Monday, June 7, 2021

It Looks Like...Oh, The Skies Are Teasing Us

 We have four kids that live in two of the houses above us. Great kids, all of them. This spring they have discovered the joy of using skate boards, gardening carts and scooters to begin at the top of the hill and speed down toward the main road until they bail out in our yard. We have the perfect slope for that and I am happy for them to be able to stop themselves before it's too late. The two neighbor girls sans the brothers, were busy having fun riding. They wore helmets, happy to see that. They rode down and trudged back up to the top several times before they rested on the slope of our yard, looking across the pasture and cows, maybe to the mountains and they talked. You could tell it was friend talk, those kind of conversations we grab in-between doing other things. It seems easier when we are younger and maybe only have chores to do that the time is taken to talk about the future, dreams, wonderings and wanderings. Oh as adults we too can grab that kind of friend conversation, but there are times we feel guilty for taking in the pleasure of enjoying another's company when so many things cry out for our attention. My plan had been to work over that way in the flowerbeds, but while putting the new birdseed in the feeders, from the corner of my eye, I saw them talking, laughing and smiling. No need for an old lady to holler out a greeting and interrupt important discussions. Kept my eyes on my job of getting these birds some grub but happy in my heart to have been privileged to grab a quick glance of friends doing what friends have done for eons at the beginnings of the summer and all the adventure opened up to them. 


While working in the garage instead of with the trees and flowerbeds, I was able to watch once again how cat society works, well sometimes works depending on their moods. Boodos has had motor skill issues from the beginning. He doesn't lap up water like other cats. I think he has a lot of difficulty with most daily things. Both Baby and HP groom his and when he shows up for nap time, they usually give him the coveted spot of the bedding. There for awhile, the eating protocol went out the window, but meal protocol has returned. Biggio and HP get their own little bowl for appetizers and Junior has taken Radley's place at the other spot for appetizers. Junior isn't especially friendly with me but I am trying to win him over. He has a perpetual mean look on his face, so unlike Strawyer. I was worried about Biggio because he hadn't shown up for a couple of days, but he greeted me this morning at the backdoor. He is even letting me pet him but just when food is around. Punky is bringing her group into the backyard more. They've been playing with the toys and of course the very popular random stick or piece of mulch. 


This coming Sunday we return to our pre-covid classes at church. Modified Sunday School has been fun and we have learned from a variety of our women teachers. The Joy class will not be able to return to our room just yet. The AC isn't working properly so we will continue to meet in the Fellowship Hall until our room is cool. Both Karon and I looked at each other when we said, you don't want a room of hot women and not in the good way...truly if we met in our room I might be smoking hot for the first time, but it will be more like steam hot...which is not the same thing. The usage of the term "Smokin' Hot" should just be done away with in the church. 

The skies are teasing us again with rain. Just a few sprinkles this morning, but it would be nice to get a rain shower or two. I put off watering the plum trees last night after choir. You know, I have my priorities of watching the last episode of Hometown Takeover. 

We rehearsed in big church last night in the choir loft. Our time together began with the arrangement of When I Survey, the one that we sang often in FBC choir with Gerald. We concluded our time with How Great Thou Art, the arrangement that FBC choir sang with John Bolin. I teared up a bit because the How Great song, was the song that John had me come up to where he was, as it was my last rehearsal with the choir before moving to North Carolina, and watch the choir sing. It was so moving and to this day when it comes up randomly on the playlist on my phone, it brings me to tears still. And when I hear my friend Dana hit that last high! It was the first time through for our choir last night and it sounded very good! I also had good memories of Allen Hightower in rehearsal, because our new director mentioned several times about raising our eyes and eyebrows as we sing. Peggy and I went to Allen and told him we could raise our eyebrows to the top of our head and our sound wouldn't change but we'd do it to look like we were good singers. Good news, if we sing a tambourine kind of song, I get to dust off the old tambourine and make a joyful noise. 

I am easing into the day because there are several mornings that it will not be possible this week. Buddy is asleep. She ate yesterday, more than the day before, so that is welcomed. The sun is overtaking the gray so it looks like I'll be watering later in the afternoon. 


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