Thursday, June 3, 2021

Keep On

 The plants needed watering, weeds need pulling and dead heading roses all took a backseat last night as Lisa P and I texted while we watched The Bad Seed. It is one of my all time favorite movies and like I have written before, the first time seeing it was in college. All the hallmates gathered round a TV in a dorm room, an unheard thing at the time having a TV in your dorm room, and watched. We watched and commented and made fun of the campiness of the movie. At then end, Eva had wet her pants and ran out of the room and Sherry stepped in the pee jokingly asking who peed on the floor. By this time Eva was back with paper towels and said I did. Through the years I have watched it many times, even having the DVD. There are so many layers to the movie and even last night Lisa and I made new observations with LeRoy, the music and of course Christine. 

It was an earlier type morning yesterday as I made my way to the Dr office to do bloodwork. Thankfully a good phlebotomist and drinking lots of water made the stick a one and done. Also love the bigger urine specimen cup. You know, truly, it is the little things. Left the Dr office and went to Another Broken Egg for breakfast and while enjoying a flavorful meal, the vet called with the update on Buddy's bloodwork. A few surprises, some minor and then the usual conversation on how to get meds into Buddy. I love how they try to make cranky and grumpy cat sound so nice...contentious, strong willed... Basically she is anemic and has stomach issues, with good liver and kidney function along with a chance of a tumor somewhere in the gastro area. Since she is almost 16, we both agreed that any type of MRI would be invasive and hurtful to Buddy at this age and stage. Palliative care, keeping Buddy out of pain but short of being in a zombie state is the direction we are taking. Sitting in the midst of a semi busy restaurant and trying hard to hear and understand the Dr, certainly difficult circumstances, but I assured the Dr that I love Buddy and want the best care for her but I am also a realist and know she has taken the turn for getting closer to the rainbow bridge. I will enjoy Buddy with whatever amount of time we have left together. Before leaving for the Dr office, got the Feral Fam fed sans HP. HP wasn't around when I got home...but she showed up later in the afternoon. Whew! 

Roy was in Katy a lot over the weekend. Cleaning the house one last time and getting things to Goodwill. Got the trash out and returned last night to get the trash cans in, but even at that later time in the evening, the garbage service hadn't picked up trash yet. So Roy went to Costco and Whole Foods, returning back to empty trash cans. Got them into the garage and he was on his way back home. Long evening for him. 

The beginning of summer in the mountains greets us with the last of spring flowers, the greening and brilliance of trees, and bridge work. Along I 26 and I 40 the work of tearing down or reinforcing bridges is upon us. Mostly this is happening to the south and west so I 26 going toward TN is relatively free from construction zones. As Beth and I traversed the landscapes last week, Beth could not get over how green everything is, especially all the greens of trees. She said maybe if she had known about the beauty of this area when she got out of college, she might have come this way instead of going to the Northwest. The beauty of this place, I don't take it for granted. Although my hiking days are over, pretty much, I still have been able to see allure of these mountains through books, road trips and virtual displays from drones or the like. I hike our yard most of these days and find so much to be thankful for. Beth and I feel like we are in the best days of our lives, but we have taken different avenues to come to these happy and serene days. Maybe serene in spirit days cause there are days filled with chaos or overwhelming details and decisions.  She travels and I don't like leaving the mountains. Our conversations turned to high school and church during that time, of people long gone, of teachers definitely weird or definitely outstanding. Friends cherished only in memory and of course the wonderings of  wonder what happened to them?  

I need to stop clicking on journal, notebooks, fountain pens and the like on FB. My timeline is now filled with vendors that sell those kinds of things. This does not make me mad, but I have fun searching now and then, contemplating a purchase of such wonderful accoutrements for writing.  


Good Thursday morning. Buddy is asleep and the Feral Fam is fed. Last night I took some single serving portions out to the kittens. Three of the four were brave enough to try, then scarf down the food. They are way beyond the weaning age. The one I call Toupee is the bravest of the four and comes down into the yard, tentatively, then courageously till she hears a noise. I say she I haven't a clue whether she be a she or a he. 

I worked some more in the garage and some outside. The pollen or something in the air was bothering me a bit. That is not a usual thing. Mike the Mower Man cut the lawn yesterday, so it is always a joy to be working in a yard that has been freshly cut. I finally broke out the Duluth overalls this week made especially for gardening. I love them! Lots of pockets and so comfortable. 

Roy has been working under a lot of stress of late. Not just the regular office junk but all the moving and details with the house on top of that. He has been back and forth to Katy and he is ready to fully move onto being in Houston, then fully in NC.

Speaking of moving on, I best be about the day. Have to work on a letter for our Sunday School class and run to the grocery store. Think I can get it all in before the rain or no rain. 

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