Monday, June 21, 2021

Just A Few Things Here and There

 The new implant crown is feeling pretty good. I am still conscious of it but it seems to making itself at home. I learn something interesting about teeth and gums each time I visit Dr. Hodges office. So here is to a good checkup in a couple of months. 

I was able to get outside last evening to do some much needed watering. Didn't get it all done but hopefully, when the evening begins to cool, I'll be out there this evening. I also started deadheading roses out back. Lots of roses means lots of deadheading. Instead of concentrating on just one rose bush, I spent a little bit of time with each one getting the most obvious spent blooms that needed to be trimmed. There are still a lot of spent blossoms to take care of. 

When I got back in the house, I started jotting down notes for the lesson on Sunday. Truthfully, Sarah has never seemed that interesting to me but I found Hagar's story compelling. This time around, I am seeing Sarah in a different light and can appreciate her a bit more. I mean she gets shout outs in the NT and is in the Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith. I found myself immersed in the story and when it came time to go to sleep, my mind wouldn't settle down and I kept thinking about what I had read. I know better than to do this kind of thing before trying to fall asleep.

I am trying to scan a document and it is not working. It is frustrating that I am not more techie than I am but then it would take time and patience to learn all this, even with all the step by step directions, the task seems somewhat overwhelming. Finally gave up and I am mailing it. I am cautious about mailing stuff anymore because several packages have not made it to their destination or made it three weeks late. Almost everyone gives the reason as the mail hub in Greenville SC. No response on a package that should have been delivered several weeks ago. 


I dead headed roses until almost dark last night and have the mosquito bites on my arms to prove it. I wore my leather, long sleeve gloves to protect against the thorns but they came in handy to prevent mosquito bites below my elbow. Also got most of the watering done but the cycle starts back up tonight. Hopefully we get some rain from the system in the Gulf. Just rain, don't want the wind, lightning or thunder. Just looked at the latest forecast and we may be passed by cause it looks to be going farther south. 

Note to self, it is better to go to Publix on a weekday rather than a Saturday. It was InstaCart land this morning. I was able to get in line before all the IC, three and four order carts. Publix had one full lane open, express and then self checkout. One stupid lane and the carts were lining up. I know better than to go on Saturday so it is totally my fault that I got a little miffed. 

On Thursday, hand made pizzas are $5.00 at The Fresh Market. The pizza is pretty good. It has been so long since I've eaten pizza, it is a pure delight. 


This post is leaking into a Monday morning. Buddy has been especially active the past few mornings while welcomed, does make my wake up time earlier than I would like. Since she has been up and moving, we have spent some mornings together like usual, she sits on my lap while I drink coffee. 

Our journey into the lives of Sarah and Hagar got as far as, no Hagar on the scene yet and the travels of Abram and Sarai before they hit Egypt. We sang a wonderful version of Beautiful Savior in church. It is so special to be back in choir. And we had choir practice, well a called choir practice due to the next few Sundays being VBS décor on the stage. We worked on our music for the 4th of July Sunday as well as a few other pieces. 

I love this book, Women of the Smokies. The stories of these women right before and during the time when the Great Smoky Mountain National Park was being formed. Dora Cope made it into the lesson as an example of fierce and frequent travel in what seems should be longer but was a rather short period of time. Life was so hard and living wages was a problem back then as well.  

The promise of rain never showed, so off to water begonias, that I should have watered last night when I got home from choir but couldn't quite find the energy to do so. 

Oh and the new crown is fitting in nicely and feels like it has always been there in my lower jaw. 

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