Friday, June 11, 2021

The Big Rain Tease is Over

 I had my doubts about the roses in the back. They didn't look like they would make it after enduring warm to cold to freezing and back to warm several times over the last few months of winter. Looking at pictures from last year, they were already blooming in late March. This year...just looked like they might be ornamental green plants along a fence. The week that Beth came to visit, they begin to peek out some pink. Today, they are blooming and making more buds. It looks like some dead heading will happen after Mike the Mower Man finishes with the yard. Also with another bout of rain tease, I will need to water the plants in front yard, especially the new gardenia bushes. Although, they naturally turn brown but to insure continued growth, got to water them this evening...unless rain happens. The percentages and chances are going down as the hours tick by. 

There is a little patch out back that Mike must think is flowers. So, I went out there today and did some weed eating. I was feeling so good about those mad skills, I went to the front yard and began taking care of some of the overgrowth of weeds around the edge of the front flowerbed. Still feeling like I had energy, I got up to where the dead hydrangea bush is and did a little more. That little more about did me in. Got things to a respectable cut and made it to the garage cause I was sweating and feeling a little weak. Vitamin Water hit the spot and I came inside where it was much cooler. 


The skies gave up teasing and let loose rain in the late afternoon. At first, by the looks of things it didn't seem like it would be enough to not have to water, but it kept coming and the rain fell significantly so that I was able to close up shop and go inside. This morning we have fog and more chances of rain. I thought about going to the grocery store this morning but think I will put that off for a bit. There are plenty of things to keep me occupied, fun things as well as things I have to do. 

Looks like the house closing is now scheduled for Monday. I know Roy will be thrilled to have this finally done and move on. Well, he has moved on but you know what I mean. 


This was an early morning. Mustang Sam needed an oil change and an inspection for the state done. When making the appointment I mentioned that I would like the battery checked. The sound of Sam starting sounded like my grandfather's Dodges in the long ago with that whinnying sound. Sure enough Sam needed a new battery and after about an hour an a half, I was out of Jimmy's. I was working on this Sunday's devotional thought for our first Sunday back together in Sunday School, thinking I will use the Bible on my phone. Jimmy's had several to choose from in the waiting room, so that worked out. I did read some on Sarah and Hagar to get that lesson going. When Beth was here and we shopped at the Great Smoky Mountain National Park Visitor Center, I bought a book on women who lived back in the day in the mountains. I think there are some examples to use in upcoming lessons. 

We just had some rather hard rain and a few thunders about. It would sound like the rain was about to stop and then it would pick up speed and rain very hard. I was happy to see Biggio back in the garage after a three day absence. He let me pet him for quite some bit of time. I took food out to the kittens to help Punky. She is a good mom, but when it comes to food she is almost, every cat for themselves. Yet...when I place treats out she calls for them to come eat. 

Speaking of treats, Buddy is meowing and pacing, which means give me a treat. Looks like the rain has cleared off. 

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