her suitors and constantly on the move. I only saw the kittens early the other morning and not at all yesterday. This morning, they sat with Punky, kind of surrounding her. I was able to get food out to them and those kittens wolfed down everything, licked the bowls clean. Think they are sleeping now in the cleft of the rock. 

This evening while deadheading roses, I discovered something, Baby is a boy! Not a girl! All this time Baby, with the exception of those two days HP wasn't around, she was hanging out with Baby...well, I thought it was just a girls trip. Oops, my bad. 

After almost a year of waiting, my crown was ready for the implant today. Wow! This is my first implant on my lower jaw, it's always been upper. Good news! I made my way toward home, with a stop at The Fresh Market. I ran into our new choir director, Debbie. We had a short but nice visit. We both thought the jumbo cherries looked delicious. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Wednesday, Time For Catching Up

 With all our rain everything is looking so green and not only green but the sunflowers look like they have grown a foot over the weekend. Hopefully, this evening I can get two shrubs planted that I've been putting off getting them into the ground. Kind of like Goldie Locks and the Three Bears, the ground was too dry, the ground was too wet but maybe by this evening it will be just right. 

It felt like this past week held so much, excitement, drama, disappointment, good news filled in-between with the ordinary. With all the emotions involved, by the end of the week, both Roy and I were dragging a bit, tired and in search of rest. Throw in a couple of restless Buddy nights and by yesterday afternoon I felt depleted. Part of that though was the good kind of tired because we met as a class for the first time in over a year. We put two round tables together in the Fellowship Center to discuss, learn and laugh. It was such a good feeling to gather once again, even though not in our room but that didn't matter. 

Life with the Feral Fam is interesting. Biggio has discovered he is a boy. He is a late bloomer and this morning he is filled with desire. Oh my. He tried to take on the dominant male and I am glad wisdom overrode desire. Well, at least for now. I also saw a quick glimpse of kittens, younger than Punky's. Camo brought her litter over for a late afternoon supper last afternoon. I don't know how many but I saw flashes of orange and then black and white. No wonder Junior sleeps all day in the garage. Two and a half years ago she abandoned Punky and Strawyer here for Cali and Riley to look after. I think she has had other kittens but hasn't been around. I think she lives over near Tipton Hill or by the church. HP is a late arriver for breakfast this week. She is engrossed or sleeping somewhere on the gravel road. Boodos, actually touched my hand this morning. That is a kitty cat breakthrough. None of the Boos have ever shown any interest in anything but food. Boodos, has been gravitating toward HP's special bowl for several day, even when I am standing there. 

At Ingles yesterday, the man sacking my groceries asked if I was a Baylor Bear and he made the Sic Em sign. (I had a Baylor t-shirt on) I said yes. Then we both shook our bear paw hands and made the downward motion and we both said rather loudly, "Sic Em Bears!" You should have seen the looks we got from across the front of the store. He said his wife is a Baylor Bear, got her masters there. You don't have Baylor recognition too often here. My favorite is when, once again in Ingles but this time in the parking lot, a man asked me what is a Baylor? Told him. He said his sister retired from Baylor Medical in Dallas and was now a traveling nurse for Yancy county or it could have been Madison. He always wanted to ask her what was a Baylor but didn't want her to think he was ignorant. One of my favorite stories of living here. Just received my Alumni By Choice Baylor shirt. Need to wear that soon. 

On Sunday morning when we met in Sunday School, I gave a short devo so we could think about the past year, what we did wrong, I confessed to buying too much soup, what we are grateful for, what we've learned and what do we carry forward. I mentioned a book Enlightenment Hat by Hat by Nevada Barr. This is a written account of her wrestling with concepts, beliefs and acceptance of her finding Christianity as having been raised agnostic and then as an adult an atheist. She would not be invited to a proper women's ministry event, because she exposes the rough and raw growth, maybe with a few cuss words thrown in. I'd go hear her though if she was talking about this book. I have never read any of her fiction. Her chapter on stillness is one of the best ever. She talks about not experiencing a life of hurried littles. Being someone who embraces wholeheartedly, the little things being important, well this grabbed my attention. She writes on finding stillness based on Psalm 46, be still and know that I am God and she also duly notes when one has a monkey brain, the stillness can be difficult to find and maneuver. I like her and usually reread this book every year. 

Just learned a new term to me, bullet journaling is called bujo. Who knew? Well, those in the know knew, knowledge new to me. Since all the journals, paper, folios, pens and the such have hit my Facebook timeline, it is like being a kid in the candy store. Yes, a few of those offerings have found their way here. Such a vast array of writing implements available. 

There are those internal struggles that we grapple with mostly on our own. We might ask for counsel or advice from time to time, but it would seem it is a silent and private trial. Happenings in the world, our country, our churches; we want to understand or sometimes we don't want to and we quietly table the queries of our mind, cause nobody else knows. I have not tabled the issues but, I have on a time table and on the way I can recognize wrong thinking, or erroneous contemplations go through them. Mainly at this point there is a lot of reading involved, being introduced to concepts and realities I barely or never knew about. I learned on Twitter yesterday that if we take time to understand, we are living out privilege. I don't know if that is a true statement or not, but that is how I know how to eliminate, change or whatever, ideas and realities. 


With the humidity down in our area, yesterday and today look to be promising temp wise. I got one shrub planted yesterday and a few other outside essentials taken care of. Worked on my SS lesson and talked with Rena to get fall material ordered. Lifeway did away with the Bible Illustrator and in my opinion the best piece of work they did. The quarterlies, while better than in the past, are still deficient. I used to think when the SBC didn't know what to do with people, they had them write quarterlies or run Baptist camps. I may still kind of think that. 


Friday, June 11, 2021

The Big Rain Tease is Over

 I had my doubts about the roses in the back. They didn't look like they would make it after enduring warm to cold to freezing and back to warm several times over the last few months of winter. Looking at pictures from last year, they were already blooming in late March. This year...just looked like they might be ornamental green plants along a fence. The week that Beth came to visit, they begin to peek out some pink. Today, they are blooming and making more buds. It looks like some dead heading will happen after Mike the Mower Man finishes with the yard. Also with another bout of rain tease, I will need to water the plants in front yard, especially the new gardenia bushes. Although, they naturally turn brown but to insure continued growth, got to water them this evening...unless rain happens. The percentages and chances are going down as the hours tick by. 

There is a little patch out back that Mike must think is flowers. So, I went out there today and did some weed eating. I was feeling so good about those mad skills, I went to the front yard and began taking care of some of the overgrowth of weeds around the edge of the front flowerbed. Still feeling like I had energy, I got up to where the dead hydrangea bush is and did a little more. That little more about did me in. Got things to a respectable cut and made it to the garage cause I was sweating and feeling a little weak. Vitamin Water hit the spot and I came inside where it was much cooler. 


The skies gave up teasing and let loose rain in the late afternoon. At first, by the looks of things it didn't seem like it would be enough to not have to water, but it kept coming and the rain fell significantly so that I was able to close up shop and go inside. This morning we have fog and more chances of rain. I thought about going to the grocery store this morning but think I will put that off for a bit. There are plenty of things to keep me occupied, fun things as well as things I have to do. 

Looks like the house closing is now scheduled for Monday. I know Roy will be thrilled to have this finally done and move on. Well, he has moved on but you know what I mean. 


This was an early morning. Mustang Sam needed an oil change and an inspection for the state done. When making the appointment I mentioned that I would like the battery checked. The sound of Sam starting sounded like my grandfather's Dodges in the long ago with that whinnying sound. Sure enough Sam needed a new battery and after about an hour an a half, I was out of Jimmy's. I was working on this Sunday's devotional thought for our first Sunday back together in Sunday School, thinking I will use the Bible on my phone. Jimmy's had several to choose from in the waiting room, so that worked out. I did read some on Sarah and Hagar to get that lesson going. When Beth was here and we shopped at the Great Smoky Mountain National Park Visitor Center, I bought a book on women who lived back in the day in the mountains. I think there are some examples to use in upcoming lessons. 

We just had some rather hard rain and a few thunders about. It would sound like the rain was about to stop and then it would pick up speed and rain very hard. I was happy to see Biggio back in the garage after a three day absence. He let me pet him for quite some bit of time. I took food out to the kittens to help Punky. She is a good mom, but when it comes to food she is almost, every cat for themselves. Yet...when I place treats out she calls for them to come eat. 

Speaking of treats, Buddy is meowing and pacing, which means give me a treat. Looks like the rain has cleared off. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Catching Up Once Again

 You go one week without pulling weeds in a flowerbed, you might as well go a month cause I have never seen weeds propagate so quickly as they do in NC. Must be the cooler temps or something. Today, I pulled up weeds and maybe a few plants, I don't know but clearing out some space with the skies, teasing once again, showing rain I worked diligently and quickly. Have a nice pile to bag up. I was at the road getting the trash bin, when the recycle truck came along, so I waited and was hand delivered my trash bin. That is pretty nice. 

Lunch was Publix cedar plank salmon, potatoes and asparagus with blue cheese. I will purchase it again. So far I have liked the street tacos, chicken masalas, and now the salmon. Not so much though the quesadillas. 

Once again it felt like we would get rain and by the afternoon it was back outside to water everything I can hit from the driveway, including the front porch. I didn't have it in me to pull a hose across the yard to water the plum trees, so I took some gallon jugs of water to them, to tide them over so to speak. The rose bushes are really blooming now, later than usual because of the late freezes we had. The roses ringing the all purpose, all season flowerbed are showing off in red, pinks, salmon, white and yellow blooms and blossoms. The red dwarf roses have taken off and expanding their territory, although I don't know if they have heard of the prayer of Jaybez. Aren't we glad that fad has exited from the scene. 

The kittens are feeling more at home in the backyard. Punky has them running off energy. She is trying to convince them it is alright to eat in the garage or accept treats at the backdoor. I never tire of watching her call her kittens and how out of nowhere, they come running to her. They are too big to nurse so much and it won't be long till she looses interest in them and moves on. I was so happy to see Biggio return. He is not the cutest cat in the bunch and he is lean and lanky and I don't know why, but he reminds me of my Uncle Charles. Like I said, I don't know why. He is letting me pet him more and more but it has to begin only when HP is around. Yesterday, I gave his ears and side of his face a good rubbing and he was alright with that. I love how he splays out while sleeping in the garage. I saw a clip yesterday about a cat who came into this young mans life during the pandemic. The growing relationship and trust of the cat kept my interest. The young man says that the cat, Tom, kept him occupied and helped him as his world, like all of ours, shut down. Those ferals did that for me as well as the front flowerbed project last year. 

The closing date has been changed for our house from today to some time this week. Roy scrambled to get the utilities called to postpone the shutting off of services. I think he will be so glad when everything is done with the house that's for sure. 


Looks like the closing is scheduled for next Friday and the delay is due to appraisal inspection report not making it in time for today. 

Today, I had my checkup with Dr. Andy Morris and overall it was a good report. In fact, I think it might be the best numbers while living here. Mountain living has taken a good effect. Heat still bothers me, but my afib episodes were minimal. Of course that is due to staying in those parameters that the Houston cardiologist gave me back in the day to beat the odds given to me of beat five years probably, ten years if I am lucky and I think I am going on thirteen years. God, parameters and North Carolina. As per usual, after these kinds of appointments, like after the cardiologist if it is a good report, fried chicken. Today, it was Jack in the Box tacos. I think the Hendersonville Jack is the closest to us. It has been a couple of years so, it felt like a good day for tacos. They were delicious and made the drive back go quickly. Before going to the Dr I stopped at Southern Chicks and found a cute couple of things. They had a lamp set I LOVED but really no place to put them...I thought about them a lot but made the turn toward Jack instead.  Might not have been the best health choice but definitely the cheaper choice. 


Such a foggy morning. I closed the garage door last night since it seems the cats don't use it at night, well except Junioretta and she spent the night in the garage after going undetected. They were happy to see the door open this morning. I would think the garage is too hot at night but will do in a pinch when it rains. I don't want the raccoons getting interested in the garage again. 

When we start back to Sunday School this Sunday, I am working on a short devotional thought and yesterday while eating tacos, waiting at the Dr and driving, I outlined it mentally. I think it will be good to get back into the normal routine of having prepared a lesson each week. 

Monday, June 7, 2021

It Looks Like...Oh, The Skies Are Teasing Us

 We have four kids that live in two of the houses above us. Great kids, all of them. This spring they have discovered the joy of using skate boards, gardening carts and scooters to begin at the top of the hill and speed down toward the main road until they bail out in our yard. We have the perfect slope for that and I am happy for them to be able to stop themselves before it's too late. The two neighbor girls sans the brothers, were busy having fun riding. They wore helmets, happy to see that. They rode down and trudged back up to the top several times before they rested on the slope of our yard, looking across the pasture and cows, maybe to the mountains and they talked. You could tell it was friend talk, those kind of conversations we grab in-between doing other things. It seems easier when we are younger and maybe only have chores to do that the time is taken to talk about the future, dreams, wonderings and wanderings. Oh as adults we too can grab that kind of friend conversation, but there are times we feel guilty for taking in the pleasure of enjoying another's company when so many things cry out for our attention. My plan had been to work over that way in the flowerbeds, but while putting the new birdseed in the feeders, from the corner of my eye, I saw them talking, laughing and smiling. No need for an old lady to holler out a greeting and interrupt important discussions. Kept my eyes on my job of getting these birds some grub but happy in my heart to have been privileged to grab a quick glance of friends doing what friends have done for eons at the beginnings of the summer and all the adventure opened up to them. 


While working in the garage instead of with the trees and flowerbeds, I was able to watch once again how cat society works, well sometimes works depending on their moods. Boodos has had motor skill issues from the beginning. He doesn't lap up water like other cats. I think he has a lot of difficulty with most daily things. Both Baby and HP groom his and when he shows up for nap time, they usually give him the coveted spot of the bedding. There for awhile, the eating protocol went out the window, but meal protocol has returned. Biggio and HP get their own little bowl for appetizers and Junior has taken Radley's place at the other spot for appetizers. Junior isn't especially friendly with me but I am trying to win him over. He has a perpetual mean look on his face, so unlike Strawyer. I was worried about Biggio because he hadn't shown up for a couple of days, but he greeted me this morning at the backdoor. He is even letting me pet him but just when food is around. Punky is bringing her group into the backyard more. They've been playing with the toys and of course the very popular random stick or piece of mulch. 


This coming Sunday we return to our pre-covid classes at church. Modified Sunday School has been fun and we have learned from a variety of our women teachers. The Joy class will not be able to return to our room just yet. The AC isn't working properly so we will continue to meet in the Fellowship Hall until our room is cool. Both Karon and I looked at each other when we said, you don't want a room of hot women and not in the good way...truly if we met in our room I might be smoking hot for the first time, but it will be more like steam hot...which is not the same thing. The usage of the term "Smokin' Hot" should just be done away with in the church. 

The skies are teasing us again with rain. Just a few sprinkles this morning, but it would be nice to get a rain shower or two. I put off watering the plum trees last night after choir. You know, I have my priorities of watching the last episode of Hometown Takeover. 

We rehearsed in big church last night in the choir loft. Our time together began with the arrangement of When I Survey, the one that we sang often in FBC choir with Gerald. We concluded our time with How Great Thou Art, the arrangement that FBC choir sang with John Bolin. I teared up a bit because the How Great song, was the song that John had me come up to where he was, as it was my last rehearsal with the choir before moving to North Carolina, and watch the choir sing. It was so moving and to this day when it comes up randomly on the playlist on my phone, it brings me to tears still. And when I hear my friend Dana hit that last high! It was the first time through for our choir last night and it sounded very good! I also had good memories of Allen Hightower in rehearsal, because our new director mentioned several times about raising our eyes and eyebrows as we sing. Peggy and I went to Allen and told him we could raise our eyebrows to the top of our head and our sound wouldn't change but we'd do it to look like we were good singers. Good news, if we sing a tambourine kind of song, I get to dust off the old tambourine and make a joyful noise. 

I am easing into the day because there are several mornings that it will not be possible this week. Buddy is asleep. She ate yesterday, more than the day before, so that is welcomed. The sun is overtaking the gray so it looks like I'll be watering later in the afternoon. 


Friday, June 4, 2021

National Hugs, Cats, Donuts and Cheese Day

 I just saw an ad on Facebook for catching mice in a bucket. You can fill a bucket in one night they said. My question, what do you do with a bucket full of mice? Live mice I might add. I'd rather keep feral cats around and only have to see something dead every once in a while. The majority of giftings from them is voles. Sometimes a bird. I've made it harder for them to trap a bird at the feeders. If they catch field mice from the horse pasture above us, I think they eat them. Voles must not taste good and can only be used for soccer.

The conclusion I have reached about being a good speller? A good speller is mainly someone who memorized better than most. I am just about at the same conclusion for grammar freaks. Yes, I like good grammar like most, but some people have no lives other than to act like an old lady and constantly correct  mistakes.  

A friend is asking some good questions on Facebook. Recently he asked about anything a teacher said  that made a difference or encouraged you. Nothing rings a bell for me in elementary or junior high school, difference or encouragement wise. High school, I'd have to go all the way to my senior year. We used to run for our classes. If you were not a fast runner or a time mapper, you got stuck with horrible teachers, thus making high school more challenging than it needed to be. Going back to eighth grade, when we had to come up with our four year plan, I knew to get all the hard stuff for me out of the way before my senior year. Not that I was taking hard classes especially in math, but it was more getting the requirements out of the way. All that brings us back to the original thought in this paragraph. My senior year I took more of a hands on English class, it was an experiment and the first of its kind at our school. We had more projects and writing assignments than lessons on grammatical usage. I had that class first period and it set the tone for the day, a good tone. My love of writing, which had been squelched for years, came to the surface once again because our papers were not written to some specification of a requirement but more so to find our style. This encouraged me more than anything previously in school. I was made an A on most of my writing assignments. Unheard of. For our final exam, the first semester, we had a timed paper with a choice of three topics to write on. I chose, "if I had__________ I could change the world. Fill in that blank with love. All day I was asked by others, did you write a paper on love? Why yes, how did you know? Cause Mrs. Long read your paper to us before our final and said, this is how you develop a thought and write an interesting paper. Mrs. Long told me later how moved she was by my writing and that day, is the day, that set a tone and encouraged me. When I went to college, it was back to writing for requirements and for the judgement of the professor. But that one year, that senior year of English, I continued with Mrs. Long for the spring semester, writing was freeing and enjoyable. We all have a style and some have styles more for professional endeavors and some for books and essays. Even after college, I took creative writing classes and for the most part, my style never jelled with the instructor, so I stopped taking classes and tended to better choices of reading. I learned more from authors than I did from any other avenue. 

With Beth and I thinking back of those by gone days, our remembering caused me to ponder different times in life. I got to thinking about a friend from long ago who made the habit of hitching their star to someone who had already, kind of, sort of, found their way on a successful path. This person would hope that others hard work would pay dividends in their own life. For the most part, they were disappointed and I don't know if that star diminished or if they ever found that success they were looking toward. 

I just read an essay by Wilma Dykeman about when honeysuckle hits the fragrance grade and the very air is filled with that sweet and pleasing aroma. Today, I went over to the post office in Weaverville and to TSC, with the top down on Mustang Sam. Down every road, along the river and even in town the perfume of rural landscapes dominated all the sensory elixir. It was almost too much but not really. We have honeysuckle growing on an old fence by the side of the house. Tomorrow when I water the plants out front, I will welcome this summertime perfume with open arms or should that be open nostrils? 

Just heard from Roy, with good news. He has given me a little bit of a scare with maybe health issues. He went to the Dr just to get it checked out that it was nothing serious. From Dr Riley, who is just a wonderful Dr by the way, she believes it is a muscular issue but having him go see a cardiologist just to be on the safe side. When Roy sends a calendar appointment to me, out of the blue, to go to the Dr, I pay attention. He hasn't been ill very much or many times, with just a little bit of a concern last summer...which is under control. He called me this morning, for no reason he said, just to hear my voice. Ah, that's nice I thought then anxiety went into overdrive. Why did he do this? Does he suspect something? I mean he does that kind of thing every once in a while, but he has had so much to do with the house and the upcoming closing, very busy at work...well, anyway, this afternoon's call was welcomed. It was good to hear his voice. 

The flowerbeds are calling and I must go. I also discovered today is National Cheese Day and Hug Your Cat Day, as well as National Donut Day. I did have a donut at breakfast to celebrate and most probably supper tonight will include some cheese. I hugged Buddy and HP to celebrate National Hug You Cat Day, but know better than to hug any other cat that comes to meals or rests in the garage. I made headway with Junior today. He has taken Radleys place at the placement of a bowl just for him. He usually stays away until he sees the bowl has been safely placed and with me busied with bowl filling for the others. Not today, he sat there as I placed the bowl. He wolfed down his food because he hasn't been around the past few days and probably starving. Junior even let me fill his bowl some more while he ate...that is almost as good as a hug. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Keep On

 The plants needed watering, weeds need pulling and dead heading roses all took a backseat last night as Lisa P and I texted while we watched The Bad Seed. It is one of my all time favorite movies and like I have written before, the first time seeing it was in college. All the hallmates gathered round a TV in a dorm room, an unheard thing at the time having a TV in your dorm room, and watched. We watched and commented and made fun of the campiness of the movie. At then end, Eva had wet her pants and ran out of the room and Sherry stepped in the pee jokingly asking who peed on the floor. By this time Eva was back with paper towels and said I did. Through the years I have watched it many times, even having the DVD. There are so many layers to the movie and even last night Lisa and I made new observations with LeRoy, the music and of course Christine. 

It was an earlier type morning yesterday as I made my way to the Dr office to do bloodwork. Thankfully a good phlebotomist and drinking lots of water made the stick a one and done. Also love the bigger urine specimen cup. You know, truly, it is the little things. Left the Dr office and went to Another Broken Egg for breakfast and while enjoying a flavorful meal, the vet called with the update on Buddy's bloodwork. A few surprises, some minor and then the usual conversation on how to get meds into Buddy. I love how they try to make cranky and grumpy cat sound so nice...contentious, strong willed... Basically she is anemic and has stomach issues, with good liver and kidney function along with a chance of a tumor somewhere in the gastro area. Since she is almost 16, we both agreed that any type of MRI would be invasive and hurtful to Buddy at this age and stage. Palliative care, keeping Buddy out of pain but short of being in a zombie state is the direction we are taking. Sitting in the midst of a semi busy restaurant and trying hard to hear and understand the Dr, certainly difficult circumstances, but I assured the Dr that I love Buddy and want the best care for her but I am also a realist and know she has taken the turn for getting closer to the rainbow bridge. I will enjoy Buddy with whatever amount of time we have left together. Before leaving for the Dr office, got the Feral Fam fed sans HP. HP wasn't around when I got home...but she showed up later in the afternoon. Whew! 

Roy was in Katy a lot over the weekend. Cleaning the house one last time and getting things to Goodwill. Got the trash out and returned last night to get the trash cans in, but even at that later time in the evening, the garbage service hadn't picked up trash yet. So Roy went to Costco and Whole Foods, returning back to empty trash cans. Got them into the garage and he was on his way back home. Long evening for him. 

The beginning of summer in the mountains greets us with the last of spring flowers, the greening and brilliance of trees, and bridge work. Along I 26 and I 40 the work of tearing down or reinforcing bridges is upon us. Mostly this is happening to the south and west so I 26 going toward TN is relatively free from construction zones. As Beth and I traversed the landscapes last week, Beth could not get over how green everything is, especially all the greens of trees. She said maybe if she had known about the beauty of this area when she got out of college, she might have come this way instead of going to the Northwest. The beauty of this place, I don't take it for granted. Although my hiking days are over, pretty much, I still have been able to see allure of these mountains through books, road trips and virtual displays from drones or the like. I hike our yard most of these days and find so much to be thankful for. Beth and I feel like we are in the best days of our lives, but we have taken different avenues to come to these happy and serene days. Maybe serene in spirit days cause there are days filled with chaos or overwhelming details and decisions.  She travels and I don't like leaving the mountains. Our conversations turned to high school and church during that time, of people long gone, of teachers definitely weird or definitely outstanding. Friends cherished only in memory and of course the wonderings of  wonder what happened to them?  

I need to stop clicking on journal, notebooks, fountain pens and the like on FB. My timeline is now filled with vendors that sell those kinds of things. This does not make me mad, but I have fun searching now and then, contemplating a purchase of such wonderful accoutrements for writing.  


Good Thursday morning. Buddy is asleep and the Feral Fam is fed. Last night I took some single serving portions out to the kittens. Three of the four were brave enough to try, then scarf down the food. They are way beyond the weaning age. The one I call Toupee is the bravest of the four and comes down into the yard, tentatively, then courageously till she hears a noise. I say she I haven't a clue whether she be a she or a he. 

I worked some more in the garage and some outside. The pollen or something in the air was bothering me a bit. That is not a usual thing. Mike the Mower Man cut the lawn yesterday, so it is always a joy to be working in a yard that has been freshly cut. I finally broke out the Duluth overalls this week made especially for gardening. I love them! Lots of pockets and so comfortable. 

Roy has been working under a lot of stress of late. Not just the regular office junk but all the moving and details with the house on top of that. He has been back and forth to Katy and he is ready to fully move onto being in Houston, then fully in NC.

Speaking of moving on, I best be about the day. Have to work on a letter for our Sunday School class and run to the grocery store. Think I can get it all in before the rain or no rain.